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I need prayer. I am suffering and feel very lost/?

Someone help me.

My husband moved to Florida with his mother. It was sudden and it has devastated me. I have not heard anything from him. I have tried to text him and call him. Nothing. I am left with his mortgage, and other bills.

I have realized that I truly and deeply love him with all of my heart. Some people say he will be back, and others say I should pack up and leave. We haven't been married quite a year.

We have had communication problems, mostly because of me becoming defensive because of my husband's mother's manipulations and instigating trouble when there is none.

I am coming to terms with myself, in this. I know that much of what happened is because of my husband's co-dependency with his mother and trying to win her approval......he is 56 years old. But I failed in the fact, that I would become so angry that he would give his mother more power over our lives and our marriage, than God has. I felt less important and devalued as a person and as a wife. So I pushed and pushed and said things that were not really of me.

I know that my husband loves me.....deeply. But I have hurt him and I don't know if he can forgive me and try to work on our marriage. I know where I need to change and am doing that. But how can I tell him all of this when he won't even maintain contact with me. I don't even know where they are in Florida.

Can someone help me? Will someone pray for me? I am overwhelmed with grief and am so lost. I know the Lord is with me. But I am so heartbroken that I do not feel that I can go on/

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, let me say that you should stop beating yourself up, you are not at fault in any of this. The Bible is quite clear that a man is to LEAVE his mother and father and cleave unto his wife. You were suppose to be his first priority and he should have set his mother in line and demanded that she respected you and your marriage and if she did not then she had no place in his life.

    The truth is, you can not fix this. You can't fix this because you are not the problem, obviously he has issues....some serious issues from the sounds of it and as difficult as it is to hear, it sounds as if you are really better off without him. He obviously was never really in this marriage and the issues he has he has to work out on his own, you can't fix him and it is not right or fair for you to be dragged into such a mess just to be emotionally abused, that is not what God wants for you. He walked away, and according to the Bible that frees you of this burden because he obviously is not committed to God either since he is letting his mother get in the way of even that.

    It will be hard, I know, but you have a life ahead of you and you deserve to be with a godly man who treats you the way God intended. So pick up, move on, pray alot, cry a lot, and pray some more, and then take those steps towards starting your life over and put this terrible ordeal behind you, and never look back. You are probably a lot stronger than you think you are and remember that with God you are never alone so you can get through this and when the time is right, God will bring a man into your life that is worthy of being your husband.

    Source(s): The Bible and years of experience and teaching.
  • 5 years ago

    If I were you, I'd stop placing my hope in superstitious hoo-ha. It won't help. Sorry. Depression is a chemical disorder, as well as an issue of attitude. While you can effect it over time just be accepting your illness and rolling with it in a healthy way, you also ought to seek medical help. Think of depression just as you would diabetes. Attitude, exercise and diet help alot, but if you are really sick you need special meds. Hon, life happens. Sometimes it is hard. Everyone's life is touched by tragedy. But, things do get better. Look for the bright spots. Don't take the sh*tty parts personally. It is not that God has abandoned you. It is that he is not real. You're going to be okay. I promise. EDIT: Hey, don't listen to people calling you a sinner. You've done nothing to make yourself ill or cause the death of loved ones. You have done nothing wrong. And who is to say you and your boy won't work it out? People overcome everyday. You can too. There are so many pages of your days yet to be written and so much strength and happiness within you. You just have to have a little help letting it out.

  • jay
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I feel very sorry that your marriage appears to have been ruined by a manipulative mother-in-law who has such an influence over her son who, it appears, is too weak to stand up for what is right. So many marriages have been broken in this way. You have to steel yourself & realise that neither of these two people is going to change, ever. Save yourself anymore grief, try to forget him & look to the future. Mummy`s boys never make good husbands, their mothers won`t allow it, they always have to come first.

    God Bless you.

  • 1 decade ago

    As I said in reply to your other question...if he (being your husband and Godly man) truly believes in the words God has said regarding marriage etc., than he will come around. Maybe you said things that hurt him. But both of you need to first come to an understanding with one another. Either of you cannot just throw something as sacred as marriage away so easily based on hurtful words that may have been said out of anger. And you both must forgive yourselves than eachother in order to get through this.

    In regards to his mother, I am sorry to say this, but they both must walk-the-walk when it comes to marriage! The Bible says to leave and cleave. Leave your mother and father, and cleave to your wife. It is plainly clear! When a man and woman do this, this does NOT give the mother the reigns to her sons marriage (and vice versa). You did not marry his mother, nor he yours. Sad but true, she needs to come to grips that her baby is no longer a baby and HE needs to realize he is MAN and should be just that. To man up and remember what is commanded by the God that he claims to follow.

    Let the hand of God work from this point on. And believe what Jesus said when he told us, "If we ask in his name we SHALL receive". Ask once and then let it go in to the hands of God with no worry/doubt. Because no matter how hard it looks, it is not hard when trust is given to the very one you both exchanged vows before.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I will pray for your situation too. And if others who are my contacts see this since I starred your prayer request perhaps they will too just as the poster "jesusloves" said her and her church as well.

    Take care and continue to surrender all things to God and trust in him.

  • I will prayer for you and so will my church,Are you save did you ask the LORD to forgive know God answers prayers,you must have faith and believe. so your husband is a Mommy's baby we need to prayer for him to.If he is married you should come before his mom God and Jesus always comes FIRST my prayer are with you and so is Jesus.

    Source(s): christian
  • 1 decade ago

    Be honest with yourself, when has jesus ever answered one of your prayers?

    try praying again.....but at a later time in life, like after you understand this website; exposing christianity (dot) com

  • 1 decade ago

    I will but i guess his still sleeping and dont want to disturb him,maybe you can wait next generation?Promise i'll pray for you swetie...

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not time to pray, dear.

    It's time to work.

    Like you MEAN it.

    No silly magic will fix this. Only you can. But only if you're serious.

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