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R&P: What's your favorite band that is or has been on hiatus?

It doesn't have to be favorite, I just typed that cuz, well, I dunno.

BQ: It's been a while since I've been on, has anything changed? Or is it same ol' same ol' R&P?

BQ2: Would you care to name a song you're currently enjoying?

BQ3: Favorite album released this year?

Bye bye!

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The killers.

    BQ: R&P all the way.

    BQ2: I am currently enjoying Muse - Bliss, playing from itunes.(It's changed to space dementia now.)

    BQ3: I don't know. Ocean eyes - Owl City? I haven't bought that many 2010 albums yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rage Against the Machine.

    BQ: As far as I know, it's pretty much the same apart from the questions that come and go.

    BQ2: Well, it's the one that is playing on my laptop currently - Into the Valley by The Skids

    BQ3: I don't know, I haven't bought any newly released ones. Hopefully it will be Cardiology by Good Charlotte or Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold. However, I have brought 1 CD - 1977: In The Spirit of Punk, which I love. =)

  • 1 decade ago

    the strokes


    bq2 and 3 well there are alot of songs im enjoying that are on my favorite albums this year. so ill just list the albums and one song from each.

    Against Me! - White Croses - I was a Teenage Anarchist

    The Dead Weather - Sea of Cowards - Die by the Drop

    The Black Keys - Brothers - Tighten Up

    Wolfmother - Cosmic Egg - Far Away

  • poopoo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ruoska, there still on hiatus D:

    BQ: a few more trolls..but other than that everythings cool :P

    BQ: sybreed - love like blood. them and I Nation opened for Deathstars last night ^_^

    BQ3: i dont think i have one yet. none of my fave bands has released anything yet. but later on this year Deathstars are releasing a new album :D

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    system of a down.

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