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Can the people of America really change a whole way of life and give up Petroleum ...?

as well as the by-products that come from the production of oil? It is either all nothing you cannot pick and choose to give up one or is for now and All or Nothing choice....

Here are just few things that Americans would have to give up not just gas and diesel....

nylon zippers

ballet tights

plastic hangers


permanent press clothing

flip flops/thongs

fake fur

polyester clothing

ball point pens


computer diskettes



magic markers






knitting needles

tennis racquets

golf balls

baby aspirin

stuffed animals

band aids


rubbing alcohol


hair coloring


cough syrup

hair spray


denture adhesives

trash bags

egg cartons

freezer bags


wax paper

nylon spatulas

Teflon pans



garden hoses


floor wax


spray paint



dog toys

flea collars


check book covers

shopping bags

video cassettes

credit cards


watch bands


It is a direct question that not all have thought through thoroughly...this is just a small list of the by-products produced through the private sectors capitalist ideas that have made our lives better for the most part...

Update 2:

So denying the world of a consumable is far better then using a non-food product by-product...think about that.

Animals, livestock, and people all consume CORN!

Update 3:

Giving up items that make life convenient to living a life of self-imposed hardship because of a few pie in the sky ideas of the perfect Utopia...I do not see that happening, good luck with that one though

Update 4:

Agreed it is the transference of Wealth on a Global Americans back to the days of pioneers and the bring the rest of the world up to those standards of the Pioneers....Social Equality sucks don't it.

Update 5:

Social Justice just might seeking that way of live back to the Caveman----wait isn't that Warren Buffet's commercial for GEICO so easy a caveman could do it......

Update 6:

When the world no longer has hungry people then we can discuss using "FOOD ITEMS" not until quick to criticize yet the only response is to use sustenance that sustains life of all types for items of convenience....

well done Marie Antoinette would be proud...use beans and corn --protein and manna (bread)!

Update 7:

Oil Prices have not been reasonable since Jimmy Carter was President...

The Jimmy Carter administration began a phased deregulation of oil prices on April 5, 1979, when the average price of crude oil was US$15.85 per barrel (42 US gallons). Over the next 12 months the price of crude oil rose to $39.50 per barrel (its all time highest real price until March 7, 2008.)

Oil rises above $77 in choppy trading

Jun 18 3:17pm

Update 8:

Thank you all for taking a moment of your time to respond...

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The answer is no. How many people are going to give up their cell phones and computers. Petroleum products are found in a vast majority of the things that are involved in our everyday life. Medicines and surgical instruments are made with petroleum products. The main thing that people are ignoring is the fact that oil is a natural product of this planet, it results from the decomposition of plants and animals, therefore it is in fact natural. And also there are bacteria that survive by eating oil that is continually leaking from the ocean floor and other places. I can take you to a creek that by the end of the summer you can skim oil off the top of the water, and there is not an oil well to found for miles, it simple rises to the top of the water naturally from the creek bed. How many people are going to stop driving their cars and start to either walk or ride a horse, because you need grease to lubricate the wheels of any wagon or anything that has wheels.

    Source(s): Oil is a natural product of this planet, oil is natural.
  • Banker
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It would be the height of Stupidity to take us off Oil. For the last 35 years +, one group after another has said they have the answer, well, they don't. If there were a more efficient, less polluting, easier to obtain energy source, it would have come to the public already. They talk about Nuclear Energy, well and good but where are they going to store the spent Radio Active fuel rods? and how are we going to run the Buick on it? or the Semi Truck? or the lawn mower? The problem is Foreign Oil.

    We need to use our own oil, it has been safe for years; the Environmentalists who lobbied against shallow drilling contributed to this disaster, their demand for more and more regulations is why BP was out in deep water. Bad decision? Maybe but the Obama Administration paid government workers to read the reports, do the inspections, and they still signed off on every one of their safety reports, the Obama Administration even had BP scheduled to receive a Safety Award on that very rig.

    Now, is BP the only one to blame or should the Obama Administration get some blame too?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not now or has ever been about using less oil and global warming it's about separating Americans and there money.Emit all the carbon you want just buy credits to do it pass the cost along to the costumers.Other countries laugh at the though of forcing there people and business to pay more for energy .BHO wants us to be the first ones on a major scale to participate in this fiasco and putting another burden on the American people and business.

  • 1 decade ago

    Beans and corn can be used for most of those products. As far as your question goes the answer is not likely. At least until the libs decide to go nuclear. Nuclear power could replace all oil and coal power plants in this country in a decade.

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  • 1 decade ago

    We're going to have to sooner or later. We can certainly lessen our dependence on oil through concentrating on developing alternative energy sources.

    We can't keep fighting over oil and ruining the planet in search of it. We have to find innovative approaches to replacing it. We've been lulled into a false sense of always having enough reasonably priced oil. That and downright hostility to alternative energy sources have undermined efforts over the decades to do what we can to develop more fuel efficient mechanisms, to conserve and to seriously invest in alternatives.

  • Jason
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    To be completely fair, plastics can be made from corn. We don't need to use oil to make plastics.

    So that eliminates at least half of your list.


    I wasn't aware that corn was a scarce commodity.

    Tons of corn gets wasted every year, and the Government pays some farmers not to grow any crops.

    I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be some crippling corn shortage if we started making plastic from corn.

    EDIT 2:

    People don't starve because there is a shortage of food in the world; rather, there is an overabundance of food that gets wasted every year.

    The reason people starve is because of the logistics of getting surplus corn from Nebraska to Somalia.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The only rights we have are those we can defend by force of arms.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well sure, we'll all just go back to living in homemade log cabins and spinning our own wool and using lye soap and riding horses. That wouldn't destroy society at all.

    Source(s): /sarcasm
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The people of America might be able to but the real question is, will the big oil companies let them?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm assuming you're basing this question on the liberals who want to switch to alternative fuels. All I can say is that government shouldn't subsidize "green" technologies and punish the fossil fuel industry. It should be left to the private sector to make that decision to make a switch.

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