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What have you been doing since December, R&P?

Hopefully the answer isn't making any significant changes to your list of the greatest albums ever, because here it is: The official top 150 (that's right, 150 - 50 more than last time) albums of R&P!

Reactions? Surprises? Accolades (for me)? Let's hear it!

So, I guess the concrete question is (though if you don't answer it, that's fine): How accurately do you think this represents R&P's collective taste?


Top ten's split evenly American/British by my count. If you just mean white rock canon, well, that's R&P.

Update 2:

Oh yeah, just a few notes that I forgot to mention.

1) I need to acknowledge Libby/Elizabeth and Jimmy Jazz's role in the project; by sending me copies of archived lists after the original question was deleted, I was able to keep moving. I simply couldn't have finished without them.

2) I know I said that there would be a two vote minimum to be applicable, but in the end, I switched it to three. I figured that I got 50% more submissions than last time, so I might as well be 50% more limiting (and expand the list itself by 50%).

3) I'd just like to officially resign from the self-granted position of R&P listmaster. This isn't to say that I'll never do this again, but if anyone else wants to step it, I won't feel offended (not that I expect most people to take my feelings into account, but whatever).

Update 3:

Oops, it's 6-4 British to American. Must have forgotten Radiohead or Joy Division was British.

22 Answers

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, looks like I was too lazy to answer the original question =P That is great though!

    None of that really surprises me to be honest. I like a lot of the bands (And love a few). I would say that it fits it pretty accurately although I feel like there were a lack of metalheads on R&P at that time and there has now been a lot more, which I'm very happy about.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I was wondering if this list was going to happen. I forgot what some of the bands on my list were. I kind of wish you would have kept the minimum for album votes at two, even though it probably didn't make much of a difference. I was pleasantly surprised that the Minutemen made the list. I don't see a lot of people talk about them on here. I was hoping The Clash's self-titled debut would finish a little higher. I'm glad Joy Division did well. I do think that it's strange that Modest Mouse is on there twice, but not for anything that they did in the 90's. Elliot Smith was a little surprising. I thought that there might be more stuff like Paramore on this list, because of how much I see people talk about them on here. Overall, it wasn't a very surprising list. It seems to represent r&p pretty well. I think it might be a little better than the last one.

    EDIT: There's no Ramones on the list. What's with that?

  • CC
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Nice job. More of an alt. rock flavour this (last?) year, and more (relatively) recent albums. A good list on the whole, although I'm a bit surprised that some of the albums in the 100-150 range weren't ranked higher. Half of the albums in the top 10 were also top 10 in '08, and all but Unknown Pleasures were on the last list, so I guess things haven't changed all that much. Nice (although a bit surprising) to see VU & Nico has retained the top spot. I'd say it's a pretty good indication of where R&P's musical interests are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I remember doing this. It was on one of my suspended accounts and my name was 'The Don'. I guess it represents R&P pretty well. My taste has changed A LOT since then and I wouldn't really taken any albums out but I would have put a lot more albums in from Pink Floyd, The Smiths, Blur, The Clash, Smashing Pumpkins, etc. I'm very glad The Killers- Sam's Town made the top 100. I'd like to do it again sometime with my improved taste :)

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  • simone
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I like the list. It's a good mix of great albums. Personally, I could do with more jazz and less Beatles and Pink Floyd but those bands are beloved among many R&P regs so their multiple appearances are appropriate in "The official top 150 (that's right, 150 - 50 more than last time) albums of R&P."

    Libby and Jimmy Jazz are two great contacts and two of R&P's best regulars.

    You've done a great job two years in a row. Sincerely, thanks for all of your effort. I hope you continue the poll. I haven't been very active in Y!A for a while but I would definitely return to participate in your annual poll.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My old account was deleted back in December, but I don't think anyone remembers. Nor do they care.

    After reading the Top 20, I must say it does accurately display the music taste of the majority Rock and Pop, but I agree, I didn't expect The Velvet Underground to be 1st.

  • I definitely did NOT expect Neutral Milk Hotel. Or Nevermind (great though). or Doolittle(also great). or Joy Division. or Radiohead.

    I wish the Who's Quadrophenia was WAY HIGHER. But i'm surprised Nightwish didn't make it. Or a Led Zeppelin album in the top ten. but if this REALLY was a whole lotta people then i suppose i could be wrong

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, I think it's really incredible that you guys would take the time and effort to do this. So I'd like to say, awesome job, thank you!

    I definitely didn't expect The VU to be all.. Actually the entire Top 10 was half expected and half not expected.

    But I think it decently represents R&P's taste, for the most part.

  • Glad to see it up there now, lets take a read through..

    Kind of suprised there's no Dream Theater or Opeth, but..

    It's a good indication of how my music tastes have changed, thinking about it now, i would never have given "Led Zeppelin IV" the whole 50 points, and i'm wondering why I didnt put King Crimson's "Red" in my list back in December.

    Overall i think it's pretty accurate with R&P's musical taste, and i'm glad to see some of my favourite bands up there, cause after all- This place did introduce me to them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i have to admit something: when it comes to list making, i like tyranny over community. i really enjoyed reading everyone's personal lists at the start of this, especially the unexpected picks that had no chance to make this list. this list is interesting too though. VU and Nico won last time too didnt it? very deserving album, and while it is often ranked highly, i am not sure i have seen it top a well publicized list. and quite frankly, it should.

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