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Carrie W asked in Social ScienceSociology · 1 decade ago

How does prejudice affect social change?

I am looking at social change and the role, function and effects of prejudice in the processes and discourses of social change.

This is for my women and religious studies, this is one of the thought questions and I am looking just for some examples or references that I could look at for further understanding.

Thank you

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your answers requires you to clear the concept of PREJUDICE first and then go ahead.. Here is some basic information about what PREJUDICE is...

    Sociologists termed prejudice an adaptive behaviour. Biased views may be important at times for survival. There is not always enough time to form a legitimate view about a potential foe before adopting a defensive stance that could save lives. Prejudice is non-adaptive when it interferes with survival or well-being.

    Prejudice, as strictly defined, a preformed and unsubstantiated judgment or opinion about an individual or a group, either favorable or unfavorable in nature. In modern usage, however, the term most often denotes an unfavorable or hostile attitude toward other people based on their membership in another social or ethnic group. The distinguishing characteristic of a prejudice is that it relies on stereotypes (oversimplified generalizations) about the group against which the prejudice is directed.

    Examples of prejudice abound in history. In most cases, a prejudiced attitude held by a dominant ethnic group against a minority or disadvantaged group within the same society results in various forms of discrimination. The most elaborate kind of discrimination is segregation—the isolation of ethnic groups enforced by law or custom or both. Examples of segregation include the strict confinement of Jews to the ghettos of medieval European cities and the rigid race-separation laws of modern-day South Africa, but segregation can also apply to the exclusion of a member of a minority group from social clubs or from access to particular jobs or educational opportunities. Integration, the mixing of ethnic groups, might be expected to lead to the rapid disappearance of prejudice, on the theory that prolonged contact between people should destroy stereotypes. In practice, however, prejudiced attitudes often have proved extremely difficult to eradicate, even when integration is enforced by law.

    ****Effect of Prejudice on Society****

    Prejudice in any form, racial or social, is destructive and costly to society. Up until the ‘60s, society accepted racial prejudice, then the target of racial prejudice rebelled and society realized the destructive force of this attitude. Today, social prejudice is accepted by society and few realize its destructive force. It kills motivation and increases overhead cost in business. It forces students to drop out of school with a failure label that prevents them from discovering their natural talent. Self-fulfilling prophecy does the rest.

    1. Social prejudice believes other people are less capable than us. If we are managers and we think other people are less capable, then we will establish a management policy that reflects that belief. Through employee turnover and self-fulfilling prophecy, our opinion will be proven right.

    2. Social prejudice is like any prejudice, "I am better than them, I come from a better neighborhood, I have a better education, and therefore I must make all the decisions." Prejudice in any form, racial or social, carries a heavy price, it lowers efficiency and increases overhead cost. Prejudice kills communications, innovation, motivation just to name a few attributes.

    3. Social class is a prejudice barrier between white-collar and blue-collar employees. With leaders prejudice as a role model, other, lesser-defined social prejudice barriers develop in the organization. Departments will limit communication with other departments; craftsmen will consider production workers of low intelligence to name two. At each level, people believe lower levels have low capabilities and this becomes the mindset of the organization. Self-fulfilling prophecy proves everyone right.

    4. Leaders with strong social prejudice use command-and-control leadership. Control is more important than getting the job done. Leaders and subordinates spend a great deal of time in the blame game. It is socially unacceptable for an engineer to ask advice from a front line employee.

    5. Leaders who are free of social prejudice are willing to use responsibility leadership. Getting the job done is more important than control. Leaders and subordinates work together, searching for a better way. Leaders are free to ask advice from anyone at any level. Asking for advice has a motivating influence by itself.




  • dooner
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Prejudice In Society

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should research World War 2, there were SO much prejudism.

    ex: Since Japan attacked pearl harbor= it lead to Japanese-American's getting isolated in camps from the rest of society.

    ex:Jews were killed/tourted in German concentration camps.

    ex: Blacks were segregated from "white" facilities

    ex: Women were not allowed to play sports, hold serious jobs, or vote.

    ex: after WW2, Germany was split into many sections and isolated from society.

    ex: after WW2, many Chinese civilations became very prejudice against the Japanese, because Japanese soliders raped and tourtured China.

    ex: During the Cold war, many American's became prejudice of Russians- due to the fear of a nuclear war- and many spies.

    I only gave basic examples- you should research these topics further, to find what you want.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ir prevents people from getting to know others who could possibly affect their life in a positive way. It also alienates groups instead of creating a melting pot.

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  • 1 decade ago
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It keeps communities divided leading to crime, racism, favoritism among many other things.

  • adfhfjjgtghjnjhhhhh

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