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Why do we allow those who would kill us to live amongst us?

Why do we allow those whose sole reason for living is destroying us, to subjugate our families and force our wives and daughters into slavery to them, to live amongst us.

They use our own laws, rights and freedoms to gain power over us, and to plan our eventual destruction.

Why do we allow them to infest our lives? They are like a cancer, and like a cancer must be excised for the body to live.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are the cancer.....AND I'M THE CHEMO!


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    An armed society is a well mannered society. Manners are sturdy while one would ought to lower back up his acts along with his existence. - Robert A Heinlein the project isn't the weapons. the project is the folk. there are various uncomplicated the kind to kill. the superb option me if i'm incorrect, yet i think that not one of the 9/11 hijackers carried weapons and greater human beings have been murdered in that attack than at Pearl Harbor. So, i do no longer see weapons with the aid of fact the project in any respect, yet somewhat a propensity for violence between some human beings.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you mean like the Hutaree militia members in Michigan? Or the right-wing religious fanatics from other militia groups who preach "revolution" and government overthrow? Or how about the Washington D.C.-based psycho-pseudo religious fundamentalist CULT that calls itself, among other things, The Family (Sharlet, 2008)? Their many cancerous cells (spread out now into all 50 states) include Michael Farris's (Goldberg, 2006) "Generation Joshua" who start off as infants being INDOCTRINATED (the GOP's new style of recruitment) with a LITERAL interpretation of scripture to believe that they are "God-ordained to take dominion over all nonbelievers" (meaning ANYONE among us who does NOT take a literal interpretation of scripture to be the "law of the land"). Other names they use include The Federation, The Foundation, Youth With A Mission (yet another INDOCTRINATING "Jesus camp" for young people), YWAM...and their STATED GOAL (on the YWAM and Youth With A Mission websites) is WORLD DOMINANCE. You have an example of such an extremist in the man who shot a black security guard at the Holocause Museum in Washington D.C., or in the man who shot Dr. George Tiller in the face inside his church in front of his own children---these people do live among us, they are American citizens, and until they actually break the law we cannot prevent them from living among us. What we can do is remain vigilant, and if we see something ominious, report it. And DON'T VOTE FOR RIGHT-WING REPUBLICANS! Otherwise, just go about living our lives...

    Source(s): Goldberg, Michelle (2006) "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of 'Christian' Nationalism." NY: W.W. Norton. Sharlet, Jeff (2008) "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power." NY: Harper. Available on [Jeff went undercover in this right-wing cult.]
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If only God could get the religions to agree on God, what a more peaceful world it would be. Besides, it's not cost effective to financially support 1500 different religions.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Darn those clothing designers and manufacturers...although from sordid memories of the pain I experienced, I might also nominate shoe designers and manufacturers.

  • 1 decade ago

    We used think that in Ireland so we declared a Republic

  • Canute
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Agreed. Can't think of a better answer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the United States is now full of liberal spinless wimps. Ya, there gonna kill us but right now I gotta run up to McDonald's so I don't have time for this now.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but Fundies have a right to be here.

  • 1 decade ago

    The same reason that gives you the same right to say the things about there people.Freedom.Good is good.Bad is bad.It's that simple.Not everyone is evil.If you see anything out of the norm,call the police.But please don't give up.

    Source(s): Freedom
  • Paine
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Are you quoting Gandhi again?

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