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Tattoo idea to honor my son?

I am looking to get a tattoo that honors my children, I have some ideas for my daughter but am struggling with my son. He is such a cool kid, he's 4, he loves music, the outdoors, the weather, monster trucks, he is very sensitive and caring but at the same time completely crazy (I think of him being the next generation of jackass lol). Any ideas are greatly appreciated.


I was actually thinking about a sparrow and prob a music note, I'm looking at a flower, butterfly and ladybug for my daughter, I'm prob going to do all of it in just black with like some vineing type something intetwining it all.

7 Answers

  • Sam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you really want to do something for your kids skip the tats and put the money in their collage fund.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    try watching some tattoo based programes, like Miami ink or L.A ink. They always show good ideas of things and ways of making simple pictures more interesting, Or even go ask a tattoo artist, they know best after all!

  • 1 decade ago

    Does he have a favorite animal?

    You could get one if his favorite animal and incorporate his name into it.

    I personally have a sparrow holding a banner with my son's name. I chose a sparrow because they symbolize freedom, loyalty, perseverance, and family.

    You could also get a monster truck with his name along the side of it LOL

    just an idea

  • 1 decade ago

    Like a symbol for your children? As in like a flower to represent your girl and you need something to represent your boy. Why not get a cloud with a lightening bolt?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You said he loves music right??

    What about a few music symbols and his name


    A line of lyrics from his favourite song with some music notes around it.

    Hope this helps x

  • 1 decade ago

    My brother got a tattoo with a Lion and cubs to represent him and his sons

  • idk if you'll like this idea but have him write his name or have him draw a picture of something and have them tattoo whatever he write or draw on you

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