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Is it possible for a spider to survive the washing machine?

I got my washing out of the machine and hung up a sheet. In the folds of the sheet, I found a live spider. I can't understand how it got there if it wasn't in the washing machine, as I went straight from the machine to hanging, and I am certain there was no spider in the basket before I pulled the washing out into it. The spider was absolutely fine, and headed off looking perfectly OK. I am very fond of spiders, so was glad to see it healthy, but quite amazed.

So, you spider experts - is this possible, or did it just get in among the sheet by pure fluke between machine and hanging?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I imagine that it's not impossible for it to survive the washing machine,so long as it wasn't submerged for the entire duration,it could be that it managed to keep its book lungs above water during the cycle.

    There are two other scenarios that would seem likely to me,the little fellah could have been taking refuge in the seal and exited as you removed the washing,or he could have ballooned onto the washing from above. Actually ballooning would be the most logical explanation.

    More on ballooning

    Cher,the temp. of the water is irrelevant if the spider can't breath.

  • 6 years ago

    Weirdly enough I just threw out a dead spider earlier today found in my washing machine and now maybe 6 hours later I looked through the gradage and crazy enough it was crawling on the floor and I had to out of reaction. It turly.lived through a washing machine and I was wondering if any one else. Have seen this before?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Poor incy-wincy.

    I think it could survive it. It's not like they are easy to kill, they are like the terminator some of them. Some spiders live underwater and in drains.

    I once put bread in the freezer and brought it out to thaw a week later.

    It was full of earwigs (thanks 'Produce Direct', Dundee... direct from where? a dumpster?) they also infested my wallet and one fell out onto the counter when I was in a bar chatting someone up and paying for drinks.

    I only found the nest 3 slices down. There was about 4 of them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't imagine how it survived unless it was SPIDER MAN!!!!!!

    Do you live near downtown L.A. by any chance. My sheets need washing and I hate washing them and having to remove everything, then put it all back together. It's been over 6 months. They don't smell or anything. I'm sure they can look better, but they don't look awful. What do you think. Can you help? I'll pay you.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think that it survived outdoors the basin till purely earlier you bumped off your outfits. If it grew to become into underwater with the cleansing soap it would die. If it went by using an entire wash and spin cycle it may well be torn aside.

  • 1 decade ago

    To kill a dust mite you have to have the water at at least 140 degrees. Otherwise they just get a warm bath. Do spiders have the same ablity?

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe it jumped on when you opened up the machine.

    i would have flipped out.

    wouldn't it drown?

  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    yes it can happen

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