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What is MS likely to do at the end of the 2010 season?

He has been left flailing around in the season til now, either through self-inflicted sub-standard driving (quali, etc), bad pit decisions by his team or bad luck.

Will he bow out if he cannot pick up the pace to Rosberg?

Will he stick at it and approach with a renewed zealousness for the 2011 season?

Is the new format really the problem?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think he's going to give it one more season. There are plenty of things which could have been better organised this year, things which he will feel have detracted from his performance. If those things are put right during the next close-season and he's STILL rubbish, then he will walk away.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being out of Formula 1 for 3 years is the equivalent of a lifetime in F1.

    So much has changed tyres, engines, strategy etc and you just can't get back into a car as though nothing has changed.

    I think he has made a big mistake and it isn't doing his reputation any good at all.

    But if he goes now - his reputation will be in tatters - so he will have to braze it out.

    I can imagine the team and mechanics are having a frantic time at the moment - if they don't improve the car - Michael Schumacher will have no option but to leave.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think being gone for 3 years has the negative effect on his driving performance, however, a genius dont just lose his racing touch easily, what really hurt him is the limit on testing the Formula 1 imposed because of the economy etc. He needs more hours on the new F1 car.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, he's said he's already started to think about 2011, so he obviously isn't planning on retiring (again). I think Mercedes will be much stronger next season, because they lost time on develop of this years' car trying to win the title last season. They are not in contention for the title this season so I think they start work on 2011 much earlier.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He has a three-year contract with MGP, but I don't know what would be the future of his team while he is around. He is not performing well as many have expected him to be. The team is getting worse now in terms of performance, with Renault now beating them. To me, Schumi shouldn't be racing anymore. He is getting his a** kicked by his teammate and other drivers as well. Also, his age is way to old to race in F1 nowadays. No disrespect to Schumi, yeah he is a greatest of all, but this year, he is fading. Should MGP continue with his fading performance? Next year, he'll be 42!. What does everyone expect from him should he continue racing with that age?

    Source(s): Thorough analysis... :D
  • g
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't know but I am less likely to buy a mercedes or a ferrari after watching his performance so far.

  • 1 decade ago

    He will check with his neck doctor in a few months and be" forced "to retire...!

    Ferrari should have a new series of adverts that show Ferrari can make world champions but Merc destroy winning teams (Brawn).

    Bye bye Schumacher, again, but thanks a lot for the laughs!

  • Quit i hope!

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