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knownout asked in Consumer ElectronicsTVs · 1 decade ago

No Colour on TV on Sky digital?

My Tv gets analogue pics OK in colour.. but am restricted to 5 channels .. Also have Sky HD .digital .. All been ok till couldn't change Sky channel with remote , Changed remote batteries , Still no joy so switched Sky box and Tv off at mains socket , Could not get Sky at all then ,, box green light was on ,, Since can get analogue in colour and Sky digital ( all channels ) in black and white only ,, any ideas ?

2 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Double check the scart connections are pushed in properly. This usually happens when your scarts are slightly loose. Either that or you have your TV on the 60Hz setting instead of the 50Hz one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Looks like your Sky box is set for an output different from what the tv is expecting.

    If you are connected with a SCART lead then check that the socket on the tv is configured for RGB. It may be expecting an S input. That would give you a picture but not in colour. You will have to go through the tv set up menu.

    Check the configuration of the Sky box and make sure that the output is RGB. You get to this from the Services button on the remote.

    The SCART lead may have developed a fault. They're notoriously unreliable

    If you are connected through an HDMI lead then it's possible but unlikely that the lead has a fault.

    The Sky box should have reset itself after being powered off for about a minute or more. When you restore mains power the remote should turn it on ok. Check the Services (then choose picture option) to see that the output is PAL and not gone to something else.

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