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  • I would like to buy pork dripping , but where? ,,, Morrisons had it at Christmas but not now ,?

    No one else seems to stock it .. On line are wholesalers but not retailers .. Any ideas ???

    9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Middle East problems and unrest?

    All these Middle East problems seem to have one basic cause ,, The rulers are Sunni Muslims ,, The majority are Shiia .. So the middle and working classes feel dominated . and unfairly treated ,, this applies to most of the Arab world ,, The trouble in Iraq was created by the Sunni rulers ,, So if all the Sunni were disposed of via civil wars would the whole area be much more peaceful .

    5 AnswersOther - Africa & Middle East1 decade ago
  • No Colour on TV on Sky digital?

    My Tv gets analogue pics OK in colour.. but am restricted to 5 channels .. Also have Sky HD .digital .. All been ok till couldn't change Sky channel with remote , Changed remote batteries , Still no joy so switched Sky box and Tv off at mains socket , Could not get Sky at all then ,, box green light was on ,, Since can get analogue in colour and Sky digital ( all channels ) in black and white only ,, any ideas ?

    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Annoying Phone calls?

    I get lots of calls from places wanting to sell things or services , The callers always seem to be Asian or foreign with rather poor English . I usually tell them to P*** off . if a company cannot employ English /British people for their sales promotional calls and be based in UK then why the hell should I be interested in their uninvited calls . Do you have any views on this ??

    8 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • Why are credit cards needed ? .?

    Are credit cards really necessary ? I have never had one and I see lots of questions here from people who have difficulties with them . What would be the effect of credit cards not existing or being abolished . What would people do ?? Could they still live comfortably ?

    9 AnswersCredit1 decade ago