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Middle East problems and unrest?

All these Middle East problems seem to have one basic cause ,, The rulers are Sunni Muslims ,, The majority are Shiia .. So the middle and working classes feel dominated . and unfairly treated ,, this applies to most of the Arab world ,, The trouble in Iraq was created by the Sunni rulers ,, So if all the Sunni were disposed of via civil wars would the whole area be much more peaceful .

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unrest in Middle East countries have different reasons. In Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia and Yemen the situatuion/reason is totally different from unrest in Saudi, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman. Also the unrest in Saudi and Bahrain has a different reason than in Kuwait and Oman.

    You just can not generalise. In Tunisia, Lybia and Egypt Religion/disriminaton wasn't the reason for any demonstrations. Neither in Kuwait, Yemen and Oman. Just in Saudi and Bahrain.

    Without any specific knowledge about Shias and being discriminated in Saudi and Bahrain I don't want to judge these people but there should be other ways to solve problems beside causing any unrests.

    Source(s): personal opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    your assumtion is totally wrong..who said middle east problems basic cause is sunni or Shiia???? this applyies only to iraq and Bahrain..ok maybe Lebanon. And only these. Iran plays a major role in this and Saudi Arabia.

    as for the major problem in middle east is the Israeli ocupation of land of Palestinians , Syrians,Lebanese. and thats what causes the crisis and the main root of evil.

    Sunnis be disposed ? what are you talking about? its the majority no way.. unless you wish so and trying to get people on your side.

    by the way i'm not Sunni not Shia ..just nuetral.

    Source(s): i'm from middle east
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Oil. That is what the modern Middle Eastern geopolitics have usually been about. Given the vast energy resources that form the backbone of western economies, influence and involvement in the Middle East has been of paramount importance for the former and current imperial and super powers, including France, Britain, USA and the former Soviet Union.

    visit my blog for more...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Environmental concerns? He became against a private industry utilising eminent area from getting source wealthy assets at a important industry cost inexpensive from people who're underwater.

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  • G. #2
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Majority are Shia? loooool, funniest thing I ever heard.

    I'm Egyptian, and no Shias in Egypt.

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