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If God imagined himself into being doesn't that make us all imaginary beings?

If God doesn't have a beginning or an end then He didn't create Himself because He simply always is, right? Can a thing that is not created even exist? Atheist assert that the universe wasn't created either so it kind of falls into the same category.

So you have God that wasn't created (except maybe by man) and the universe that wasn't created (except maybe by God) and neither one created each other because they are both supposed to have always existed, right? Doesn't that kind of make us all imaginary beings?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    every enlighten person i ever read about said the same thing

    this is all un real

    the only thing that they say is real is the [ un real goddess ] you describe

    all is supposedly a illusion

    Source(s): OM
  • 1 decade ago

    The universe has been around for about 16 billion years. Perhaps God has always been here and the Universe has been destroyed and recreated numerous times. The breath of God as God evolves into something much more then what it was before.

    Some scientist have the thought that all reality is just a hologram anyways. Does it matter, not really. Does it matter what created us, again not really. Think of it this way, if we weren't created by something. We wouldn't be having this conversation, would we.

    Somethings are just beyond the comprehension of mans mind.

  • JStrat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Putting a god in the equation makes as much sense as putting a leprechaun in it. And atheists don't have ideas about the creation of the universe; they simply don't believe in any gods. If said atheists are also scientific skeptics or something of the like, then sure, they probably go with generally accepted scientific theory. That doesn't preclude all kinds of creation, it just makes the creation of the universe by a single, personal, male god figure so unlikely as to be of no use to anyone.

    Anyway. We might be imaginary. You could be right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What is real with regard to time? Only in the past do we sense whatever reality is, and yet the past is imaginary. As far as anyone is concerned, God must also be imaginary since He is only known by past events. The 'now', and the 'to come' are imagined, the 'now' can only be imagined in the past, the 'to come' can only be imagined in the future, only in the past do we sense whatever creation is. Only in the past and in the imagination can God exist. And of course for some of us God cannot be imagined at all because He doesn't have a beginning in our imagination.

    In stark contrast, everyman feels real, not imaginary; our senses connect us to a perspective of reality. These feelings are so different to those of the images of God and eternity. We feel our mortality as hard concrete fact, hardened further in science, and our ability to experiment and thereby to discover reality is following certain laws in mathematics. Yes, this too might be imaginary, but even so, our senses suggest there is a reality greater than that perceived in the minds of mystics.

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  • God did not create man, man created god, there were no reports of any omnipitant being until Jesus christ (Yes, he was a real person, just the greatest con artist in history) Came along and said that he DID exist.

    So guess what, god doesn't exist, and anything that can 'only be replicated by god' can be proven by science, even the creation of the universe...

    YES the universe was created, it's complicated, but is can be explained

  • 5 years ago

    the place do you get the theory we have faith that God has "divided Himself into 3 beings"? we don't think that God is split. The Bible says that Mary became a virgin, and that God implanted Jesus in her womb. No intercourse in contact. No, God has no spouse. Mary isn't component of the Trinity by way of fact she isn't God. God did no longer "provide delivery" to Jesus until now Mary existed. Jesus continually existed. He became with God interior the commencing up. See John a million. The human component of Jesus (He became one hundred% guy) did no longer exist until now He became born in the international. The spirit component of Jesus (He became additionally one hundred% God) continually existed. The hypostatic union explains this intimately.

  • 1 decade ago

    read this John 1-1

    "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."

    All you have to do is figure out what is the Word, and there you will come to know the Lord our God.

  • 1 decade ago

    We could all just be a dream far as we know. Favorite movie Matrixs does real mind twist on you because in theory that is very possible since are brains make up are world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but when everything is imaginary, it's actually real. Aren't your dreams at night very real when you're in them? They only seem unreal when you wake up, right. So then you become real when you wake up, like now. If the universe wakes up, it won't be much different.

    :-) LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like the Matrix - we're all imaginations of a computer.

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