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xoxo asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My yorkie has behavior problems! help? :/?

my yorkie's about a year and half years old.

when we first got him, which was like last year in may, he was acting so nice to everyone, whether they're strangers or other animals or WHOEVER. he would just sit in his crate quietly or just lick they're feet or try to jump on them, like nicely.

but then after a few weeks he began to bark at ringing door bells, and start jumping/ barking/ growling like crazy whenever a stranger entered my house. I'd always have to put him in his crate and stay next to him to make him stay calm. or at least not jump/bark/growl like crazy..

this has been going on for quite a long time and i have tried all kinds of ways to make him behave. i've tried to make my tutors give him treats which sort of worked but not all teachers dared to give my dog treats or anything. most of my friends have a dog of their own so when they come over i can tell them to pat him or scratch his belly or stuff like that but yeah... he just can't stay calm when other teachers are over. or guests. it annoying because whenever my mom has her friends over, i have to hold onto my dog and stay with him in a different room to keep him calm. and during that time, i can't do anything or get anything done.

also, my house has huge windows. and whenever my dog sees cats or other dogs walk past my house he starts barking again.

this is getting worse. sometimes he doesn't even listen to me. if he's on my sofa, and when i say "go home" he'd quickly go back into his crate and stay there but he doesn't even bother to move. he just stares at me as if he doesn't care what i say.

please help me. i just moved into a new house which is a townhouse and i don't want my dog to be a disturbance to my neighbors. :(


I walk my dog everyday for minimum 30 minutes and i have been trying to fix this since he started to behave differently.

he never seems to dislike it when i touch his food while he's eating them or his toys when he's playing with them.

Update 2:

also, is it normal that he only listens to me? or is it not? he's obedient enough that he knows how to sit, lie, and roll on command. but seems to only do it when i say it... but not when my parents say it...?

sry for asking so many questions :/

thank you!!

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Your dog is displaying typical "small dog syndrome" which is usually a result of the misunderstanding by the owner who is rewarding the dog for unwanted behaviours.

    If you ask your tutors to treat your dog when they enter your house (while the dog is barking, being excitable or jumping on them) you are REWARDING the unwanted behaviour. Google NILIF, get yourself some dog behaviour/training books and retrain this dog that started to become an unctrollabel little monster.

    Start with the link below which explains why your dog is behaving this way.


  • 5 years ago

    Yorkie Behavior

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    How often do you walk your dog? and how long for?

    Most people think smaller dogs are ok to run about the house as exercise but that's not true.. they still need a long walk to get rid of pent up energy. It sounds like your dog has too much energy and therefore is targeting cats.. dogs and people as a way to release that energy.

    Try taking your dog for a walk, run or bike ride then i think your dog will have less energy to use jumping on people and barking.

    Jumping up on people is a sign of dominance.. especially if they are jumping up uninvited. Try reading up on breed specific activities for your dog.. I think you will start to see an improvement by doing this.

    Try watching Cesar Milan or buy his books to see what i mean

    Good Luck

    Source(s): Personal experience.. Cesar Milan books and shows.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Your dog may be acting like this because it may feel like your not giving him enough attention. Try spending a half an hour or more with him everyday. (Just you and him no visitors.) Also try teaching him new tricks and if you succeed with that he may listen to you and behave more. (Make sure he gets PLENTY of exercise EVERY day) If things don't get better you should try contacting a dog trainer for tips or personal training.

    I hope I help you! :)

    Source(s): My experience with unruly dogs :)
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    My yorkie has behavior problems! help? :/?

    my yorkie's about a year and half years old.

    when we first got him, which was like last year in may, he was acting so nice to everyone, whether they're strangers or other animals or WHOEVER. he would just sit in his crate quietly or just lick they're feet or try to jump on them, like...

    Source(s): yorkie behavior problems help:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Never give your dog affection/ask someone else to when he is exhibiting unwanted behaviour. Never put him in his crate as a punishment; it defeats the point of the crate which is a safe place for your dog to retreat to.

    The first thing to do is give him loads of exercise. Walk him twice a day for at least 30 minutes each time and make him walk next to or beside you. This will drain his mental energy as well as his physical energy so he will be too tired to harass passers by, your tutors, friends, etc.

    When you know you have people coming over, take him on an extra walk, jog, play an active game, etc. so that he is even more drained.

    Before people come to your house, put his lead on and let it trail on the floor. This way, you can give it a gentle tug to correct him for any bad behaviour.

    When he calms down, let go of the lead and give him something to do, e.g. his favourite toy, a bone to chew, a food toy, etc.

    To stop him barking at the doorbell, passers by, etc. ask someone to go outside and ring your doorbell/walk past your house, etc. Have his lead on him and again, give it a gentle tug to correct bad behaviour.

    When he calms down, give him lots of praise and a reward, e.g. small piece of favourite food, game, etc.

    Practice this as often as you can so that he will get used to them and not bother barking/jumping/growling at it.

    Try and socialise him with as many different people and dogs as you can so that you can regain his friendly attitude towards people.

    Make him work for everything he receives, e.g. wait 5 mins before food, sit before you play a game, paw before you stroke him, etc.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hi there,

    To solve your dog's behavioural problems, you have absolutly to check here

    It's a really nice software.

    Hope it helps.

  • 5 years ago

    my pup is 5mos and is full of playfulness. we do walk and play. he barks, jumps on me, biting....nipping at my heels, pulling at my pant legs. my house looks like a 2yr old lives here. he has a lot of toys and plays with all of them. he is a very needy pup. he is coming close to the age to be fixed...will this help in his behavior?

    I am thinking about a trainer, what is you opinion?

  • 1 decade ago

    should have had in training a long time ago

    find a professional trainer to train you both.

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