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Once the mind is opened to the truth a person can no longer find comfort in darkness?

True or false?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Am I sitting on the fence or is the operative word here, person? I believe comfort in truth remains true or false, and would follow it up with an historical example.

    How many believers in evolution find comfort in losing their religious belief? Some undoubtedly do. Others find little comfort in what has to them become a cold but rational belief that evolution makes much more sense than a creator God, i.e, a greater truth. These can never again find the comfort they once enjoyed in what they now believe is darkness. Surely it depends on the individual, and how important they consider the quest for truth.

    Where ignorance is bliss,

    'Tis folly to be wise.....Thomas Gray 1716-71

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, darkness can be a safe haven in a way. As for the darkness all may hide and seek comfort for reality is seen for what it is. Like pain to some see it as hurtful and only that. but to think of it as a friend, To seek comfort in the darkest depths of agony. For the cold truth of reality is truly my friend. Have no doubt that the truth found in pain will always remain the same til the end as if it has happened yesterday. A little morbid but I don't like candy coating. Once the mind is open to the truth, there's no need to seek the folly acceptance of others.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    How is the question vague?

    If you really understand what is going on around you life is a horrible series of cruel & heartless actions, & what's worse is you find yourself largely alone because you are surrounded by people that have yet to wake up to the truth & as a result say the most God awful & misguided things. It;s clear as day, if you are not constantly shocked & appalled you are not paying attention & you can then take comfort in the fact the world is a very ugly place.

    Clear as day.

  • 1 decade ago


    Even though this question is quite vague, people can still find comfort in whatever 'darkness' they may have come from. That certainly doesn't mean it's a good thing to do, or even healthy. But just as an alcoholic can always return to alcohol, or a fundamentalist to fundamentalism, just having an open mind and an awareness is not the same thing as having the will and commitment to dedicate oneself to a 'truth'.

    Hope that helps.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Depends on how political both the truth & person are. Example... BH Obama's statement of "Only through debt can America grow" is an OBVIOUS lie. BHO KNOWS that debt will destroy America but he has a political agenda to do so. BHO IS comfortable with the lie as was GWB because it FITS THEIR PERSONAL AGENDA.

    GWB is comfortable & so is BHO. Both their minds are open to the truth but PREFER to ignore the truth as they are comfortable operating in the dark.

    Source(s): People want it their way, just human nature.
  • 1 decade ago

    That is very true, once as Christ said "An the truth will set you free" you can no longer let the darkness hide you, as the Lord Himself is a lamp unto your feet.

  • 1 decade ago

    True, but I'd say it more precisely than that. I'd say once a person admits a particular element of reality, then they can no longer take the comfort of simply denying it if it starts to pinch in the future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    True... because then, he'll realize how pitiful he was prior this and like Plato says:

    "(...)wouldn't you think that he'd bless himself for the change? And would he not pity those (in the Cave)?"

    "And if they (the prisoners in the Cave) were into an habit of conferring honors (...), would he no longer bother about such honors and what was once the "wisdom" of the Cave?"

    However, must I say, does someone actually know something as it truly is? Certainly, this is difficult, but not impossible.

  • Daniel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    True. However, that person who has become enlightened to a truth will sometimes sell out because of their fear and just block it out for fear of social isolation. Yes, it sounds very lame but it happens a lot.

    "Once you pass the point, you can never go home. You gotta face the possibility of dying alone".

    -Point of No Return

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    people have become use to darkness and darkness is there friend

    if you are not use to sun light the first time you go into the light you can get a nasty sun burn

    so to with inner work. some can run to the cleft and hope fully fly and others sit on the cleft side for a while and contemplate the ramifications of full commitment

    it depends on how much fear you can handle....fear of joy....fear of happiness

    seen many many people fall of the path because they were not ready and wanted to go back to the safety zone

    Source(s): OM
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