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threenorns asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

what reasons would you have to refuse if someone offered to walk your dog for you?

MANY many times, i've seen dogs that are ***desperately*** in need of regular walking but their owners don't. "no time", "he pulls too much", "it's boring", "i'm too tired". "my health is too poor", etc. meanwhile the dog is going out of its mind with boredom and pent-up frustration and energy. i HAVE to walk a lot - i walk my own dog six miles a day for his benefit as much as mine - he's a border collie mix and *uber*-high-energy - or i'm looking at an artificial hip before i'm 50. so i'm always offering to walk ppl's dogs - they live right on my route, it'd be no hassle to swing by after i've dropped my dog off and pick theirs up, no charge.

honestly, you'd think i suggested doing something immoral with a small chicken, the responses i get!

"uhh... no. no, thanks. no way."

"oh... that's, uh, very nice of you, dear, but i don't think it would do at all"

and a flat-out "oh, i don't like that idea at all".

i have no clue why - if i didn't have to lose weight and someone wanted to walk my dog for me, i'd name my next child after them!


i should mention that i'm not a pro trainer but i'm very good with dogs and i work with two of them who give me support and advice when i need it. i take dogs very seriously - they're not mobile bits of household accessory but living beings with needs. i think an owner who refuses to address the dog's obvious distress himself and then refuses an offer of assistance is in dereliction of duty.

Update 2:

oh - i'm *very* well known for my walking in the neighbourhood. i'm usually walking my dog while pushing my toddler in the stroller - all six miles. i don't just march up to the door and say "hi, ya wan' me ta walk yer dawg?". it's usually after i've encountered them (on the road, in the library, wherever) and they comment how their dog is out of control and they "can't do a thing with them" - so i say "well, i walk dandy to keep his energy down and him more manageable - what if i walked your dog for you? i could swing back after i drop dandy off and pick him up, have him back in, say, a half-hour?"

and that's when it goes wierd.

i considered and rejected the idea of a dog-walking business (even if it's for free because in the teeny little hamlet that's closest to my house, none of us have any money) but i think i'll reconsider and give it a shot because it really breaks me heart, seeing dogs ziplined 24/7 and exhibiting obsessive behaviours.

Update 3:

dogs rule: thanks for the compliment but i'm 43 - hence the panic to lose the weight and avoid hip replacement before i'm 50. =)

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    quite personally, if someone wanted to walk my two labradors, id practically throw the dogs at them and hand them money. but some people dont like the idea of other people walking their dogs because;

    1) they might think you're after something. like, even though you say you would do it for free, in their minds theyre thinking "shes going to want money soon".

    2) they might think you're going to go around and say "oh, yeah! he/she is so lazy! i have to walk there dog for them! and theyre not even paying me!"

    3) they just flat out dont like you.

    4)they just flat out dont love their dogs enough.

    or 5) they wouldnt want their dogs bonding with someone else because they owners are afraid of their pets prefering other people.

    maybe you should start a business of walking dogs, and charge really low prices (or not charge at all!) and then the owners of the dogs would think it would be a good idea. or you just leave them to themselves and let the dogs be bored to tears. your call.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I understand your concern about hip replacement. I'm a month away from 38, and boy are my knees gravelly, so I started glucosamine and chondroitin. I also run my dogs, and have noticed a huge improvement in my body since I started that.

    As for reasons people would reject the idea. Anything other than my dog doesn't get on with others really isn't good. You can explain all the benefits of proper exercise for the dogs. Print out information and give it to them. You'd be surprised at how many people would read it and change their minds.

    If they say the dog is destructive, hyper, etc. you can say,"My dogs were like that, but since I started walking/running them for x number of minutes/hours a day, it's really gotten a lot better. Well exercised dogs are too tired to do any of that".

    Edit: Trample, if what the questioner does is too much, you can just tell whatever dog walker you would choose to only go so far, for so long, etc.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Stop acting like a child, your parents have said 'no' so accept it and move on, thats it. If you want to be around dogs so badly, then go and volunteer at a shelter of some sort. dogs are hard work, it isnt a walk in the park. You'll be at school 5 days a week leaving the pup alone with your mum who wants nothing to do with a dog. If you get bored with the pup or you find the responsibility too great, then who will be the ones picking up after your mess? Your parents. So what if you got the money, if they dont want to spend it on a dog then they dont have to. Bichon-Poos are an unhealthy bred mongrel, no reputable and responsible breeder will breed deliberate mixes and then give them idiotic names such as 'BichonPoo'. Your parents dont NEED to give reasons as to WHY they dont want a dog/puppy in the home. All you can do is either volunteer at shelters to get your 'dog fix' OR wait until you move out and have a full time job of your own, THEN you can get your own dog whenever you wish without the say of your parents. But while you're living under their roof you will abide by THEIR rules.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmm... I actually wouldn't let you walk my dog.Not for any other reason, apart from the fact that I have a Great Dane. It depends on what breeds you are looking at when you see these people that aren't walking there dogs.My dog needs about 40 minutes a day. Then she'll sleep for what feels like forever.

    If thats what you want to do, then go for it. But make sure you research all breeds before walking them. Not all of them need or want that much exercise.

    I must say that I'd also be worried that the random person knocking on my door would steal my dog... That's probably why you get the reaction. Don't take it personally. They are also probably offended that you think they don't look after their dogs properly.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Are these people you know? I wouldn't turn my dog over to someone I didn't know very well. Maybe get to know them a bit! Also, remember you are responsible if anything happens with the dog while you are walking it...if it bites someone or gets loose or gets hurt, etc. You could make up some flyers offering your dog walking services and naming all the benefits to the dog....then hand them out in a friendly manner when you come across someone! You could even charge for this...many people who have dog walking services do!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, it is a bit weird for you to just walk up to their door and ask if they wanted someone to walk their dog. You can provide proof that you will take care of the dog or say like you're starting a dog walking business or something. Just don't make it so awkward.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Some people may think that you are too young or they don't want some one else to bond with their dog and make them seem like they can even take care of their own dog. You are a great dog owner. Good job!

  • simon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You're encroaching on their personal space. Imagine you have some friends over and one of them starts cleaning your bathroom. Kinda weird, huh? This is sort of the same thing. It's their dog. Let them ask you instead. Maybe you could put out flyers for a dog-walking service in the neighborhood and see what happens!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Take a brisk walk before lunch or dinner. Not only will you get in some exercise, you're less likely to choose something unhealthy after just a little movement.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh thank you for the offer but I'm not sure my dog gets along well with strangers, I fear he may be rather agressive...


    I'm not so sure, he likes to break out into sprints and can be quite a handful to walk as he is not fully trained yet.

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