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Lv 5

Spiritually pondering about food expiration dates?

Do you eat or buy food that is past the expiration date?

I am having a debate w/ a friend of mine and we totally disagree on the subject.

So I am just curious who checks dates? who doesn't? If you don't is there any time expiration that is just too much?

Thanks in Advance!!

Cinn =)


Thanks for your answers and to those that said yes.. does that mean you would eat yogurt that expired months ago? or cheese? or juice in a plastic container that is a year old?

Maybe I'm just a wuss haha!

9 Answers

  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As one who has had food poisoning more than once, I check code-dates and refuse to eat out-of-code food. I also avoid meat or other packages with bloated air in the package. Some stores do fill them with Nitrogen to make the product look fresher than it is. It is more a symptom of bad product spoiled though.

    I have found products over a month out-of-code on store shelves. So one must be careful. Only you are really looking out for you. Do not depend on someone else to do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't knowingly "buy" food that is past the expiration date. Food like milk is supposed to be good for 7 days after the expiration date. I've had food in my cupboard that was past the expiration date and I examined it checking for an odor or signs of mold and if it looked OK and I wanted to eat it I did and I never got sick. If I took a bite and it tasted funny I would have spit it out and thrown it away. Expiration dates always are given to be on the "safe side" and some foods with expiration dates can literally last for a couple of years longer than the date on the container.

  • I do eat food past its expiration date, depending on what kind of food it is and how far past the date it is. If it's only a couple days, I don't worry about it. If it's more than a week, I throw it away... unless it's cheese. Cheese is good for months past the expiration date as long as it doesn't have mold on it.

    I won't ever buy food that's past its expiration date, though.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When in doubt, throw it out.

    The expiration date is only the date it has to be sold by, not the date it goes rotten. Still... I'm not drinking any milk that Stop&Shop didn't want three days ago.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I check dates. If stuff in my cupboards are past the expiration date I toss them. It is not worth getting sick and dying. I had food poisoning once and I have a permanent reminder of it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Your question is actually related to matter, because it addresses the fundamental question whether consciousness is a byproduct of our physical brains, or is independent of it - at least to some extent. People who don't believe in some type of life after death usually believe that consciousness is dependent on the body and will simply stop functioning when the body dies. Not that I believe that.

  • Expiry dates on canned foods are mostly nonsense as long as the can is neither bulged (signal of gas producing bacterial activity) or dented (denting does not itself pose a direct danger, but it can result in protective coating being disturbed resulting in reaction between contents and base metal of can).

    For fresh meat or dairy, ignoring shelf dating is foolish.

  • 1 decade ago

    buy no way

    eat some times

    depends on what it is and how long it has been in the cabinets


    good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Eat, yes.

    Buy, no.

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