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Seriously - Why not kill myself now?

I am speaking existentially and biologically. I have passed on my genes. There is obviously no "higher power". Genetics are "it", and I have procreated and raised a child successfully to adulthood and procreative age.

Is there really, truly any point to remaining alive? I hurt so badly (which I know is a side effect of achieveing one's biological imperative) but there is no point to it. All I do now is create a carbon footprint.


Don't give me religion/God stuff. All that is created by humans. I will accept any scientific/mental well-being responses. God/spirituality - all made-up. Like homeopathy.

Update 2:

And, at 40, I don't consider myself an "emo-kid". I am, on appearance, the stereotypical blonde, blue-eyed, Girl (well, Older Girl....) next door).

Update 3:

I help kids and animals every day. I do "get off my butt". I'm already on antidepresants. I fake happiness every day for other people. I already go to a counselor. I effing volunteer 4x a week, I'm a teacher, and I help at a stray dog shelter.

20 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    -maybe you being here will help someone in the future

    -if you die, there's bound to be someone to miss you

    -sometimes things are so hard and they suddenly improve. You could be reaching that point right now but could kill yourself before it happens

    I do have to ask you though: you mentioned that your "purpose" is already over seeing as you procreated. But wouldn't assuming you have a purpose to procreate in the first place be assuming you were put here for a reason? And so, aren't you assuming everyone has a reason to be here? In that case, how do you not know some people have multiple reasons of being on this Earth?

    And if you really are that stringent of an atheist, why assume you have a purpose at all? Purpose=creator, which clashes with your worldview.

    ADD: Wendy's answer was beautiful. Its exactly what I was trying to capture in my answer. I just didn't realize there was a phrase for it--the domino effect.

    If you cannot find obvious purpose in your life, MAKE one. It could be as simple as going to a soup kitchen to help others. Or finding something you are passionate about and spreading knowledge on it.

    For example, I'm very passionate about dogs. There are some dog facing persecution simply because of their breed. Think pit bull type dogs. Many assume they are vicious baby killers because of a few reports they've seen on TV. So these dogs are being killed just because of their breed. I try my best to educate the public on the truth about these wonderful dogs. BAM instant purpose to my life. Might seem small, but we all have to do our part, right?

    ADD: oh, you are suffering from depression? In that case, you must not be getting a proper dosage of meds. Understand that these thoughts are irrational. Go back to your doctor and adjust your dosage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There's no reason not to really. If you were hoping for more you're not going to find it, so you either do or you don't.

    I suppose you could consider it as being a selfish act on your part, due to how it will effect the people who you leave behind, but then again it might be selfish on their part to make you stay. Whatever, it's up too you. Are you satisfied with now and how things are and feel no real need to continue living, or do you want to hang on as long as you can knowing that eventually, weather you will it or not, you are going to die.

    Of course there are continuous and seemingly never ending reasons on why or why not to kill yourself, but they have more to do with human emotions and feelings (mainly fear) than the physical excuses for or against that you have portrayed. Maybe being dead is actually better than being alive? maybe it's worse? or maybe there is simply nothing. it's not like we have anyone to ask so we can find out. Regardless, in the end the decision rests with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are a lot of things you can do. How about finding ways to help other people--people that aren't biologically related to you. One person can make a big difference in the life of one other person. Or if you don't particularly care for people, how about helping animals or the environment. Or read books, see movies, have sex, find pleasure.

    And if you believe that this life is all there is, isn't it preferable to be a live thinking reasoning creature for several more decades, than non-existent for the rest of eternity?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Considering that 16+ complete strangers have responded to your question it suggests there are a lot of people who care. And they don't even know you.

    You may not like the God concept but I have found that they can at least make good cookies.

    Try reading autobiographies, why does anybody else bother living?

    Paul Merc at some stage chose happiness.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Taking your own life will not solve anything. The pain you feel may be erased as your body ceases to exist, but the pain your child feels the pain your friends and family feel will not make the choice worth it. People do not understand this, but we truly do live for others. There would be a void without you. It is not your time to go if you take it upon yourself to exit. Whether or not there is a "higher power" doesn't matter, it is about the people here who need you

  • Wendy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    smiley? sue behave missus you have passed on your genes and now you stick it out to pass on your knowledge for the next generation your child's children or to just be there when needed.You aren't just a machine for making babies you could make a big impact on someones life just with a smile smiley sue.Sometimes that's all it takes from a stranger.If you weren't here that could or should I say will effect your child in a very negative way and then they won't do what they are supposed to do in life.Carbon foot prints are one thing domino effects and butterfly effects are another.Sick around you are saving the world from impending doom lol plus karaoke cake and some loving will make all more fun.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No way, you are not meant to die until it is written, referring to the Bible, he or she that is alive must suffer the effects of aging, etc. don't kill yourself or you will be tortured in the flames of Hell for all eternity, please refrain from listening to the evil spirits, life is not just a one way Ride and after you reproduce, you must still ENJOY the life REMAINING within this world, you can discover new heights in a country far far away or go to the great wall of China.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a higher power - GOD. He still has a plan for the rest of your life. Killing yourself now would be very selfish on your part. What about the rest of your family? They would miss you if you were gone.

    Oh btw Jessica - You obviously don't go to church and/or belive in God. Your answer is so disrespectful.

  • 1 decade ago

    an empty vessel is what u are, the answer you seek is in the bible, challenge: Go to church for 16 sundays and the answer will be revealed not a catholic one either, try a gospel church or small communal christian one, the experience is more personel. Are you strong enough, im thinking you'll make excuses and give up before completing your quest.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get out and explore.Thats what humans do.(well some destroy)The earth is a beautiful plant.Explore explore explore...Get off youf butt & go for it.Life is a gift dont through it away...

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