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Again, what's the animal in you quiz + your sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars & rising signs?

i posted this question before but it got reported, here we go again

my result:


You might also be...

Fox, Mountain Goat

Careers and Hobbies

Sales, Politics , Public relations , Physical labor , Medicine , Law , Dancing , Hiking , Basketball , Golf

Horses are those strong, capable people that breeze through life with envious ease. But a closer look at these free-spirited personalities finds surprisingly complicated individuals that are sensitive to criticism and hate to be ignored. No one should say anything behind the horse's back, for its sense of hearing is fiercely acute and its temper carries quite a kick.

Friendly, sensible and ticklish, horses insist at taking charge of their lives unless a special someone comes along and takes control. Then the horse suddenly becomes a supportive, broad-shouldered mate ready to go anywhere and support any burden for the good of the relationship. They are deliberate creatures and are always trying to anticipate life's obstacles. Although it is capable of bounding over most challenges, the horse certainly isn't too proud to admit its shortcomings by taking the easy route wherever possible.

Horses' strong physique is well maintained by physical activity, and they exude personal charm and confidence. Sometimes, however, others take advantage of their helpful spirit. When this happens they react with predictable horse behavior - saddling up and running off without a word. Usually though, a long, solitary walk lets them blow off steam and they soon resume their good-natured demeanor. Their social skills are at their best during twilight, when they gather with friends to ruminate and discuss the events of the day.

Long hikes and nature walks are among a horse's favorite pastimes, and their enormous endurance is evident in their talent for long-distance running.

Horses enjoy all forms of activity, ranging from dancing and swimming to basketball and football, although they prefer team sports to solitary pursuits. They are well traveled and insist on journeying in comfort. Rather than blazing new trails like the fox and wildcat personalities, horses prefer to frequent popular tourist destinations like their fellow herbivores the sheep and bison.

With their gregarious natures these sturdy beasts generally rise to the top of their fields, especially in sales and public relations positions, but due to their lack of aggression are not natural leaders. They prefer to slipstream behind others and control events from behind the scenes. If they are to be found in the political arena, it is usually in a key advisory position and almost never as the person in the limelight.

gemini sun, sagittarius moon, gemini mercury, cancer venus, capricorn mars, aries rising

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Careers and Hobbies



    Social Worker






    Famous Bats (this is weird cause almost my whole family thinks im psychic cause I have dreams that tell me of things and then they actually happen! and both these people told the future!)


    Gypsy Rose Lee

    This is a decidedly nonconformist creature, for as an airborne personality, the bat tends to look down at the conventions of the ground animals. And yet, since it is not a true bird and has not mastered the art of smooth controlled flight, it often appears awkward in social situations (hence the phrase "acting batty"). But as compensation for this social ungainliness, many bat personalities sport a built-in radar which enables them to intuitively read the motivations of others.

    Identifying bat personalities is not difficult. Being nocturnal creatures, they come alive at night and can be spotted in underground clubs or dimly lit bars. They prefer the sanctuary of dark clothing and dark corners, and you'll never see a bat sporting a heavy tan. These are intelligent, spiritual, creative individuals who use their full range of senses (other than their poor eyesight) to carefully navigate their way through life.

    Bats have a habit of flitting in and out of social situations, swooping down to interact briefly with others before quickly flying off to resume their bat lives. Unassertive and aloof, they'll take flight at the first hint of a confrontation to seek comfort in their personal spaces, generally decorated in unusual but expressive ways.

    A sixth sense gives bats a number of advantages in their work, and their insightful nature enables them to understand others better than they understand themselves. This intuitiveness makes bats excellent psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and palm readers. They respond poorly to direction however, and function best as a sole practitioners in their own business. Preferring to work at night and sleep by day, a bat's job must be flexible enough to accommodate these unusual hours. A creative streak often finds them in the design and architectural fields, and their unique relationship with dark caves makes you a natural archeologist or spelunker.

    Although the bat's spiritual side is always on display, they are not overly emotional. Because of their unusual and sometimes awkward approach to life they can sometimes have difficulty finding companions. However, bats respond well to anyone who shares their philosophical perspective, and they love spending long hours in deep conversation. Once they have successfully located a partner, bats prove to be both dependable and committed companions.

    Source(s): sagittarius sun gemini moon sagittarius mercury libra venus scorpio mars leo rising Wow this is weird at the moment it holds very true...Its 5:37am and I stood up all night, I usually do this. I plan to go to sleep soon though and sleep in all day..i only enroll for night classes, I really do love night! and my eyesight is horrible! o_O its the only thing that might keep me from going into the airforce :( the doctor told me I will be blind by the time I'm 30 unless I get lasek surgery. And I love batman!!! sooo much!! lol even though that prolly had nothing to do with it...oh well
  • 1 decade ago


    Now you see it, now you don't. Aggressive yet gentle, outgoing but shy, stable yet flighty - everyone sees the penguin in a different way. It's that black and white thing: the penguin only reveals the side that it wants to you to see. So whether you like this darling-devil or not, you have to concede that it's a fascinating and enigmatic individual.

    Penguins are birds condemned to live out their days on the ground. Unable to fly, their excess energy has no outlet save their creative talents and emotional outbursts. Penguins are poetic, artistic, and intellectually gifted, and as writers penguins have no equal.

    But, if unable to channel their impulses in a positive way, the resulting turmoil proves damaging to their relationships and careers.

    Penguins are deceptively intelligent and are particularly animated when intellectually challenged. They excel at word games and puzzles but are modest about their abilities and are generally underestimated by others.

    With their misunderstood personality, penguins find writing an ideal tool for expressing their true feelings. They have a natural aptitude for languages and penguin personalities dominate the world of publishing as writers, editors, and journalists.

    With a natural aptitude for languages, penguin personalities dominate the world of publishing as writers, editors and journalists. A strong sense of drama draws them to the theater and cinema, although unlike typical bird personalities they avoid the spotlight unless they're able to hide behind the characters they play. Once on stage however, they prove to be excellent performers with their multifaceted personalities conveying the full gamut of emotions.

    However, a lack of confidence affects their work. Penguins tend to give up on tasks they were otherwise capable of and are often disappointed with their performance. Still, work never dominates their life and they always put their family first.

    Aries sun

    Capricorn moon

    Taurus rising

    Pisces mercury

    Aries venus

    Cancer mars

  • 1 decade ago

    Dolphins are those tanned, fit, beautiful people who populate the background scenes of Baywatch. They are annoyingly healthy; eating and drinking with abandon and never becoming overweight.

    Undoubtedly it's their active lifestyles that keep them so trim, but their good genes have something to do with it too. Even though dolphins subsist on junk food, their hair is shiny and their skin always glossy.

    Though their large brain is capable of solving almost any problem, the dolphin's reputation for intelligence is overrated. They place little value in cerebral pursuits and avoid mental challenges. Dolphins are nonetheless able to hold their own in debates, they simply prefer cavorting and surfing to discussing weighty philosophical issues.

    Dolphins expect nothing from life other than time to enjoy it. As highly sexual individuals they spend a great deal of time in the pursuit of bodily pleasure, and their aggressive quest for sex sometimes dominates social interactions.

    Dolphins were not designed for manual labor. Their bodies lack the skillful hands of the land mammal personalities, but their intelligence and social abilities give them advantages in people-oriented careers.

    Rarely found in nine-to-five office jobs, their outgoing personality makes the dolphin a capable public relations representative or outside salesperson. Other recommended careers include professional sports figure, fitness instructor and actor.

    A natural sonar gives dolphins the ability to accurately read the hidden intentions of others by picking up their subtle body language. This talent makes them ideal psychologists or crime investigators.

    Source(s): ♥ gemini sun, gemini venus, capricorn moon, taurus mercury, virgo mars, aquarius uranus, pisces ascendant ♥
  • 1 decade ago

    Here's what I got this time ...


    Tigers are handsome and powerful people with an innate self-confidence

    and elegance. There's a sense of immediacy and an aura of electricity that

    surrounds it, and when it walks into a room, something always seems about

    to happen. Once a tiger has found its groove, it focuses on its goal with a brightly

    burning intensity. Male tigers, when out of their element, are sometimes mistaken for

    beefcake, but when you see them in their offices wearing their power suits you realize

    that you're dealing with incisive, authoritarian individuals.

    In social situations, the tiger is an excellent host and there is no such thing as a

    casual party in its home. Guests can always expect a memorable occasion with an

    extravagance of food and drink, and yet, there is a distinct coldness to its den.

    Having sacrificed comfort for style, the tiger outfits its house with austere

    and modern furniture, and even the comfortably worn easy chairs are replaced

    every few years.

    Unlike the family oriented lion, tigers are solitary creatures who hate to lie around

    doing nothing. In this regard they have more in common with wildcats and leopards,

    who are always on the move.

    Because of this antisocial nature it can be difficult to discern a

    tiger's true motives, and they are considered unpredictable and enigmatic.

    They have a strong aversion to routine in their daily life, and their spontaneity

    and energy infect others who are graced with their presence.

    Tigers dislike small talk in the workplace and expect professionalism

    from coworkers, demanding the highest standards in their business dealings.

    With their killer instincts tigers could be excellent trial lawyers and have no

    hesitation in using aggression as an advantage. Acutely aware of their ability

    to intimidate, their single-mindedness enhances the tiger's reputation as a force

    to be reckoned with.

    Because of their preference for solitude, however,

    tigers are not natural leaders. While perfectly capable

    of assuming the role of a CEO, they prefer the challenges

    inherent in self-employment. Tiger businesses are invariably

    successful and cover a wide range of industries, from engineering

    to retailing.

    I'm a ...

    Libra Sun. Venus, & Mercury Retrograde

    Aries Moon

    Capricorn Rising

    Sagittarius Mars

    Source(s): Libra female (October 3rd) -- ME !!! :-)
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Genus and species:

    Castor canadensis

    Collective Term:

    A labour of moles

    Careers and Hobbies



    Grave digger






    Famous Moles

    Bob Dylan

    John Lennon

    It's easy to recognize a mole personality. They have pasty complexions and are usually seen in late night coffee shops, jazz bars or underground clubs. To avoid drawing attention to themselves, they favor dark clothing and sunglasses and are the first people to volunteer for the graveyard shift.

    Physically, moles are not awe-inspiring individuals. Their pale skin and plump physique are usually accompanied by thick glasses or contacts that compensate for poor eyesight. However, they are comfortable with their flaccid bodies and seek companionship with others who appreciate their more philosophical qualities. Shunning contemporary fashions, moles prefer dark clothes and retro-styles.

    There's something compelling about the mole personality, and in the early sixties it was quite fashionable to be a mole in the form of a creative and philosophical beatnik expressing angst through music and poetry. Bob Dylan and John Lennon carried the mole standard into the seventies, but the fashion largely died and moles were forced back underground.

    Passive and unassertive, they prefer to retreat at the first sign of confrontation and would rather run than take physical action. If they were to be found on a rare trip to Disneyworld, angry tan lines would be a dead giveaway to their mole personality.

    Moles are restless and, although constantly engaged in activity, they never seem to get anything done. Careers are taken seriously, though. So seriously, in fact, that with their little heads down and their backs fully into the job moles may not notice the world going by. But even moles have dreams, and long for a time when they can put down the shovel and take a well-deserved hammock break on a quiet shady beach.

    Moles have extremely sharp minds and are excellent problem solvers. As reflected in their determined burrowing through difficult terrain, moles prefer solutions with straight lines rather than having to go around problems. When confronted with difficult issues they never give up; hacking away with dogged determination until the answer is found. This attribute makes them perfect for jobs in engineering, accounting or diagnostic work. With their unique underground perspective on life, moles have enormous potential as songwriters, poets, or left-wing journalists, and some of the world's finest philosophical writing has emanated from moles.

    hahahahha im a mole

    cancer sun, scorpio moon, aquarius rising, gemini jupitor, leo venus

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    People Think You Are Witty You take things as they come and go with the flow. However, you don't let anyone walk over you. You have a very philosophical perspective on life. You don't take any of it too personalty. You are both optimistic and philosophical about life. You often need space to think things through. You're the one who keeps everyone laughing. You seem to know what funny thing to say next. - Yes, this is true about me. This guy I know thinks I`m witty too :) Btw, we have the same results again for the fifth time! Yes, I am counting it. ;)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prairie Dog

    Careers and Hobbies:

    Social work









    If the words "infectiously mischievous" remind you of anyone, then chances are that you have a prairie dog in your life. Petite, attractive and intelligent, this creature's free time is spent in bucolic surroundings, playing socially bonding games with friends and family.

    Despite its insatiable curiosity, the prairie dog is cautious about venturing into the unknown and the conflict between its homebody tendencies and restless intellect defines its personality.

    Prairie dogs derive a great deal of pleasure from nature and return the favor by conscientiously recycling and encouraging their community to do the same. They also love music and dancing. Outdoor concerts are a special treat, where they draw energy from the crowd under an open sky.

    Like most insectivorous creatures, prairie dogs are wary of strangers and are anxious to turn them into allies. Even though they leave an indelible mark on their community, only a handful of people ever claim to truly know a prairie dog. This subtle alienation distresses the gregarious prairie dog who suffers periodic bouts of loneliness in silence.

    As letter writers, prairie dogs are without equal. Typical of the social animals, they are generous and unselfish with their time and find sharing to be a source of pleasure. Their personal lives are well organized and they confidently tackle life's challenges while building a successful career.

    With a natural empathy and understanding of social interactions, prairie dogs excel in all niches of the behavioral sciences including social work, journalism, teaching and psychology. Their well-developed social skills make them suitable for a range of careers that include sales or public relations. However, a lack of aggression can limit prairie dogs' earning potential.

    Like all social animals, prairie dogs are excellent observers of human nature, and this combined with their communication skills makes them excellent writers or documentary filmmakers.

    Source(s): Capricorn sun Gemini moon Capricorn mercury Capricorn venus Capricorn mars Sagittarius rising
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Swan!

    Careers and Hobbies



    Personnel Manager






    Throughout the ages, swans have been venerated for their elegant grace and gentle beauty. So it's little surprise that these personalities attract such admiration as they sail serenely through life. The swan's noble reputation is its greatest asset and it takes care to cultivate its image by always appearing calm in public.

    Things are very different just below the surface, for fueling the swan's elegant glide is a high-energy paddling that consumes most of its emotional stamina. While it's common for a bird personality to exhibit this kind of emotional volatility, it is particularly noticeable in the swan when contrasted with its tranquil exterior.

    Supporting a high-profile swan persona requires substantial energy, and a high metabolism can leave them feeling exhausted and drained. When life gets overwhelming, they will take off and find a tranquil, gentle place to meditate and recharge before returning to the real world. This unsettled aspect of their personality means that a swan has probably moved to a different city at least once its life, or is at least planning to do so.

    Appearance is important to the swan who enjoys the finer things in life and it spares no expense in pampering itself. It would be a mistake to simply dismiss it as a fragile beauty though; for it is a well traveled, worldly bird who has seen the best and worst of the human condition. Its experiences have made it a well-rounded and worldly individual who can adapt to almost any career. It has no problem with taking direction from a boss and is always prepared to accept input from others.

    Its work is well integrated into its life and it strives to find balance in its career and family life. Because swan personalities are often gangly and awkward as children, they have substantial experience in dealing with difficult people and are well equipped to handle conflicts in the workplace. Their innate empathy makes them ideal therapists, doctors, nurses or personnel managers. With their natural beauty they are also well suited for careers in the arts, with a particular affinity for music, ballet and acting.

    Aries Sun, Pisces Moon

    Aries Mercury, Pisces Venus, Scorpio Mars and Pisces Rising

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are the Bat

    Careers and Hobbies



    Social Worker





    Philosophy Famous Bats


    Gypsy Rose Lee

    This is a decidedly nonconformist creature, for as an airborne personality, the bat tends to look down at the conventions of the ground animals. And yet, since it is not a true bird and has not mastered the art of smooth controlled flight, it often appears awkward in social situations (hence the phrase "acting batty"). But as compensation for this social ungainliness, many bat personalities sport a built-in radar which enables them to intuitively read the motivations of others.

    Identifying bat personalities is not difficult. Being nocturnal creatures, they come alive at night and can be spotted in underground clubs or dimly lit bars. They prefer the sanctuary of dark clothing and dark corners, and you'll never see a bat sporting a heavy tan. These are intelligent, spiritual, creative individuals who use their full range of senses (other than their poor eyesight) to carefully navigate their way through life.

    Bats have a habit of flitting in and out of social situations, swooping down to interact briefly with others before quickly flying off to resume their bat lives. Unassertive and aloof, they'll take flight at the first hint of a confrontation to seek comfort in their personal spaces, generally decorated in unusual but expressive ways.

    A sixth sense gives bats a number of advantages in their work, and their insightful nature enables them to understand others better than they understand themselves. This intuitiveness makes bats excellent psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and palm readers. They respond poorly to direction however, and function best as a sole practitioners in their own business. Preferring to work at night and sleep by day, a bat's job must be flexible enough to accommodate these unusual hours. A creative streak often finds them in the design and architectural fields, and their unique relationship with dark caves makes you a natural archeologist or spelunker.

    Although the bat's spiritual side is always on display, they are not overly emotional. Because of their unusual and sometimes awkward approach to life they can sometimes have difficulty finding companions. However, bats respond well to anyone who shares their philosophical perspective, and they love spending long hours in deep conversation. Once they have successfully located a partner, bats prove to be both dependable and committed companions.

    Source(s): Leo Sun, Leo Moon, Virgo Mercury, Leo Venus, Taurus Mars, Virgo Rising
  • 1 decade ago

    How stupid


    Genus and Species:

    Taxidea taxus

    Collective Term:

    A cete of badgers

    Careers and Hobbies











    Famous Badgers

    Matt Dillon

    Joe Pesci

    Napoleon Bonaparte

    Robert DeNiro

    Oliver North

    Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes them from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life's challenges. Good looking, small to medium sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for no one, not even the much larger personality of the lion. They will confidently enter the territory of others -- woe betide anyone who blocks their path.

    Like most carnivores, badgers stay in shape with regular physical activity and are well dressed and precisely groomed. They enjoy all sports and their competitive natures drive them to the edges of their abilities. Because of their small size, they sometimes feel the need to assert themselves to gain the respect accorded the larger carnivores. However, the badger's tendency to bite off more than it can chew often results in an overestimation of its capabilities. With the heart of a tiger, tenacity is both their greatest asset and biggest downfall.

    Badger personalities seldom find time for the finer pleasures of life. Art and literature are considered distracting to the pursuit of resources, and their reading habits are usually confined to light fiction or popular action novels.

    Badgers are almost always successful in business but often find themselves over their head. Towering ambitions cause them to make sweeping plans without considering the finer details of the exercise. With such an abundance of self-confidence, badgers sometimes rush headlong into overwhelming situations and are forced to burrow their way out. Even so, they never go down without a fight.

    The badger is highly regarded as a leader, especially by the smaller animal personalities, but their physical stature can limit political ambitions. This doesn't deter them from running races they are destined to lose, however. Like their cousin the weasel, badgers are opportunists and sometimes team up in business with the more thoughtful animal personalities to help offset their impetuous nature. As a salesperson, they have few equals. Jobs requiring a high degree of proactive selling are ideally suited for the badger's get-up-and-go personality. As managers they are somewhat overbearing, but nonetheless fair and rational. They don't exhibit much of an ego and with their head down, rooting for opportunities, badgers always generate a great deal of respect from their peers.

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