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Shiro Kuma asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What should/could you do when your dog is attacked by another dog?

What are you supposed to do if when walking your dog, another dog attacks, unprovoked? Specifically what if you have a small-medium sized dog (say, a beagle or a basset), and the attacking dog is larger, heavier, typically (or perhaps stereotypically) aggressive (such as pit bulls or rottweilers), and it doesn't "fight" your dog, and instead goes directly for your dog's throat/neck area, and clamps down?

While any suggestions on prevention and follow-up actions are also welcome, I would really appreciate it if you could point out specifically what I could do during the immediate attack. Thanks before...

3 Answers

  • Aduial
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's something you really have to be careful about. It's best if a professional shows you how. I could show you how but it's harder to explain. The best thing is to prevent it. If you see the dog coming, do a body block. Don't get bitten yourself but calmly and coolly get in the way and deter the dog with a no or a "eh" noise.

    If the dog gets a hold of your dog the last thing you want to do is to pull either dog off. That causes tearing and can make the bite even more serious. Puncture wounds are so much better than a tear when it comes down to it. First thing, drop your leash. You don't want your dog to get tangled and that will prevent you from instinctively pulling your dog away. Then you need to get a hold of the dog that is attacking. This can be dangerous and many people get bitten breaking up fights so be careful. If you can, grab the dog at the base of the head so that it can't turn on you to bite. Most dogs will let go when you get a hold of them. If it won't let go then you can grab a hold of it's back feet and pull up. When dogs are put in that position they open their mouths.

    The most important thing to remember is to be calm. Be calm, keep your cool, and get in there. Don't scream, panic, pull your dog away or get bitten yourself. Of course, the best thing to do is to stop it before it happens.


    If you have a smaller dog, do not pick it up. Picking up a dog actually can make it more of a target for attack and you've really cut down on its ability to get away from the attack it if can. Also, the last thing you want is an angry dog attack coming up toward your face. Keep all dogs on the ground and break it up.

    Source(s): professional trainer/behaviorist broken up many many dog fights
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    most attacks i have seen,the attacker is going for the other dog...the reaction most have is to pick their dog up,and out of range...most times this works and the offender usually will not go after the person...usually...the best thing to do is carry a stout stick or broomhandle...dont be afraid to smack an may be the only thing you can do to save your dog...i would report any loose dogs(only) if they are a problem...another method is to look at their body language...if a strange dog is "stalking" your dog,that is they

    move slowly with their head down,and their eyes are going from your dog to you,you can say he is a little un-sure,as most lone dogs are...these types can be scared of easily,but it takes balls to do this...wait till they get within a few feet,and jump at them,while making the scariest noise you can....9 time out of ten they will run from you...two or more attackers is pretty hopeless without a gun so only try this with lone dogs,...they are wimps when alone,and not protecting something...

    very important...if the other dog has a collar,grab them by this...if you think you are strong enough to hold them back...

  • 1 decade ago

    punch the dog right in the nose! it should back off. if you arent too fond of putting your hand near its mouth, kick it hard! and im not suggesting these as means of guarding your dog. just do it if your dog is in danger of being seriously injured or killed.

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