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Is it a curse or just bad karma?

Since 2007, things have been happening to us constantly. I'm not sure if it's just use, age, wear and tear, acts of God or bad Karma.

My washing machine broke, my dish washer broke, I had a major water leak in my home, a hail storm and had to replace the roof, my computer died, my oven died, my grandmother died, mom and dad both got cancer, my best friend died, my husband lost the best job he ever had, I lost my job, I found out that I'm sick (with no insurance) and i went/am going thru menopause. There have also been financial problems with our children that involved us as well.

I know there are a lot of reasons these things could have happened, but life was better in 2006. What can I do to change our life back around?

ps-our computer just died again.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like my family life! I wish I could go back to 2004.

    Some things like the machines..that's due to wear and tear and the original quality of the item.

    The leak..was there neglected warning signs or it just happen.

    All across the nation people have lost great jobs. (both my husband and I did, right after we took in 5 grand kids to raise) So your in that mix of unemployment. .

    If your going through the change then its a good guess your parents were getting up there in age and depending on their care of their own health..anything could happen. For sure your grandmother probably lived to a good age.

    Acts of God..earthquakes, hailstorms, tornado's..well..everyone in the neighborhood went through the same so that's not karma.

    I have also lost a few very good friends for various reasons and that always is so shocking..especially if they are close to your own reminds you that life can be short.

    I will agree you have had a bad few years. The most important thing is to get well yourself. If you dwell or let all these bad things haunt will end up sicker. If you take on all your kids or will end like I did, bleeding ulcers and other stress fibromyalgia. So try to concentrate on getting yourself well, getting your own house in order and keep on moving.

    My husband had to go back to school for a year to upgrade his skills and just got a job recently. I work a little part time job now cause I can;t physically work full time anymore and we still don't have health insurance either. But, before this little job..I did dwell on all the bad luck. We still are raising 3 grand kids and they are finally old enough to help out. I think the big thing might be a depression have gone through alot, your going through the change and just so much

    has happened

    . Its really scary to find yourself out of good our age..employment is a little harder to get..but while you or your husband is are getting unemployment benefits..look into getting back to school..they will help upgrade your skills and help you find a job. Whatever you do..don't wait around. Good luck to you..really I mean that!

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all there is no such thing as curses!!!!!!! It seems that things are going pretty tough for you right now, but karma does not affect trivial things such appliances and roof need replacing. I understand that it seems like a coincidence of karma but it does not work like that. You need to take into consideration the age of all your possessions, increasing global warming is effecting the weather to make it more severe, and could there be the possibility that cancer runs in the family. It does seem to be pouring for you right now or is it really? Aside from the material things the deaths, illnesses, and financial situations seem to be the real issues. It seems that you are still grieving over your losses, seek some credit counseling to help shed some light on your financial situation and therapy for your grief. Grief can magnify other obstacles in life to seem larger than they really are. Try getting a better security system for your computer after fixing or replacing. Another thing to remember is that life cannot stay the same forever, jobs, relationships, appliances, all come and go like the weather. Everything does happen for a reason and the reasons are not realized or made clear for you right now. Maybe you should consult with a psychic and get a heads up on how to get over some of the obstacles affecting you right now. How you choose to look at things can change your world around you as well. I am sorry for you losses and things will get better just be patient, positive, and keep faith that good things are coming to you again.

  • Crazy Horse,

    Here is a reading to check in on your sitaution. Honestly it sounds like such a hard time and I am sorry for your loss. My concern was with the broken items and financial troubles because your parents getting sick and your friend dying are not really about you. It's a terrible thing to loose a loved one and the pain of it cannot be easily described but that happened to them.

    You getting sick on the other hand could be a manifestation of "broken energy" which can be caused by many things such as misuse of money, tainted money (which happens when you buy stolen items even without knowing that they were stolen, buying drugs, giving money to a greedy person, being robbed and any situation similar to the above).

    I hope what I include below will be of some help, at the very least put you at ease knowing things will eventually get better and that this is just a natural cycle in life.....

    Home/Family life shows that there are many problems..sufferings but you need only know how to read to know that since you've shared that with us.

    Work/Carrer continues to show loss and pain from the losses involving many people. Which again is of no use haha...we know this already...

    Concerning wealth a solution is coming. There is an offer that is going to be made to make some money (this isn't limited to money but rather material gain such as a way to replace an appliance or anything similar).

    You will hear news from someone who is away (probably away from the military) but be prepared because this might not be great news.

    More troubles ahead of you, an olive skinned (perhaps tanned person if it makes more sense) person will also have trouble (perhaps your husband?) Things don't look so great in your cards at the moment and we're reaching the end already.

    Strangely enough, someone with money (someone who does not live with you) will help you in this time of need.

    Are you under psychic attack, or cursed? No, you are not under attack and so far it feels as though it may just be your time of loss. Remember that in life we will hit rock bottom a few times. We are humbled by the spirit in order to make us stronger and wiser.

    This is not a crossed condition where you might of picked up somethign terrible,...What I feel and what I see is that this is a natural occurance. Even though it is a natural occurance does not mean you cannot change the situation around for yourself.

    What you should start doing is cleaning the house physically making it perfect. Be anal about how clean and organized it is. Once you do this, cleanse your home, yourself and your family.

    Following this, you should do an uncrossing spell for yourselves and a blessing to bring in good energy. As part of your cleaning up, be strict. If you're not going to use it or haven't used it in more than 6 months then you won't use it again and should donate it or sell it.

    Don't keep too many broken things in the home. It has been my experience that when I keep broken items around, things start breaking more and more. Broken items seem to cause trouble for me and so I imagine they will have an effect on others too.

    Burn sandalwood incense daily (one stick a day is fine but three a day would be a better choice) to keep out envy and any vibration that would not be helpful to your situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    usually material damage occurs because of neglect,in your case could pray a lot more but in my case it,s usually empty words,my heart goes out to you.myself i thought things would get so much better.i fought a battle with addiction and won.things are still just not right years asked the right person,i did do some bad spiritual things also years may still be pestering me,,nothing real major.that all happened between 5 to 8 years ago.bad things happen everyday to all people..there is a curse my dear,but it,s on the whole earth.i guess some people are born to and me are who??evil?satan??god??so.put it in your head,think with all your power,leave me the hell can not bring ME DOWN.i,m better than you.mean it.things will get better in long?today...this doesn,t mean normal things will leave,just the mess.byeeexxx

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of, my sincerest sympathies to your losses.

    Now, I inform you that it's "none of the above." what you're dealing with- it's called the Law of Attraction. now, that's different than Karma btw. idk if you're familiar with metaphysics at all, but the Law of Attraction if a force that people have come to genuinely confuse with karma. Karma, as we think of it, does NOT exist. And God would NEVER bring you such undo pain.

    The reason why all of these awful things have been happening to you and your family, is because within your network you have been sharing beliefs that you deserve pain (sounds crazy, but hear me out!) and therefore together you have been "creating that reality" for years now. This sounds incredibly harsh to say that you've been doing this to yourself, but you should be relieved because it means that you can undo all of these bad things that are happening to you, just by believing that you have the power, that you CAN. I strongly suggest that you read The Seth Books by Jane Roberts. They're written very textbook like, and pack a ton of material in a punch, but they changed my life. I also recommend you read the books by the spirit guide Emmanuel, i think the author is...Pat Rodegast? and books by the spirit guide Abraham, by Ester Hicks. You have to believe you're in charge of your own reality, and that you create your experience. Noone is punishing you for anything. You haven't done anything "bad." You and your network have simply created this horrible time within the framework of your experience, but you can change it by putting out positive energy, by believing that you all deserve love and happiness and by doing your best to put love and happiness and appreciation out in the world. If that's what you put out, that's what you'll find in your experience. Also, I recommend you pray that God helps bring good things into your world and he will. In actuality, God is just the force that wants us all to do well. When we're doing well, we're at peace, and peace is the natural alignment of the universe, so God WANTS us to have GOOD things.

    yeah ;D

    Source(s): mah life
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