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Crazy Horse

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  • OW! It feels like someone shoved a red hot poker down my throat!?

    It started on Thursday as a sore throat then progressed to pain down thru my chest like I've breathed fire. My ears are kind of sore but it's more from my throat down into my chest. I was having a cough yesterday, but I can't cough today as it's too painful.

    Is there something going around and should I go to the doctor? I don't have insurance and there isn't a minute clinic in town. I have to go to work tonight, so what's your suggestion?

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Pork should I make them as grilling is out!?

    I'm making mashed potatos with gravy, corn bread (optional) and some kind of veggie (canned or frozen-not sure). Grilling is out as we're under a burn ban.

    I can "shake n bake" them, saute' them, fry them....just not sure as it's really freaken hot and I'm feeling kinda lazy as it's my only day off this week.....

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • I have very sensitive teeth and I need some advise...?

    I used to have one sensitive spot, and in one year it grew to 5 spots. I brush twice a day with sensodyne. I only drink about 3 sugary drinks a day (a couple of cokes and some creamer with coffee) and my diet is pretty healthy. I'm over 40 and post menopausal. I do smoke and I don't chew gum or eat candy.

    Is there anything I can do since three of the spots are pretty new or do you have a better way to eat since it bothers me to eat and drink. I can't stand hot or cold food anymore.

    3 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • breast feeding issues with the grandson?

    I am at my daughters' house and she's on her second day home with my second grandson. Her first son is almost 5 years old. She is having issues with the 5 year old making boobie jokes and other silly quips. Can you tell me anything you did to stop the boobie issue he is making? We've tried telling him that it's normal, natural and that's what mommies do-all mommies (dogs, cats ect). Will it go away and just become "part of the furniture" cuz it's still too new for him? Please help cuz she hates sending him away every time she nurses. Thanks!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • lupus, leukemia questions-white blood cell count, please help?

    I'm seriously concerned with my niece. She put this on her facebook page. Now, the white blood count has been an issue for a few years with her, but no one that I was aware of (including the military doctors) have been able to tell why it is this way with her.

    Is she really sick or just wanting attention? She has always wanted that extra attention growing up (crying wolf) so no one is believing this one either. Can it be true? Please enlighten her worried aunt!

    She Writes

    "My current condition, I've been told, could develop into either Lupus or Leukemia. Not sure which direction it will take, but I'm somewhat concerned about it. At 20k wbc in my cbc, I'm much closer to Lupus. Leukemia is at 50k wbc, while Lupus is at 35k. A normal person is between 8k-12k white blood cell count in their complete blood count [wbc/cbc] So mine's fairly elevated. It's been causing more and more helth problems as it progresses.

    I'm getting used to the idea that I won't live as long as the rest of you, but I'm keeping it in check and checking on it as often as I can to make sure that it's not getting any worse. I want to be around with you guys for as long as I can be; after all, you're my family... Kinda stuck with me. =)"

    Now, what is your opinion?

    3 AnswersCancer10 years ago
  • zucchini...I have more with no more ideas?

    I have three plants. They have zucchini almost ready to pick. I have made 2 batches of zuc bread, one Italian zuc with pasta and fried zuc as well. Now, I'm out of ideas and giving them away. I do like zucchini, but I didnt think 3 plants would yield me so many.

    I love you people and you give me the best ideas and recipes! So, help me out with this one, please.

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Southern Style green bean salad to go with brisket ideas, please...?

    There's so many ideas, so I'd like to hear from the southern part of the country on this one. My sister is smoking a brisket for a party and I'm to bring the green bean salad. Let's hear your best, or easiest, or favorite recipe so I can make it for the party! Thanks, ...y'all are the best!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • How do you make bread pudding?

    I had some the other day and really loved it. I've had it before, but never thought of making it myself. Just curious as "answers" people have the best recipes!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Cast Iron Cleaning...special question?

    I bought two cute cast iron pieces that appeared dirty. They aren't dirty, they are encrusted with some kind of rubber! It was like someone tried to use the corn bread molds to make rubber corn or rubber muffins.

    I tried soaking in hot soapy water and using a brush, but that didn't work at all. I don't want this rubber crap going down my sink. The pieces are rusty already so scouring them is fine. I have a grill so I can heat it up and try and melt it out, but I don't know if the rubber is flammable.

    Any ideas on cleaning?

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Chicken ideas for dinner?

    I thawed a package of 12-15 chicken thighs. It's only the husband and me eating so I'd like a few ideas as one large meal will go to waste. I have the weekend off so time isn't an issue. Extreme specialty ingredients are a problem but I can get most normal things. It's cold out side so grilling is out. We're on a low sodium diet so light on the sauces, please.

    Oh, one last thing...Chicken thighs are not my favorite, but they are my husbands' fav. I just thought three small meals would make the chicken last longer and we would eat more of it than one huge meal with lots of left overs.

    These thighs are bone in and with skin but I can debone them if I feel like it. Thanks for the ideas!

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Carmel Apple Dip that's a leftover...?

    I have it leftover from Christmas. It's 3/4 full and I just don't want to waste it. Any cake/cookie or dessert ideas to use this? I thought of adding it to a cook pudding but I would like something more. Any ideas will be considered, with or without a recipe as I'm a pretty darned good cook. Thanks!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Dogs...My stepdaughter went on vacation and left her two dachshunds at home...?

    They are normally kenneled so she kept them kenneled and a friend was supposed to go there twice a day to feed, water and let them out. They left on Saturday night and found out Wednesday that no one had been to their house AT ALL! Needless to say, they cut vacation short and raced home.

    The dogs are alive, but what are the chances of kidney damage or other problems they might have had without water and living in such horrid conditions? I told her to take them to the vet, but I'm afraid she might not as she's a "they look fine to me" kind of person.

    Any help to pass along would be appreciated...Thanks!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I have a liver disease and I recently read that...?

    People like me can't deal with fatty foods as well as normal people. My question is this...How do I know that it's causing more problems (symptoms) and since I lost too much weight before my low sodium diet started and I'm trying to gain to be normal again...How much fat is too much fat? What actually happens to my liver with any undigested fat in my system?

    My doctor hasn't broached this subject as of yet and I have an appointment in a month. I take a bile duct pill as well as diuretics and eat high potassium foods and take multi vitamins. I still smoke, but that's a habit that's seen better days as well as drinking. I'm 7 months plus sober since i found out.

    I'm trying to do everything possible to keep healthy until I can get a new liver, but there's so much information that I still don't know. Please tell me about fat as I'm severely underweight, which isn't healthy, either.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Auto Mechanics' Advise Please...?

    I drive a 98 chevy s10 stick. I just took it in for a full tune up at the beginning of July. It ran like a top. I took it for a 30 minute drive and encountered 10 minutes of gravel road. A week later (I don't drive much), the transmission is sounding funny.

    When I start to make a turn, I down shift to second while pressing in on the clutch. It's now sounding like I'm grinding the gears when the clutch is depressed fully. It doesn't make this noise shifting from first to second, only riding in second while depressing the clutch.

    Could there be something lodged in the transmission, maybe need fluid or could it be going out. It's never happened before and started abruptly. It's ok if I have the gear in neutral, but not in second with the clutch depressed.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I love my truck and can't really afford to take it back to the shop if it's something simple.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is it a curse or just bad karma?

    Since 2007, things have been happening to us constantly. I'm not sure if it's just use, age, wear and tear, acts of God or bad Karma.

    My washing machine broke, my dish washer broke, I had a major water leak in my home, a hail storm and had to replace the roof, my computer died, my oven died, my grandmother died, mom and dad both got cancer, my best friend died, my husband lost the best job he ever had, I lost my job, I found out that I'm sick (with no insurance) and i went/am going thru menopause. There have also been financial problems with our children that involved us as well.

    I know there are a lot of reasons these things could have happened, but life was better in 2006. What can I do to change our life back around?

    ps-our computer just died again.

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Homemade Mayo and I screwed it up. Need advise.?

    I've been making mayo for about a month now. It calls for vinegar and lemon juice (one TBS each), tad of sugar and a tsp of salt. Two egg yolks and 1-1/2C oil. Also calls for 1tsp dijon mustard.

    I've made this perfect many times, so I changed things up a bit and it didn't work. Which one of these was the reaction I didn't want so I don't do it again.

    I changed lemon juice for lime juice, but the guy on youtube where I got the recipe from said it's supposed to be 2TBS vinegar and he just likes the taste of lemon juice.

    I used sea salt instead of table salt to lower the sodium. It was freshly ground.

    One egg had a double yolk and I didn't remove it, but I assumed that it was the same volume as the single yolk.

    I omitted the mustard as I wanted standard mayo without it.

    1. What did I do to ruin my mayo


    2. Can I fix it?

    I didn't overmix it, but it didn't thicken up like it's supposed to. Help, I need it for sandwich dinner tonight. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I would love a recipe for granola?

    I'm on a low sodium diet and found a great granola cereal that's low in salt. I would love to make my own, but I don't know how. I have dried fruits, oats, honey, brown sugar, cinnamon and other cooking supplies but i just don't know what ratio to what to add and how to bake it. I'm not looking for bar type granola, but large chunks would be awesome

    I just hate spending $4 on a box of oats when i can do it myself.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Left over turkey ideas for low sodium diets.?

    I roasted a turkey breast last week and still have the uncooked wings, legs and thighs to cook. I could grill, cook, boil or roast them but I'm out of ideas as I'm on a low sodium diet. Putting them in a cream sauce/soup (unless I make it myself) is out. Since I still have to cook them, those ideas would also be helpful. Thanks.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How many mg of salt in one teaspoon?

    I'm on a low salt diet and trying to make my own foods low in sodium. Approximately how many mg of dietary sodium in a well measured teaspoon?

    Also, if you have any low sodium food ideas to replace gravies, sauces, dips and dressings I would really like to hear your ideas!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Low Salt diet and cooking ideas, any help would be appreciated.?

    I love to cook, but now I have to watch my salt due to medical reasons. I've been reading labels and I'm finding more low fat or fat free foods than low or sodium free foods. Sauces, gravies, dips and most dressings are out unless I can make them with low/free foods. I'm already making my own mayo, so I'm hip on cooking outside the box. I am also severely underweight, so I have to eat as much as possible without going over my alloted salt intake. I already have free butter, but other cooking staples like milk, yogurt, cheeses and the like are impossible to find. Powdered milk seems to be low salt for baking. I haven't looked at rice or almond milk yet and I don't know how well it cooks as opposed to milk.

    I do eat meat and fresh veggies/fruit but a plain rice side is pretty boring. I have to like what i cook or it's a waste of time and food. I am open to any ideas here, but my one fall back is that I live in a small town and specialty items are hard to come by without an hour drive into the city.

    Thanks for any and all of your help!

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago