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almost out of diapers... help!?

I have 2 toddlers who are both in diapers. Unfortunately, while visiting Grandma, she forgot that milk gives my son the runs, so she gave him milk. My fiance just started a new job, and doesn't get paid until Friday. We budgeted our money and stretched it, so we have groceries, gas, and we bought diapers and wipes. Normally it would have been enough diapers, but my son is going through about 3 times as many as normal. Now, we have 4 left, and no money until Friday. I have already tried friends, and family, and am out of options to get some more diapers. Any ideas for make shift diapers?

Also, I'd really prefer to not get any rude answers. I am not selling my computer, because we only need $10 for diapers. I am a stay at home mom. We do fine, normally. We had a rough 2 weeks because of the transition to a new job, and trying to make the last paycheck last until the first one from the new job. We would have had plenty if my son wasn't sick (Grandma lives 2 hours away, so I can't ask her to go to the store because of this). I don't have cloth diapers on hand, no safety pins, and no covers even if I did have cloth diapers. I need something that will be water proof, and hopefully tomorrow I can figure out how to find $10 to buy a small package of diapers. All I want is a way to make it through the night. Now, my daughter goes to bed in one hour, and only needs one more change, right then. That leaves me 3 diapers for now (fiancee is at work until 4 am), and as long as my son doesn't get sick anymore, I will be fine for the night. I am just looking for makeshift as a last resort. Thanks!

Also, both children are toddlers (2 and 4), if that makes a difference.


My four year old isn't toilet trained because he is autistic and resistant to change. We've tried for 2 years (giving him breaks), and he will not use the toilet. Our kids are both in the same size diapers, so if one runs out, they both run out.

Update 2:

I DID buy the big box of diapers, but because my son is lactose intolerant and was given milk, we've gone through them too fast. I will have diapers on Friday. Instead of jumping to conclusions, maybe you should read the entire thing.

Also, my son is AUTISTIC. Potty training him has not been easy, and he refuses. I have 2 older children who were potty trained on time.

And yes, a $10 pack of diapers would last us until Friday.

Update 3:

I'm not on here to be judged. Let me try to explain this a bit better, so you all will stop (the ones who are being rude). First of all, my fiance makes plenty of money, but he was offered a job making a bit more per year. We used his last paycheck at his old job to stock up on food, made sure the gas tank was full, and bought a big box of diapers and a big box of wipes. Saturday we had a half a box left, and that's enough to last us 6 days. Grandma was watching the kids, and mixed up which of her many grandchildren were lactose intolerant (honest mistake), and my son got sick. She felt horrible when she realized, and it was fine. Unfortunately, with the amount of milk and dairy products he had at Grandma's house, he has gone through quite a few diapers. We got down to 4. I did look on craigslist, and I did post an ad, and received a response. I am 30 miles from the nearest town that sells diapers, and am without a car while dad is at work, so even if I had the money, (cont...)

Update 4:

I wouldn't be able to pick them up until tonight.

Now, to Adrianne, my son is SPECIAL NEEDS. That means he is in a SPECIAL EDUCATION program. He has been in school for a few months, and the most they have done is told me when I need to send more diapers to school. Special needs children aren't on the same schedule as other ones, and if they are not potty trained at 5, they are still allowed to go to school.

Jax, thank you for apologizing. I can understand the frustration, and I wasn't completely clear on why my son isn't toilet trained. I am due in March with my 5th child, and the only reason we have medicaid is because it covers all of our therapies for our son. We do also have insurance through my fiance's old job, which will end once he enrolls in the insurance in his new job. They won't cover the two children who have special needs, because it's "pre-existing" but that should be changing soon. Anyway, I appreciate the apology.

Thanks to everyone who has given me ideas.

Update 5:

I only have a couple more things to add.

My friends aren't being unsupportive, I haven't been able to get a hold of most of them (I assume they are in bed). I did get a hold of my neighbor, who ran me over a handful of diapers to help get us through the night and the morning.

I don't belong to a church, and don't have a lot of places to turn. Now, I want to stress that we normally do just fine, financially, it's just the last 2 weeks we had to stretch our money because of the job change. Once he gets his first check Friday, we will, once again, be doing just fine.

now, to I love you forever, I'm glad that you and your husband both work. However, do you have to put 4 children (soon to be 5) in daycare? Even if 3 of them are only before and after school, it costs more money than I would make working. I prefer to stay home with my kids (not that there is anything wrong with working), because it saves us money on daycare and gas. It costs us more for me to work than to stay home.

Update 6:

pregnant with #2- you didn't offend me. It looked to me like you were just trying to offer suggestions. Most didn't offend me, but a select few did.

Thanks again to everyone who has given me ways to make diapers at home. I did get an e-mail from someone on craigslist who has been in my position and is going to bring us a package of diapers tonight when she gets off work. thanks again to everyone for the advice, and I will have a hard time choosing a best answer.

Update 7:

pregnant with #2- you didn't offend me. It looked to me like you were just trying to offer suggestions. Most didn't offend me, but a select few did.

Thanks again to everyone who has given me ways to make diapers at home. I did get an e-mail from someone on craigslist who has been in my position and is going to bring us a package of diapers tonight when she gets off work. thanks again to everyone for the advice, and I will have a hard time choosing a best answer.

Update 8:

pregnant with #2- you didn't offend me. It looked to me like you were just trying to offer suggestions. Most didn't offend me, but a select few did.

Thanks again to everyone who has given me ways to make diapers at home. I did get an e-mail from someone on craigslist who has been in my position and is going to bring us a package of diapers tonight when she gets off work. thanks again to everyone for the advice, and I will have a hard time choosing a best answer.

Update 9:

pregnant with #2- you didn't offend me. It looked to me like you were just trying to offer suggestions. Most didn't offend me, but a select few did.

Thanks again to everyone who has given me ways to make diapers at home. I did get an e-mail from someone on craigslist who has been in my position and is going to bring us a package of diapers tonight when she gets off work. thanks again to everyone for the advice, and I will have a hard time choosing a best answer.

Update 10:

sorry, I apparently hit the button a few times when posting the last details!

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tonight - take one towel and cut it up into 16x20" sections. Fold into thirds. Take this burrito and lay it against your child's crotch. Take a pair of shorts and use it to keep the burrito placed right. As long as you have no problem with your child possibly leaking through the contraption, this will work. Another thought - use a menstrual pad inside shorts. Another thought - do the towel thing and then cut up a plastic topped tablecloth into 16X7 sections, laying this across the burrito inside the shorts. (The plasticky stuff is PUL, which is water resistant and will lead to a leak-free night) You could also choose to cut the tablecloth into the shape of a disposable diaper and use masking, packing, or duct tape to seal. Another thought, use waxed paper instead of the tablecloth.

    Tomorrow --

    1) Try in your area. I know I have a couple extra packs of newborn, size 1 and size 2 diapers I need to get rid of and will give them away on my local freecycle website (when I can find the time to list them).

    2) Post on Craigslist for some free help. I would give you diapers to help if I could (and I have a box of size 4T pullups in my attic that I know would help your autistic son!)

    3) Contact your local WIC office and see what social service agencies might be able to help out. There are a couple here in my area that do short term helps like a couple boxes of diapers in the meantime.

    4) Sell some plasma. I know, horrible idea, but they usually pay $20 and that could buy you a few!

    5) Sell something on Craigslist. I am forever getting rid of my son's outgrown items. I have a Moses basket, 2 slings, a front carrier, a sterilizer and some extra bottles I'm waiting to list. You must have extra things too!

    6) Return something. I sometimes do this, particularly if I recently bought something whimsical and not necessary and I still have the receipt.

    I hope these ideas help. No chance you're near me, huh?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Okay first you say almost 3 so technically the child is not 3. Secondly each child progresses at their own pace so 3 is not abnormal or ridiculous to be wearing diapers. My son did not start to potty train until 3 1/2 so at 3 yrs old I was changing his diapers. Tell me in the rule book of parenting where a child needs or must or has to or is abnormal if not out of diapers at a certain age. Urgirlysmile also said it. Don't judge just because you have a different belief or don't even have kids. It's a friken diaper not the plague. Second, again you have no right to judge either the parent by saying they are lazy or the child since everyone learns at different stages of life. Parents worry so much if a child is in diapers at a later age but when was the last time you heard someone calling another parent lazy when their kid stupid made bad grade on their report card. You don't there is always an excuse or oh well he'll make it up with extra credit. Why do so many people worry about kids in diapers?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you have pads? I would try a couple of those with like a hand towel, thats the best I could think of as far as not spending any money. As for tomorrow, I'd look into finding a place that helps mothers and babies. The place I go to here is called With Child, they have a point based system, you watch videos about child care and safety and you earn points, and they have all sorts of things you can buy, including diapers. I learned about them through the local food bank. Food banks will also sometimes get diaper donations, and churches as well. Good luck :) Remind grandma no more milk!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am going to assume it is fairly warm where you are at the moment (based on the use of 'diaper' I'm guessing you are in America).

    Do you have any flannel bedsheets or old towels that it won't hurt if you cut them up? If you cut out 70 by 70cm squares from them (a bit over two feet to a side) you will have the most basic of cloth diapers- the 'flat fold' you can use hair pins to fasten them or you can make a 'belt' out of the edge of the sheet and tie the diaper on- put a pair of shorts over the top to hold it in place.

    here's a page with a few folds- I recommend the parallel fold as it is easy and very adjustable.

    they won't be waterproof but they will do for an emergency!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Which one is out?

    If its the 4yo no more liquids before bed ,put a garbage bag or other plastic under his sheet ontop of his mattress, add a 2nd undersheet, toilet him before putting him down & have a towel & change of clothes ready for through the night. Put him tpo bed in undies aswell as Pj pants. Get him up to wee again before you go to bed, this can often be done n his 1/2 asleep state, just pick him up pop him on the loo & point it downwards.

    2yo Id be ready to fashion a nappy from a hand towel it will poke above the waist to any elasticised pant could hold it well enough inplace to sleep. Again you'll need a plastic underlay of some sort to protect her mattress. Try the same toileting as suggested for your son.

    Either way your likely to have washing in the morning but planning ahead will help make getting through he night less stressful.

    Good Luck


    This woman has asked for HELP NOT A LECTURE!!!!

    If you cant contribute constructivley go to another question where you can.

    Gosh give her a break, to be as perfect as the masses...

  • 7 years ago

    As a new mom, I am appalled to see how jugemental parents--especially mothers--are of one another down to every little petty difference. I could understand judging someone who flat out abuses their child but seriously, some of you are just terrible.

    And to love, yeah seriously she had no money with her at all. Is that so hard to believe? **** HAPPENS. PEOPLE ARE POOR. OBSTACLES COME UP. CRISES ARE EXPERIENCED. Shut your ******' mouth. I'd kill for an extra $25 right now.

  • 1 decade ago

    The cloth diapers we all use for burp rags do work. We've done it in a pinch. People who have everything they need when they need it rarely understand when someone else doesn't. We've had to be creative in lots of ways to survive and have what we need. I feel for you and hope that an angel will bless you in your hour of need.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When my daughter was a bit over 2 I went to change her just before bed, and we got distracted, and, long story short, she went to bed diaperless. Nothing happened, no pee. And this trick was easily repeated, but only if she was in a nightie; it was a few months before she could stay dry at night in pajamas -- my assumption was that she was waking up just enough to wonder if she had something on her bum, and as soon as she felt anything (eg, pajama pants) she thought 'Ah, diaper' and let go.

    Thus: try leaving them without a bottom half, pajama-wise, if you're going to do a garbage bag and some towels or whatever on the bed; you may be fine. I would just: not use diapers, instead of stressing about how few are left. It's not that hard (speaking from experience) to clean a mess on the floor. If you have carpet -- blot until as dry as possible, then soak with very lightly soapy water, then blot again...

    I suspect the 4yo, and possibly the 2yo if the 2yo is on the older side of 2, may surprise you if you simply explain the situation to them. "We are all out of diapers, there are no more diapers in the house -- I am sorry -- no diapers. If you would like, you can tell Mummy when you need to go and Mummy will help you use the toilet" might be your ticket out of ever buying them again.

    Then focus on getting better friends, because this is very depressing -- running out of money, okay, but running out of money AND having NO support at all is horrible with kids. Get yourself involved with the community...! Parenting and poverty in isolation = unnecessarily unpleasant.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't use the nappies during the day. Use them at bed time only. This is a good time to start with toilet training, i never used a potty, i just placed my daughter on the toilet when she said she needed to go. Your going to get a lot of accidents on the floor but at least ur not wasting your nappies and you can also get started on the whole "toilet training". My daughter was using a toilet by the age of 2.5 (day time only) she still wears a nappy at night time and she is 3. You can go to the huggies website and sign up for free and they give you sample packs of pull ups (all free) although i don't know if they would reach you in time but its worth trying.

    Also if you do run out of nappies for bed time just line the bed with 2 towels folded over for double resistance and once your child wakes up put the towels in the wash and bath the child. This way your sheets and mattress's won't get soiled. Makes life much easier.

    EDIT: My answer was written before you mentioned your son has autism. If i was rude or offended you in anyway im sorry. Im was genuinely trying to help.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go on Craigslist to see if anyone is selling unused and unopened diapers for cheap in your area. Seriously give it a try

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