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I'm the mother of 4 wonderful kids... 3 boys, ages 8, 6, 3 and a daughter, age 1. My 3 year old is Autistic, and I try to take life one day at a time. I don't pretend to be an expert on anything, but I've been through a lot with my kids, and am always willing to give thoughts, opinions and possibly some advice.

  • Need help understanding the guy I'm dating?

    I've been seeing this guy for 10 months now. When we met, we were both fresh out of relationships (I had been single for 3 months and he had been single for 2), so neither of us were looking for anything serious. Despite this, however, we ended up falling in love and have been dating exclusively for the last 7 months. Now, in the 10 months we have been together, we have split up 6 times... 2 of those times I ended things, 4 of the times he ended things. All of those times were in the beginning, when we were both scared of our feelings. We call them our "customary 3 day fights" and when we begin an argument now, we usually end up with one of us saying "I don't want this to turn into a 3 day split" and we take the night to cool down before we talk. Now, the thing is, I give this man everything. I can't love someone a little, when I love, I love completely. He, however, keeps a part of him closed off to me because he was so hurt by the 12 years he spent with his now ex-wife, so he refuses to give himself completely to another woman. In the meantime, I end up getting hurt. He's gotten drunk and admitted to me that he has texted her, but that was months ago. We've been going great since January, when he finally let her go, but he still doesn't want the title of relationship. I know he's not seeing anyone else, we spend every single day together. Our kids are friends, and when my kids and I aren't sleeping over at his house, he and his kids are sleeping over at mine. We spend maybe one night a week apart. Anyone who knows us, all of our friends, they all say that we're together, but he refuses. He says titles make him feel trapped. I give him everything that he asks for, and things he doesn't ask for. I bought him a $500 phone for his birthday, I babysit his kids in the morning, I do his dishes and clean his house, I cook for him, I buy us beer and I buy him cigarettes when he's low (now, keep in mind, other than the cleaning and the dishes, he does all of these things for me, as well). We have a blast together, we feed off of each other like the main characters in Dean Koontz novels. The only thing I've ever asked him for, the ONE THING, is the title. I don't care about him buying me things, or any of that... I just want the title... and I don't know how to approach him without him shutting down. He's started finally opening up to me, he's actually opened his heart to me in the last couple of months and has begun to tell my kids that he loves them, and treats them like they are his own children. He has a big heart and is the most incredible man that I have ever met. I've tried to give him time to realize on his own that we might as well have the title, but he can't. When he meets new girls in bars and what not, he usually brings them over to me and introduces me as the girl he's seeing, or calls me his "psuedo-girlfriend" so they know he's taken. He gets jealous when guys hit on me (not talk to me, I have plenty of guy friends... more like when they ignore the fact that I say I'm with him and they try to get me to go on dates and crap. It's happened more than once), he tells me he loves me, tells me I'm his best friend and he can't go a day without me in his life, but the title eludes us. How can I make him see the title is just a word and shouldn't make him feel trapped, but that word means a lot to me? I'm tired of being introduced as the psuedo-girlfriend or the friend he's seeing. It's been 10 months! He used to be a self proclaimed runner, which is why we've broken up 6 times (sorry, psuedo-broken up lol), but he's gotten past that. Anyone have any advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • period vaginal hemorrhaging?

    Okay, so here's the deal... Ever since my 5th child was born 17 months ago, I've had issues with my periods, and for about 8 months I bled almost daily. A few months ago, everything went back to normal, and my periods came every 28 days like clockwork, lasted 7 days and the bleeding was normal. I started my period on Saturday, and all day everything was normal. That night, at 3 am, I put in a super tampon and went to bed. At 3:30 am, my 4 year old woke up wanting something to drink, so when I got up, I realized I was leaking (to the point that blood was running down my legs like I was peeing on myself). I got cleaned up, was a bit worried, but other than that one incident, Sunday (day 2) was completely normal. Day 3 I started bleeding a little heavier, changing tampons about every 2 hours, and in the evening (around 7 pm), I put in a fresh tampon to take a shower. 15 minutes later, when I stepped out of the shower, blood was again pouring down my legs. The rest of the evening was alright, still every two hours or so I had to change my pad and tampon (I started to double up with a super pad and super tampon on Sunday). Yesterday (day 4), the bleeding got heavy again, going back up to every 1 1/2 hours of needing to change, and today, day 5, I am changing my tampon and pad every single hour, though this last one was less than 30 minutes. I'm passing a lot of quarter and half dollar sized clots, the cramping is pretty mild, only had a couple of points where it was any worse than normal. I know this isn't a miscarriage, because I've had my tubes tied and do not have an active sex life at the moment... so my thought is that I am hemorrhaging for some reason, and yes, I know that I need to go to a doctor, but time wise it's not easy to do. I work 6 nights a week at a job that only has one other employee, and she cannot cover my shifts. I'm trying to figure out what I can do at home to ease this, if anything, and I am going to try to get to the E.R. tonight. Anyone know what could be causing this, or what doctors might do to fix it? During the 8 months of constant bleeding, they tried several birth control pills as well as the shot, and nothing stopped or even eased the bleeding, so I'm not sure if that will do anything this time around, either. But day 5 of my period, I'm usually switching to regular and light tampons, not bleeding through supers. I also have endometriosis (medically confirmed during one of my c-sections), so I've always been a moderately heavy bleeder and always had the cramping, but nothing that comes close to this. Any thoughts?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • First time karaoke host needs help!?

    Okay, so here's the deal. I'm a freaking bartender, and I can't carry a tune to save my life... but our karaoke person was fired, and the owner of the bar seems to think I will be great to take over the position temporarily. I just found this out, and I have to start TOMORROW NIGHT. I don't have a clue what I'm doing, it's a little small bar without many customers, but karaoke nights pull in more than just the regulars. I'm funny when I banter with someone, but I don't know how to get the crowd going. I don't know what to say to start the night off, I don't know if I will be nervous, but I work at this bar, so I want to make a good impression because 3 nights a week I serve these people their drinks. I need tips, jokes, things to say, etc! Please please please help me. This is only temporary, but it's probably going to last a few weeks, so I need massive amounts of help! Thanks! And please don't be rude because I can't sing so I won't. I told the owner that before he said he wanted me to take over.

    2 AnswersSinging9 years ago
  • need help picking a dogs name...?

    I am getting a small black female Scottish Terrier in about a week. I am a HUGE nerd and have narrowed down my names to two, which I can't decide between, so I am doing a poll (my facebook friends have been no help, lol). Keep in mind it is a black female dog, and tell me what name you like best, please.



    Now I have decided on these two, so I'm not asking for suggestions, just which of the two you like better. Thanks!

    11 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • postpartum bleeding that has lasted 9 months?

    Okay, I gave birth to my 5th child in February of this year. She was a c-section baby, so they made sure to get all of the placenta out and then cleaned out my uterus pretty well with a sponge. I bled for 14 days, then stopped bleeding altogether. 2 weeks later, I started again, and it's been going ever since. Sometimes it's like a full period (heavy bleeding, I might leak through a tampon AND pad overnight some nights), other times it's just spotting or very light bleeding. Now, I've been in contact with my doctor about this... 3 months post partum, she put me on the pill, which did NOTHING. Then, after a month, she put me on the shot, which didn't help (I've been on the shot before and didn't bleed at all)... then she put me on the cascading birth control with the shot, where I took 4 pills a day for 4 days, then three, then 2, then one, until I was out of pills... that stopped the bleeding while I was on the pills, but the day after I stopped them, I started bleeding again. I contacted my doctor again, and she wants to do a biopsy. I've had 2 ultrasounds, which show nothing. I had my tubes tied during my c-section, but she said that shouldn't cause this. I have also been getting cysts on my ovaries, which have me in bed for days, crying with a heating pad on my gut. During the c-section, they did visually confirm that I have endometriosis, which was suspected for years... now I'm at a loss on what to do, or what this could be. I have to wear either a tampon or a pad constantly. Occasionally I will have one day with no bleeding, and then it goes right back to it. I'm tired all the time, I bruise easily, and I'm worried this is affecting my iron levels, but my doctor doesn't want to perform a partial or full hysterectomy. That's my OB, but I also have a new primary care doctor, and I am wondering if it would be more beneficial to me to bring it up to him, or to continue seeing my OB about the bleeding. Anyone else gone through this? What happened with it? And which doctor should I talk to? I'd like to have a hysterectomy, since I do have the endo and the cysts, and I am done having children. I'm 29, and this is my 5th child, so those shouldn't be a factor. My OB is through a Catholic hospital, and it took a lot to get her to tie my tubes. I'm tired of hurting all the time. This is affecting my life, and I don't know what to do. Ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Post-partum bleeding with tubal ligation?

    I had my daughter on feb 22nd, and I got my tubes tied during the c-section. I bled lightly for 4 days, then went a week and a half with no bleeding whatsoever. I started bleeding again, and for about 3 weeks it was heavy, like it should be. Then, I went to just spotting/light bleeding (one tampon or pad per day). I am still bleeding like this. I contacted my doctor at 9 weeks postpartum, and she put me on a birth control pill to control the bleeding as well as to ease my endometriosis. It's been 2 weeks since I started my pills, almost 3, and I am still bleeding the same. Today I started cramping so badly I have been on a heating pad for the last few hours, and I had to take 800 mg of Motrin. I don't know what to do, though I plan to call my doctor again on Monday. Has anyone else had this happen? How concerned should I be?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • vaginal bleeding after cesarean?

    I just had my 3rd c-section about 10 days ago. I was told the doctor "cleaned me out well" which is why my bleeding was lighter than I expected initially. I was sent home when my daughter was 3 days old, and the next day was the last day that I bled. I've been wearing panty liners for about a week, but I only had spotting for 2 days after I stopped bleeding. Is that normal? I mean, I bled for 4 days. With my other 2 c-sections I bled for a month, so this is new to me.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • hand foot and mouth disease?

    I was informed today that my 4 year old son was exposed to Hand, Foot and Mouth disease at his school sometime in the last few days. I checked his temperature, it is currently 100 degrees. HFMD sites says that the first sign is a fever of 101-103... now I am assuming that he is coming down with it because of the 100 fever (he was sick with a cold recently and his temp never hit over 98, as he runs a steady 97.8 ish). Should I stop worrying and just check again, or does it seem like he is most likely coming down with it, considering he is up to 100 degrees today? Hopefully this makes sense.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • toddler has swollen eyelids...?

    I looked at my daughter a little while ago, and noticed that her upper and lower eyelid on her left eye is swollen. Not quite swollen shut, but def. very puffy and reddish colored. It doesn't -quite- look like a black eye, and no one has noticed her hit her eye on anything. Her dad has the car at work, so we can't really rush her to the doctor right this second without calling him home. Her eyeball itself looks normal, no redness or anything, just her eyelid. She isn't sick, no runny nose, no fever... no discharge from the eye, either. I've been putting a cold wet rag on it to get the swelling down, but I am not sure what it could be, or if it's something I need to take her in tonight for, or if it can wait until morning. She has rubbed it a little, although I have been trying to keep her hands away from her eyes. Suggestions or ideas?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • almost out of diapers... help!?

    I have 2 toddlers who are both in diapers. Unfortunately, while visiting Grandma, she forgot that milk gives my son the runs, so she gave him milk. My fiance just started a new job, and doesn't get paid until Friday. We budgeted our money and stretched it, so we have groceries, gas, and we bought diapers and wipes. Normally it would have been enough diapers, but my son is going through about 3 times as many as normal. Now, we have 4 left, and no money until Friday. I have already tried friends, and family, and am out of options to get some more diapers. Any ideas for make shift diapers?

    Also, I'd really prefer to not get any rude answers. I am not selling my computer, because we only need $10 for diapers. I am a stay at home mom. We do fine, normally. We had a rough 2 weeks because of the transition to a new job, and trying to make the last paycheck last until the first one from the new job. We would have had plenty if my son wasn't sick (Grandma lives 2 hours away, so I can't ask her to go to the store because of this). I don't have cloth diapers on hand, no safety pins, and no covers even if I did have cloth diapers. I need something that will be water proof, and hopefully tomorrow I can figure out how to find $10 to buy a small package of diapers. All I want is a way to make it through the night. Now, my daughter goes to bed in one hour, and only needs one more change, right then. That leaves me 3 diapers for now (fiancee is at work until 4 am), and as long as my son doesn't get sick anymore, I will be fine for the night. I am just looking for makeshift as a last resort. Thanks!

    Also, both children are toddlers (2 and 4), if that makes a difference.

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • how to make lemon pie with canned lemon?

    I bought a can of lemon pie filling and a pie crust. I was planning to top it with cool whip instead of meringue... the back of the can only tells how to make lemon bars, so I am wondering how to heat the pie? Should I just follow the lemon bar instructions?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to have a baby shower?

    I am pregnant with my 5th child. I had a baby shower with my oldest (a boy), and when my third son was born, I had a bbq when he was a month old (kind of a shower, but after the fact). I have one daughter, and didn't have a shower with her. I know you aren't supposed to have showers with subsequent children, but here is my situation: We moved to a new state when I was pregnant with my 2 year old daughter (the only girl). We would have had a shower if we were still in our home state, because it was our first daughter, but we didn't know anyone here. Now we have friends, and I'm expecting again. Is it okay to have a shower, since this is the first pregnancy with these friends? Also, my fiancé's family is close now, so they would be able to make it, as well. Thoughts? Is this taboo, or is it okay to do? One of my closest friends wants to throw me a shower, but I'm not sure what etiquette says in this situation.

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • does anyone know what this is called?

    It's a swinging bassinet that comes off the arms or whatever, and you can attach a swing chair. I've been looking for one (I really only want the bassinet part, not so much the rest), but I don't know the name of it. If you know it, please help! Here's a picture

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I need more meanings for the acronym "MILF"?

    I know the widely used meaning of MILF. I'd like to find some other meanings, if you all can be creative and come up with them. A friend of mine has decided she wants to get a shirt made up that says "MILF" across the front, and then on the back, she wants it to say something else (the only thing she can come up with is Man I Love Fridays!) to mess with people. I've been trying to help her, but so far we haven't come up with anything good. If anyone could help, I'd appreciate it!

    12 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • could my dog be having seizures?

    Back in November, I got 2 free pomeranians from a guy who was moving out of state. He gave me their backgrounds, I spent a little bit of time with them, and fell in love (They are 4 and 5). Well, yesterday, he ran into my living room, whining, then started acting.. .weird. He flopped onto his side, his head was bobbing like a bobble head, if he stood up, he would sway around, his eyes seemed glossy and unseeing. It lasted 2-4 minutes, then for 30 minutes after, he just layed there panting while I was petting him. This is the 3rd time since November this has happened. I looked online, and it looks like he might be having seizures... and I know we have to take him to a vet, and we will, just not for about 3 weeks (We are going out of state in the morning, and don't have the time right now. They dogs are going with us). Will 3 weeks hurt him, being he is really only averaging 1 a month? Also, how could anyone own a dog for 4 years with this happening and not take him to a vet? It's obvious for other reasons that these dogs have never seen a vet, and we were lied to about that. I don't really know what to do for now, though, other than comfort him as much as possible. Anyone have experience with this?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • hurt my ankle a couple of days ago. How long should I wait...?

    a couple of days ago, I went to put my leg up, and wasn't paying attention, and swung my ankle right into the corner of an end table. It hurt like hell and swelled just a small amount, but welted instantly. Ever since, I've been limping. I get random pains up to my knee, and occasional tingling in my toes... I know it isn't broken (the swelling was so minor, and went away by morning. this happened late at night). How long should I wait before going to a doctor? I don't want to go in if it's something minor, but I don't want to injure it further, either. there is a small bruise there, but nothing that concerns me, and I know it isn't the bruise itself that hurts. Also, I've been wrapping it with an ace bandage to give it some extra support. Any idea what the difference is between a bruised bone and a fracture? And how long do you think before I should call a doctor?

    5 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • toddler chokes while eating?

    My daughter, who is 21 months, has always been a good eater. Lately, though, she has been choking every time she eats. We give her smaller and smaller pieces, but it doesn't help. She chokes then pukes. It's not every meal that she pukes, that is a bit more rare (once or twice a week), but she chokes no matter what she is eating. Any ideas on what we can do? And I already plan to bring this up to her doctor, I just wanted to know if anyone else has dealt with this. There is a good possibility that she is autistic, I'm not sure if that will make this harder to handle or not. None of my other children have ever done this. What can I do?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help with a sick Pom?

    I have a 4 year old pomeranian... he has had diarrhea pretty bad since Saturday morning, and has been throwing up at least once a day. I haven't changed his food, and he hasn't been eating well. We've given him rice, and plenty of water, but I don't know what else to do. I'm terribly worried for him, but we can't afford a vet. My fiance just recently got laid off, and I am currently unemployed. We're making ends meet, but barely, so an added expense just isn't feasible at this time. What can we do to help our dog?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • what is a mitzvah project?

    I was reading a book, in which the main character and her family are Jewish. While I am familiar with a bar/bat mitzvah, I am not sure what a mitzvah project is. I tried to google it, but all I got were Mitzvah project ideas. I asked a Jewish friend of mine, but he said he wasn't really sure. I was hoping someone could kind of fill me in. I realize this is, quite possibly, a "stupid" question, but I have never come across this before today. thanks!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 18 month old with a lazy eye?

    We recently noticed that our 18 month old daughter left eye is kicked in. I know the doctor needs to look at this, and that they will need to do something to correct it. When I was a child, I wore glasses from 2nd grade through 5th grade because I had a lazy eye, and my 6 year old son is wearing glasses for a lazy eye. My question is not what is wrong with her eye, but what methods they will use to try and correct it in a child this young. I plan to call her doctor tomorrow to set up an appointment. Have any of you gone through this with your under 2 child? What did they use? If they use glasses, how can they tell what lenses she will be able to see out of, when she can't tell them? Thanks!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago