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Which pharmacy position would you choose?

I am fortunate enough to have been offered two positions as a pharmacy intern. One position is with a large retail chain, and the other with a small hospital.

I was offered the retail position first, and so had already accepted it and am training for the position. This employer and I agreed on me working roughly two days a week, but they are willing to adjust my schedule if needed to accommodate my studies. When I mentioned during my interview that I was eventually interested in entering the field of veterinary pharmacy, the pharmacist mentioned that this corporation would soon be starting up a pet prescription program (but no mention of specifically when).

However, today I was also offered the position at the hospital. The job seems like something I would enjoy more, as well as have some additional influence over my duties since they are just starting the pharmacy intern position at the hospital (I would be the first intern). However, it sounds like the hours would only be one or two weekends a month, and I was looking for at least one day a week. On the other hand, I would get more experience relevant to veterinary pharmacy (such as dosing, compounding and preparing IV bags) in a hospital setting.

Both work environments seem very nice, the other employees and supervisors friendly, helpful, and flexible. The commute time is the same, although I may experience more traffic going to the retail position during rush hour. Pay is not particularly important to me, since I know it will be roughly the same at either position, and much more than I was making the previous semester.

I could also potentially accept both positions, however, I am worried that this would become overwhelming once school starts (I am a pharmacy student and my course load is much harder/more time-consuming than the average student with the same number of hours).

Which position would you go for? While any pharmacy experience will be beneficial for school, I am not quite certain that the benefits of either position outweigh the disadvantages of the other, thus I am confused.

Are there other factors I have overlooked that I should consider?

Would it be wise/feasible to do both?

I have been asking my family and some classmates their advice as well, but I figured some outside, unbiased opinions wouldn't hurt. Opinions from pharmacists on which would be more beneficial during pharmacy school would be greatly appreciated, if available.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey there,

    You should pick the one you enjoy the most. No matter what anyone tells you, what you like is the most important. If someone else made the choice for you, you may lead to an unhappy road in the future. However, I do understand how advice is always helpful. :)

    Since both work environments are similar, and you aren't worrying about the pay and most importantly, your interest in veterinary pharmacy, I would suggest taking the offer from the small hospital. Like you said, you're in pharmacy school, and you may be struggling through the workload. Since working at the small hospital won't take up as much time as working in a retail pharmacy, go for it!

    If I were you, I would start of with working at the small hospital. If after working for awhile there and you have no trouble managing your time, I would try out the retail position as well.

    Ultimately, the choice depends on you. I wish you the best of luck! :)

  • 5 years ago

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