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PARVFAN asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why is Obama charging the deficit instead of paying for unemployment ins. with all the money he has left?

Last time he extended these benefits he told Congress to pay for them.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is why the Republicans said NO in the first place. Obama has a lot of money stashed to pour into TV ads for the Democrats to brainwash people. But he can't possibly spend any of that for the unemployed. He is just putting us further in debt so he remains in power at our expense.

    Shame on him!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Especially after Pelosi said that unemployment checks were one of the best stimulus' there were.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama needs the other half of the Stimulus Money as a slush fund for re-election.

    Obama is very greedy and the poor will not get he re-election money...........

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is cutting America down to the size he thinks it should be. He hates what America has traditionally stood for .

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cash is king to 0bama. Why spend it when you can borrow it, that's his idea of fiscal responsibility. Where did this dirt bag come from ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey, that money is earmarked for massive voter fraud in November.

  • "He" has left?

    Congress has the power of taxation.

    Not the big O.

    "He" neither has the power to borrow; Congress does.

    So, to say anything like : "Obama borrowed 4 trillion and should give this to the unemployed." is silly at best, and shows that you aren't aware of the US Constitution's limits on Presidential power.

    Even if it might be true.

    The why is here is a President who is at odds with a treasonous court that jails and sells the labor of the long term unemployed or forcibly unemployed via deadbeat dad "punitively imputed" child support awards (child support orders for rhetoric used instead to try Liberals in civil courts without lawyers and juries in order to limit the access of said Liberals to NO ALLOWABLE ARGUMENT in Federal Court when charged Federally with non-payment of Child Support, because all "issues" had been determined in civil court.

    In my case a partial list of such arguments "taken off the board" by such "maneuvering" were but not limited to: The fact that I was SHOT on Duty with the ARMY in IRAQ THROUGH THE HEAD, and the FACT THAT MY WIFE WAS A MILLIONAIRE, HAVING TAKEN "HER SHARE of the 23 MILLION the STATE had awarded ME in a LAW SUIT, after I blew the Whistle on neo-conSERFatives who had done bad things, killed several law enforcement agents, and nearly lost a military helicopter and it's crew (which I, and one other hero, saved from utter destruction by means not normally allowed US Government Employees), or that in saving that helicopter I was wounded in the head and in both lungs by a Hellfire Missile as well as shot through the shoulder with a machine gun; also in service of law enforcement I was shot by GWB and one of other body guards when he would not surrender the gun he and said other body guard had just used to shoot a Federal law enforcement official in order to escape an arrest for rape and drug abuse, arguments to my innocence also not allowed by the courts by stating that the hearing that I was physically not permitted to attend adjudicated said civil hearing include: I was shot while working for the Bangor PD, in the face, with a 12 gauge shot gun at close range, I was shot, in the head, by two separate guns while working one day in NEW York for the police, again through the brain by a 38 Colt Super .while defending the Security and Exchange Commission (I shot both gunmen; I stopped them enough to stop a series of murders and assassination attempts of "LIBERAL" policemen that included myself and my partner and, I believe I was told, 8 other teams of policemen at that location, I was shot 13 times by GWB and his team of drug smugglers in 1980 in Maine while I was working as a brand new Deputy with the MDIFand W, AND not the least issue not allowed heard by the juries deciding my fate: my ex had me shot, ETC.

    It''s not just me, mind you, that Obama is trying to protect. Over 1/3 of the USA has been placed in Prison by these "court officers" and is either still in Prison or on parole now.

    So, what would you do, if you became President and found out that millions, over 100 MILLION SOULS either were or had recently been abused by the courts and had and continue to have their lives threatened each and every day? Would you let an excuse, underemployment, be the method the court uses to railroad and jail said individuals out of their intellectual property rights (these are functionally Communists we are talking about in the courts, the jail terms are usually temporary, the loss of civil rights in most cases is not temporary.

    Communism is that form of Government wherein the means of control is via "a government" deciding "who can produce", in this case this "Government" is located entirely in the courts, but the effect is the same, no business rights to Americans who are not actually Communist, rhetorically "free marketers" are allowed in business, Liberals pro-free enterprise are not.

    If you woke up and found that your courts had gone Communist, made up too large a % of the policing forces to control, your Army was being held hostage in a foreign land by drug dealers, and virtually nobody had business rights (though this made up 75% of the USA's economy in 1965), what would you do?

    Would you continue to pander to the holders of 25% of the 1965 economy (the taxpayer) or would you try and rescue the emerging intellectual property rights from those that had already stripped all intellectual and other rights away from EVERYONE "THEY COULD" under their FARCICAL notions of what the COURTS SHOULD SAY US CONSTITUTION SAYS?

  • 1 decade ago

    Um, not exactly how government finance work.

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