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How many Christians here on R&S believe that non-believers burn in hell forever?

If you consider yourself a Christian and don't believe in fiery torment, what do you believe happens to non believers after they die and why?


Laura ~ Doesn't Matthew 10:28 basically say the soul will be destroyed, not endure eternal torture?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a Christian and I have come to learn that the Bible doesn't teach eternal hellfire or torture, because this would be incongruent with the nature of God, who is love. The Bible says love keeps no records of wrong, and love never fails.

    When Jesus spoke about gehenna, He was alluding to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in AD70 by the Roman army. In a sense, it is a coming judgment for Israel for rejecting their Messiah - but even then, they would be reconciled to God.

    In the afterlife, all believers and non-believers will continue to be with God for eternity - simply because Jesus is Saviour of all mankind, not just of believers only.

    Source(s): Here are some good resources for further studies and consideration. Hope these can help answer your queries, sister.
  • catgrl
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Christians do not believe that a person is eternally, consciously tormented in a fiery place because they know the Bible does not teach this.

    God himself says the punishment for sin is death, not eternal torment. The rest of the Bible agrees with this-Genesis 2:17; Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 6:23

    At death, a person is unconscious or sleeping in death. They can not think, feel, see or move. This applies to all, both believers and non-believers-John 11:11-14: Psalms 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10

    The Bible speaks of the dead as being in sheol or hades. Some versions use terms such as grave or pit. The unrighteous that are to be resurrected are here-Job 14:13; Numbers 16:28-33; Psalms 16:10; Acts 2:27; Revelation 20:13, 14; Acts 24:15

    Those who are unworthy of being resurrected are spoken of as being in Gehenna. According to what the scriptures say regarding the condition of the dead and what the punishment is for sin, Christians know that Gehenna is the symbol of eternal destruction, not eternal conscious torment-Luke 5:12

    Source(s): Bible
  • I don't know why, but I'm one of the few people on here who recognizes multiple resurrections in the Bible. According to Revelations (verses to follow), everyone will be resurrected and get another chance at life. They will also get to see God and Jesus. So I'm not sure how there'd still be atheists after that.

    Revelations 20:4-6 is the first resurrection. God resurrects all the saints (chosen by God, not the church). They become kings with Jesus for a thousand years (a training period). Verse 5 specifically states "The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended".

    Revelations 20:7-10 describes what happens on the new Earth after the second resurrection. Even with the saints being here and with us knowing that God exists, false prophets still end up amongst us and people still go to war.

    Revelations 20:11-15 describes the judging of these people after they were given a second chance. This is why it's called a second death... because the people will die a second time. Those who still don't follow God and the saints will be sent to the "lake of fire".

    The whole burning thing seems much more symbolic than anything. Look at Revelations 22:1. It talks of the river of the water of life. The people who are judged righteous partake in the river of life. Does that mean people will be soaking wet and in the water all of the time? No. Just like it doesn't mean that people in the lake of fire will be on fire. It's symbolic.

    So what do I believe happens to non-believers? Assuming God won't considere them to be saints (God does have some surprises now and then), they will be resurrected in the second resurrection and get a second chance. If you are still an unbeliever at that time, then I wonder about your intelligence. If you died and then woke up to see that people who died amongst you are also alive, that people of different lifetimes are alive, and could go to Jerusalem to see God and Jesus... and you still were an atheist.... I would be surprised you could breathe on your own.

    Source(s): Revelations chapter 20.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I do believe Hellfire is the eternal punishment for non believers.

    And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    Matthew 10:28

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They will indeed not burn for eternities. However, the fire will stop and there will only be remaining ashes of the non-believers. This does not mean they will go to Heaven then.

  • 1 decade ago

    Makes them feel good about themself.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm undecided.

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