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JiaFei asked in PetsReptiles · 1 decade ago

Where can I get a Pac Man Frog in california?

Hi guys, I live in North California, and I really want a pac man frog as a pet. I am wondering where i might find one as in a local store, if there is a store that near me has them for sale. Thanks much.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most reptile stores don't show what animals they have in stock online unless it’s an online store only in which case you could just Google Pac Man frog for sale and it could be sent to you. But I would recommend going to reptile stores nearby that way you could come back to that store in case you had any questions. as for exact pet stores it’s hard to say because I don’t have the exact city where you are or else I would find it myself but you can go to and search for "reptile" or "frog" in the city you are in and it will bring up local stores that sell reptiles and frogs. Good Luck!

    Source(s): I have looked for reptile stores before
  • 1 decade ago

    Visit your local pet store or call them and check. If they don't have them then you can order them offline at a website called ship all kinds of creatures to the general public :) Good luck! I am positive that they have Pacman frogs XD

    Source(s): This is the website I am ordering my pet snake from XD
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I certainly have a youthful percentman slightly greater than 1 / 4. surprising now i basically feed him small crickets yet as quickly as he gets greater i will in all probability provide him wax worms and stuff like that to boot. somebody at a puppy shop are in a position that can assist you too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pet habitat

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