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Why do Protestant Christians add to the bible?

Why do you say Jesus had brothers and sisters when the Holy Bible says different?

Because of one verse taken out of context. The majority of you fail to realize who is being spoken of in the verses below.

James and Joses are in Matthew, Mark, and John's Gospels referred to as the sons of Mary the wife of Clophas (Matthew 27:55, Mark 15:40, and John 19:25). Many early Church historians believe that Clophas and Joseph, Jesus' foster-father, were either brothers or cousins. Regardless, it does refer to Mary the wife of Clophas as the sister of Mary the mother of Jesus.

We can cross Simon off the list because Mark 3:18 tells us he is a Canaanite, "And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Canaanite..."

Jude, we are told in Jude 1:1, is the "servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of James."

"Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?" Mark 6:3-4

"Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us?" Matthew 13:55-56

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    And they seem to forget .......

    Martin Luther said, famously, "We are compelled to concede to the Papists that they have the Word of GOD, that we received it from them, and that without them, we should have no knowledge of it at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mark 6:3-4 and Matthew 13:5 note the relationship of the people listed to Jesus!

    He is "the son of Mary", therefore, "Mary" listed here was his mother.

    He is "the brother of...", therefore, the people listed here are His brothers.

    You mentioned "Simon" in Mark 3:18, but this is Simon Peter or Peter the apostle. He is also called “Simon, son of Jonah" or "Simon Bar-Jonah". He and his brother Andrew were fishermen. This is a different "Simon" than the one in Mark 6:3-4.

    These are all common names! For example, there is Simon (Peter), Simon a Cyrenian (Mark 15:21), "Simon, a tanner" (Acts 9:43) and Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8). There were more than one James, Joses, Judas, and you have shown there were more than one Mary!

    The ones listed in Mark 6:3-4 and Matthew 13:55-56 were the mother and brothers of Jesus.

    Those speaking recognized Jesus as being related to these people in this way!

  • 1 decade ago

    "Many early Church historians believe that.... "

    Sounds like your the one adding to the Bible.

    What does it matter? If Mary and Joseph had other children it would have no effect on the Truth of the Gospel. Joseph wasn't Jesus' father anyway! I mean, many pieces of Scripture suggest he had brothers, so why even begin fights about it? It makes no difference. In fact, it would only be a credit to Mary and Joseph if they had other children, for the first command the LORD gave to Adam was to be "fruitful and multiply." Was it not?

    We miss the full effect and message of Matthew 12:47-50 if we don't believe that His earthly mother and bretheren were outside waiting to speak with Him. Further, in this scripture, Matthew 12: 47-50, if His disciples are sitting around Him while he is speaking (as it says) then what bretheren are outside waiting?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    we are in many situations accused with the help of Catholics of eliminating from the Bible by way of no longer having the apocrypha blanketed! properly, could desire to I basically factor out that we've not further something to scripture, yet our interpretation of a few verses is distinctive to yours. that does no longer signify 'including' something. with regards to Jude, that's well worth noting that his call is yet another style of the Hebrew call Judah (Greek 'Judas') and there replaced into, interior the NT, Judas the apostle, yet no longer Iscarriot needless to say (Lk 6:sixteen, Acts a million:13) and Judas the brother of the Lord (Mat 13:fifty 5, Mark 6:3). The latter is a lot greater probable by way of fact Jude (Judas) does no longer declare to be an apostle and in Jude verse 17 separates himself from their business enterprise. He calls himself the brother of James, and James is spoken of as a brother of Jesus in Mat 13:fifty 5, John 7:3-10, Acts a million:14, a million Cor. 9:5 & Gal a million:19. Jude and James did no longer in my opinion promote their sibling connection with Jesus, no longer wishing to acquire particular privileges as individuals of the family members of Joseph and Mary. So i wish you could discover that the view does have scriptural help and isn't any longer a case of 'including' something to scripture. that's a controversy of interpretation of scripture.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have heard that Protestants subtracted from the Catholic bible, but never that they added to it.

    On what, kind sir, do you base your surprising and seemingly unwarranted claim?

  • Mike N
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Whatever seems to "float-their-boat" seems to be their guideline for Biblical "understanding". God Bless you.

    Source(s): I'm a Roman Catholic of nearly 60 years now.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Recipe for Spam:

    Requires: Can of Spam

    Method: Open can of spam. Consume (spam).

    Source(s): the bible's a piece of p**.
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