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Does everything happen for a reason? Or does everything just happen?

Three months ago, I lost my class ring at the airport in Illinois. While I was visiting my dad there in the hospital, he died, so a lost class ring naturally became the least of my worries. I completely forgot about my ring until today, when I checked my Facebook page (which I only reactivated after months of not having, because my friends were complaining about not having any way to reach me) and I found the strangest thing in my message box: Some guy I've never met telling me my class ring is up for grabs on an Illinois Government Auction site.

I know, in the grand scheme of things, this isn't exactly a mind-blowing story, but I'm just wondering if all of this is a very weird, cool coincidence or if it is meant to be, some kind of message. You see, there are also four other rings being auctioned off with my own. I keep getting this nagging feeling like I'm suppose to buy them and find the owners, if they haven't been notified already. (Stupid, right?)

Am I looking for meaning behind just a really crazy random happenstance? Or does everything happen for a reason? A little insight, please?


I followed the link. I was skeptical at first, too. But it's legit. There's a picture and a description, and I know for a fact that it's my ring, because it has my last name on it, and it's very uncommon. Also, I had a special saying inscribed on the inside instead of my name. This saying isn't exactly common, either. It's my ring. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you're looking into it too much.

    Things happen as a cause and effect, not because there's some predetermined reason behind them. You lost your ring, which caused it to eventually wind up on that auction site. Even if the people who lost their rings somehow end up being people who change your life forever, it's only because your choices let them. Your future is what *you* make it, so live it however you see fit. If you feel that finding the owners is the right thing to do then go ahead, but do it because you want to not because you feel obligated to.

  • zoe
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    first off, I'm sorry for the loss of your father.

    I think it can be comforting to believe that there is a reason for every thing, however, like one answer suggested, how can we attribute reason to everything when things like rape and genocide occur?

    perhaps its best to view fate subjectively; if you feel that there is a reason for that random guy telling you of your class ring then there is, if you get this "nagging feeling" (instinct?), then you should follow it. if not, then you'll always wonder about it. part of being human is following these feelings, and trying to find order in the "crazy random happenstance"s of our lives.

    I'm not sure if you should buy all the rings and try to return them just in case that guy also contacted those ring owners and maybe they want to buy their rings back. perhaps figure that out, or message those people on facebook (if you can), like that guy did for you.

    the idea of "things happening for a reason" has never quite settled with me, but neither has the idea that "everything is random." unfortunately, there isn't really an in between. however, I do believe that humans have instincts or "gut feelings" about things and they should follow them.

    hope this helps!

  • How does this guy that you've never met, know that it's your class ring though? The keywords being "never met" of course. He could be lying by just trying to get some sort of reaction out of you, or have you actually visited the website yourself, to prove that it is infact true?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would there be a reason for losing your ring if you just ended up getting it back? What would be the reason for children suffering? For rape, genocide, suicide, natural disasters, diseases, etc? The reason these things happen is because of randomness and people making horrible decisions. We can make up a reason like, people suffer so there can be compassion. But that's all we would be doing, assigning our own reason to it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well sorta like the reason you lose things is because

    you forgot where you put it

    so kinda ya

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