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Christians, at what point did you make the story of the Holy Bible your personal truth?

There is an interesting relationship between what we believe, why we “think” we believe it, our life experiences, and who we perceive ourselves to be. For some people the Bible is just a story or perhaps a loose account of ancient history, mixed with parables, metaphors, songs and poems. For others, the Bible is actually the Word of God and a kind of “Living Text”; no longer just ink and paper, the Words themselves are believed to have power.

If you are a believer, can you tell me at what point this transformation occurred for you? When did the Bible stop being just a book and become your personal truth? Was this epiphany something that you experienced by yourself or was it the result of outside influence? I have also posted a separate question asking atheists and evolutionists when the theory of evolution stopped being a theory and became their personal truth.

The reason this question is significant is because ONCE something becomes our “personal truth” we stop looking at it objectively and our ego feels the need to defend and protect it with the same fervor and zeal as we do any other possession that we hold dear. It is now, “MY” belief and just as much a part of who I am as an arm or a leg! Great leaders, successful politicians, and snake oil salesmen know that once a person makes “a belief” into “their belief” it doesn’t matter whether or not it is really true - - at that point they will defend it with their life! Interesting, huh? :)

Agree? Disagree? Put on your armor, mount your steed, and let the intellectual jousting begin.

One last note. My husband is a Christian and said that this question might be crossing the line. If so, I want to apologize in advance to my Christian friends because it is not my intention to offend. I’m just trying to stimulate thought and get some honest feedback.

Please answer and star this question if you think you have something of value to contribute. Thanks.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't really know what you or other people mean by "personal truth" as opposed to ordinary truth. Truth is just correspondence with reality. For example, if I say, "My cat is pregnant," and if, in reality, my cat really IS pregnant, then my claim is true. I don't know what it would mean for it to be my personal truth. I don't think truth IS personal. One might have personal feelings ABOUT truth. Is that what you mean?

    I grew up thinking the Bible was true in everything it said. Around the age of 19, I began to have some serious doubts about it. This lasted until around the age of 23 or 25 (can't remember exactly, but it was probably a gradual process). I began to think there were some things in the Bible that were definitely true, and others that were probably true, and I remained agnostic on a few other things. Between maybe 27 and 30, I began to think there were at least a few things in the Bible that were probably false, but I still thought the majority was probably true. I'm 36 now, I believe some things in the Bible are definitely true, some things probably true, and a few things are possibly true and possibly false.

  • Sara
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are many churches Down South that put all their trust in the Bible, to a point where they don't really have a sermon on Sunday morning, but instead a collection of Bible verses presented one after the other by the preacher. Some of the congregation scrambles to look up each verse in their own personal Bible, while the preacher makes parallels between a verse in the Old Testament and one in the New.

    I attended a service like this, and as a Lutheran was rather shocked at the departure from what I knew. It was a Church of Christ, and the preacher actually had an overhead projector where the Bible verses were being projected.

    No beauty, no stained glass windows, no lovely sermon by an educated pastor, no regular regimen of prayers followed by songs, no wonderful choir. No vestments, no fancy altar, no flowers.

    That was all too much Bible for me, and not enough "church."

  • 1 decade ago

    I went to a christian school, where the Bible was read, and the stories fascinated me. It was one of my favourite subjects. I cant tell you when I started to believe, I think it was always there, so no matter if someone told me different, deep within me, I knew the Word of God is true, being young I would get angry at someone ridiculing my beliefs,but now being older, I feel more sadness for those who ridicule the Word of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    I made christianity my personal religion at 7. Now I'm 15 and thought I've fell down a few times god's always been there to help me get back up and it's changed my life.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most did as children when they were raised into it like most religious people. It usually takes a traumatic event for it to REALLY kick in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is not alive. God is alive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if u believe in taking snakes, people coming back from the dead then you're silly

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What do you care?

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