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Atheists, at what point did the theory of evolution transform from theory into your personal truth?

There is an interesting relationship between what we believe, why we “think” we believe it, our life experiences, and who we perceive ourselves to be. For some people the theory of evolution is no longer a theory and is now a part of their personal truth. Evolution in particular, but science in general, is now a shield between them and anything outside the domain of science like Spirituality, Creationism, Metaphysics, etc.

If you are a subscriber/supporter of evolution or the Big Bang, can you tell me at what point this transformation occurred for you? When did these ideas and theories stop being “just” ideas and theories and become your personal truth? Was this epiphany something that you experienced by yourself or was it the result of outside influence, peer pressure, or a professional necessity? I have also posted a separate question asking Christians and Theists when the Bible stopped being just a book and became their personal truth.

The reason this question is significant is because ONCE something becomes our “personal truth” we stop looking at it objectively and our ego feels the need to defend and protect it with the same fervor and zeal as we do any other possession that we hold dear. It is now, “MY” belief or “MY FACTS” and just as much a part of who I am as my arm or leg! This is 10 TIMES more detrimental when it occurs in the scientific community because it means that science is NO LONGER looking for other explanations! Great leaders, successful politicians, and snake oil salesmen know that once a person makes “a belief” into “their belief” or “an apparent fact” into “their fact” it doesn’t matter whether or not it is really true - - at that point they will defend it with their life! Or in the case of a scientist, with their honor, career, and credibility. Interesting, huh? :)

Agree? Disagree? Put on your armor, mount your steed, and let the intellectual jousting begin.

Please answer and star this question.


There have been many times when “scientific evidence” lead us to the wrong conclusions and the scientific community had to “make corrections.” I won’t mention any specific instances because I am certain you already know of the more spectacular follies and debacles even though I do enjoy seeing the lesser god some call science “humbled” from time to time. Science is quite clever at producing explanations to fit the facts, but not so adept at producing evidence to fit their explanations. No “human being” was present to observe the Big Bang. No scientist can explain how or why the first cell successfully formed or replicated - - they just assert that it did. How is that any different from me saying I know that God created the universe because it is here! Please keep in mind that you are addressing a fellow atheist and a student of human behavior. Your "attacks" only validate the points in my question. Still I was hoping the responses wouldn't be so predictable. :(

Update 2:

Thank you all for your answers! Let me invite you to look at the counterpart question I asked my Christian friends. Most of their answers were not insulting EVEN THOUGH I am an atheist. Instead, their answers were compassionate and intelligent. I’m disappointed because it appears as though you all have made several assumptions when answering my question and that is not the kind of response I would expect from my learned colleagues. First, I am an atheist and not a Christian. Second, I’m a nurse, I’ve studied biology, psychology, and physics, and I KNOW what a Theory is! I may be a girl, but I’m not dumb, okay. Again, your attacks only validate how people make “facts” (or supposed facts) personal and DEFEND their beliefs. See what I’m saying? Please read my ENTIRE question and the edits before answering - - let's not JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS before we know all the facts, huh? ;)

Update 3:

Okay, I get that you all like to show your mental prowess and probably feel I am an unarmed opponent in this battle of wits, but what really gets me above the insults to my intelligence is that NOONE HAS GIVEN ME ANY STARS! What’s up with that, LOL! Lighten up folks! ;)

Seriously, is there NO other atheists out there that understands the true nature of this question? Again, deflection from my REAL question only validates how people make “facts” or apparent facts personal and DEFEND their beliefs by insulting, belittling, or ostracizing others who don’t subscribe. This is a text book example how educated people can come to incorrect conclusions and are the first to fall into the traps of their own logic and myopia. Sadly all the dissidence only validated my point!

What is truly sad is that none of you who answered harshly will even bother to look back at this question again; that speaks volumes about how fallible and "delicate" both religion and science really are.

Update 4:

Thank you Astaroth and AP for you great answers. You have done much to help restore my faith that not all of my learned atheist colleagues simply jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts. :)

Update 5:

I want to thank everyone, even those who were not so kind, for answering my question. Opposition builds strength and your feedback will help me to sharpen my metal, identify future vulnerabilities and communicate my point better. If it is truly your intent to “educate” and not insult then you should already know that an offensive stance is rarely effective. Not everyone here is a troll and even if your scientific knowledge is vastly superior to the person who asked the question, there may still be something you can learn from them - - perhaps even a little insight into why they think so differently. Who knows, one of your positive answers may encourage the next Einstein. :)

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So science based on observable evidence and repeatable tests is equivalent to listening to an ancient fable and saying 'I think that's true'?

    Massive fail.

    Truth isn't personal. Reality isn't subjective. You're only supposed to star interesting questions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow. Okay, you make some interesting points...but the major problem is that there has been no 'transformation', at least in my case.

    I may evolve & grow, but deep down, I've always pretty much been this way, I just get a little older.

    And by this way, I don't specifically mean atheist, I mean the whole package. Sure, I know more stuff than I did when I was a kid, but my beliefs haven't really changed.

    I can't say big bang or evolution are personal truths any more than any other documentary topic is. As a matter of a fact, my eyes usually glaze over when the really technical folks on here get all, well, technical about it with words I couldn't even hope to pronounce, much less use properly.

    The fact of the matter is in my own humble way I've figured out that every religion I've tried on doesn't fit me. I don't believe a god exists, I don't even fully understand the scientific theories about the origin of the universe - but that's not relevant to me. I really don't need to know how it all started or how its all gonna end, I just need to know how I'm gonna put milk in the fridge & a roof over my kids head.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in evolution but I do not claim that it is beyond testing. As new discoveries are found, I feel that the theory of evolution should be tested against this new evidence. This practice has gone on for over 100 years and so far, evolution has held it's own. So far, there has not been a single piece of evidence that has cast material doubt on the theory. Theists have tried lies and misdirection to debunk the theory and have all failed because open minded people can spot a lie or test it to prove it a lie.

    I believe, because it makes sense. It is rational and beautiful in it's simplicity. I started believing when I was about 7. This was without influence from my parents (my mother still does not accept evolution, because she has trouble understanding it) I went on to read the bible (which at a young age I thought was tosh) and I have since read "The origin of species". I have revisited the bible as an adult and still I find it tosh (I particularly like the bit in revelations where 144,000 Jews get saved and it's stinging locusts for everyone else regardless of faith). But I digress. I have come to the conclusion that the only people who do not accept evolution are those that do not understand it. I asked looking to change this view and failed. I am left with the same view - People who do not accept evolution either do not understand it or have been misled by others with lies and misdirection. If anyone can come up with a sensible alternative to evolution that does not involve an imaginary "Judge Dredd" in the sky, I would be more than happy to look at it but the reality is that the scientific community have been seeking an alternative to Darwin's theory long before Darwin put pen to paper and have yet to come up with a viable one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please read the following completely...

    There is no such thing as "The Theory of Evolution." There isn't now and there never has been. There are, however, theories that try to explain biological evolution…

    Biological evolution is a conclusion based on FACTS. An individual fact of biological evolution is a single fossil or other artifact recovered, studied and reported in detail. There are over 100,000,000 "facts" of biological evolution. It is a fact that in the recent past (60 million years ago) there were no large mammals at all such as horses, bears, man, etc. Farther back it is a fact that there were no flowering plants of any kind. Still farther back it is a fact that there was no life on land- at all. Still farther back the fossils reveal that there were no fishes in the oceans. Still farther back it is a fact that there was no multicellular life on Earth, anywhere. These are a very few of the many, many facts that make biological evolution on Earth a fact.

    The facts show unmistakably that life in the past was different from life today. The facts show unmistakably that life has changed (evolved) over time. Biological evolution is a FACT, not a theory. The question is: how can these facts from the fossil record be explained? How did biological evolution happen?

    The theory of "Decent With Modification" (first proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace - since improved) is the theory that currently best explains the mountain of FACTS showing how biological evolution proceeded. Without the theory of Decent With Modification the FACTS of biological evolution would still be there begging for an explanation. If a theory is proposed in the future that better explains the facts of biological evolution, we will discard the Darwin/Wallace theory as we have discarded Aristotle’s "Great Chain of Being" theory and the Bible’s “Creation Theory.” They were discarded because they couldn’t explain the FACTS.

    Natural Selection is not a theory but is a proposed mechanism to explain how the theory of Decent With Modification would proceed. The theory of Decent With Modification does NOT need Natural Selection for the theory to be valid. If a better mechanism is found we will relegate that mechanism to the scrap heap as we have past mechanisms such as Lamarck's “Inheritance of Acquired Traits”...

    “Survival Of The Fittest” is nothing but a catch phrase that is not even accurate. A more accurate representation of that poorly worded concept would be “Differential Reproduction.” That is, the favored survival of individuals and their progeny who posses variations that can better utilize the environment they currently live in.

    There is no such thing as “Darwinism” any more than there is “Newtonism” or “Einsteinism.”

    There is a general misunderstanding about just what constitutes a “theory.” The word "theory" has several meanings. The common meaning used by the general public is that of a "guess" or "opinion." You could say, "It is my theory that the CIA ordered Kennedy's assassination." or "It is my guess/opinion that the CIA ordered Kennedy's assassination. A scientific theory, however, is not a guess or opinion as the word “theory” is used by the general public.

    A scientific “theory” is an overall unifying principal that seeks to explain seemingly disconnected observations (facts) under a single, simple concept. As such, a theory is the highest form of knowledge about the universe because it explains not just one isolated part of the natural world but it ties together many observations (facts), that may not seem to be connected, under a single unifying principle.

    Facts, on the other hand, are single pieces of information about the world that usually come from controlled experiments. Lots and lots of facts are usually unified and explained by a single theory.

    You can collect facts (measurements) about the motions of the planets. You can collect facts about the movement of projectiles and falling bodies. You can study the flow of rivers. The Theory of Gravity explains all of these observations and measurements. Without the Theory of Gravity the FACTS of the movements of objects remain and beg to be explained...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't remember the precise point in my life when I began to doubt scripture. I think I was quite young, around the age of sixteen. I must say my religion was never force fed as is so often the case. Until then I simply accepted the Bible as being a sacred book because people I respected, especially teachers at school seemed to accept it, miracles and all. It was only later that I began to make comparisons with the good compassionate God of the New Testament, and the vengeful cruel God of the Old. It was then my doubts began. When Jehovah's Witnesses tried to convert me, it only strengthened my disbelief, and it was at this time that I attempted to read the Bible cover to cover to see what it's all about. I failed to read it all managing only about half. Comparing the Bible with Darwin's Origin of Species converted me totally to my atheistic belief.

    I think anyone who has an interest in science, must see the fallacy of simply accepting words without evidence, and yet not all scientists want to relinquish their faith, and that in itself is a mystery. Most scientists are atheists however, and even though I'm not a scientist my enormous interest in most things scientific makes the idea of a personal God as a final explanation for everything very fanciful, there simply is no evidence. I accept your argument that the origins of the universe and life itself still present great mysteries, but the evidence between then and now is compelling even if details change from time to time.

  • Jess H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't say that it's a question of being a "personal" truth. My acceptance of evolution is not based on simply a DESIRE to believe it, it's based on the evidence supporting it. It's not "personal", at all.

    Usually, when an atheist accepts evolution, it's not because they think they "feel it in their hearts", it's because that's where the evidence points. It's not an emotional reaction. It's an acceptence that that is where 100% of the evidence points.

    People who believe in creationism tend to do so for reasons that are entirely seperate and apart from it being where the evidence points. I think they have a different mode of thinking that is based on their emotional reactions to information.

    If I had no choice but to describe it as "my personal truth", then I would have to say that the more educated I became in science, the more apparent the truth behind the theory of evolution was to me.

    This reminds me of a quote I read recently, “Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, "Yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come down, down, down. Amen!" If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about it.”

    -- Dan Barker

  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Science makes no claim to truth, it is simply the most reasonable and responsible method for forming a belief. Evidence supports both the theory of evolution and that of the Big Bang. Even better, anyone free to try to find competing evidence. If it is strong enough, a new theory will replace one or both. This self correcting nature of science is one of the many things that makes it better than religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    So what you are saying is that because scientists have developed a theory how the universe came to be, atheists have bought into this theory and have made themselves believe this is the truth. Whereas christians have read the Word and come to the conclusion that this is more feasible. So I would think it is more a matter of the heart searching for truth, than just blindly accepting each theory intellectually and then making yourself believe that the scientists hold the truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Science adapts to the "facts". No scientist continues to accept a theory or idea if it has been proved false. The big bang may not have actually happened, but it can be determined mathematically. God is simply a belief.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your whole question, all three paragraphs of it, can be answered with the simple remark that some people require evidence for their beliefs. But what interests me more is that you seem to have mastered the English language--no small accomplishment--without acquiring the analytical skills that usually go with it. You seen not to recognize strains of post-modernism in your philosophy, and you certainly lack a basic understanding of the aims and methods of science, and, in particular, the definition of a scientific theory. Very odd how a person so obviously educated can be so obviously uneducated.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just because religion became a deep personal truth for you doesn't mean it works the same way with me and evolution. As scientific phenomena I find evolution to be fascinating and convincing, but it's not like I use it as a pillar of my life. Yes I do defend evolution, but that is because I hate to see science education undermined by people with religious agendas who don't even know what the term "scientific theory" even means.

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