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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 1 decade ago

My husband favors his son from a previous marriage over the kids we have together?

His son (19 and living at home) is always bullying and picking on my daughters (who are 7 and 9). This kid has been in trouble with the law, done drugs, brought them into our house, and is nothing but disrespectful and rude to me. I couldn't take it any longer and went off on both him and my husband- him for being the way he is and my husband for not doing something about it. My husband's response was, "My son was here first- I'm not going to do anything about it because you're both adults. Handle it yourself!" Why does he think avoiding a problem will make it go away? I love my husband and I want my girls to grow up with their dad in the home, but part of me wants to move out and let my husband and his son live together because it seems like his son gets all the consideration, love and affection anyway.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is good news. He just gave you the authority to handle it "as adults".

    That means you get to lay down the law with the jack-***.

    These are the rules you will live by in my home or I will evict you.

    1) Treat me with respect

    2) Treat your step-sisters with respect

    3) No drugs in the house

    4) Cannot be high nor drunk at the house

    5) You pay $300/mn rent, due on the 1st

    If you break the law I will call the cops.

    That includes domestic violence which includes your current behavior towards me and the kids.

    August is your last free month.

    You may do certain house-chores for money.

    e.g. $20 to mow the lawn and do a good job of it. $20 to clear all the snow from side-walk, drive-way, and deice. You have to pay for materials, gay, oil, etc... You may borrow our lawn mower and shovels to do the work.

    Then you hand him a written 45 day eviction notice.

    "You have 45 days to clean your act up or you are on your own." If you do not pay your rent with those 45 day, you are evicted. If I have to call the cops before then, you are evicted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, I'm sorry for what your going through. If your husband really loved his son he would practice tough love and hold him accountable. Your husband has someone living in your home that is like a cancer. This 19 year old needs to be held to the rules of the house, the first one being to respect the other people there. If I were you I'd move until your husband decided that his son needs to live by some rules. I'd tell your husband that you love him but that your not living this way and that if he wants to change things to let you know.

  • Rick31
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He is his son despite all the flaws. Some men are partial to their sons. It's not right, but it happens. He may also feel like his son needs his help. He could be an enabler for his son's destructive behavior. If his son continues his behavior he will find himself in prison or dead whichever comes first. At 19 he should be out of the house or in school.

  • kim h
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My son was here first says it all. I would not let a grown man bully my kids. I would leave them both there by themselves. You have to do what is best for your children. It is not being in a house like that.

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  • Nancy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That's great how he coddles and enables his son. Just great. I'm glad you went off on them.

    It's not fair to your girls and you know that. You can either continue with this and just give your girls all your love and attention, do things with them, etc. or let your husband and his precious son live together. I think there is something wrong with a man who lets his son bully kids and his wife.

  • Ella
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If your husband gave you permission to handle it, then tell Jr he has one month to get a job and move out.

    If your husband objects then tell him he has one month to get his priorities straight or he can move out too.

    That kid isn't going to grow up if his father keeps enabling the unwanted behavior.

    The kid broke a few laws and got into trouble for it, so there are consequences.

    However, your husband seems to give him the get out of jail for free card.

    As long as your husband will allow his son to stay, the more reason you can give the law permission to search Jr's room and other possessions for drugs and other illegal things.

  • alex07
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    treat his son well though he has issues. If he poses dangers, then you raise your daughters away from him.

    It's ok your husband is paying close attention to his problematic son, situation could be worst

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't let this drive you and your husband apart because it seems like that's what your stepson is trying to do. Let them both know, in no uncertain terms, that if they won't deal with the favoritism and bullying toward your younger children, that you will.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bros before hoes. You see dear, guys stick together.

    You should try it. I'll bet if the two younger girls ganged up on him, they could take him ( especially if he's stoned ).

    Maybe an ambush ?

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