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organized religion... yes or no.?

god is love, love is all around us, are you for organized religion??

yes or no.

Thank you.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    It is difficult to answer a question like this. Religion itself consists of following some type of rule or ritual. It is "organized" in the most basic sense of the word, and innately so that one cannot divide what religion is from its ritual, rule, or organization.

    Even when one rejects all formal religious bodies, the fact that their personal conviction consists of a standard wherein all organized denominations are rejected, again there is a "standard" or "rule" by which the individual formally lives. Automatically this is a form of organization because it organizes religion in organized sets or acceptable or favored and unacceptable or unfavored.

    Therefore those who are against "organized" religion must adopt a definition of the terms involved that makes all views relative depending on personal viewpoint. It's like the arguments some have against being "spiritual" or "religious." In all honesty the person is trying to say they have rejected all formal religious bodies, an invented use of the term "spiritual." To be truly religious is to have a spiritual side to one's being. And a spiritual side to one's being that develops personal convictions that mold their practice of such convictions is, in all objective senses of the word, what the practice of religion is.

    Besides, God is love and orderly and just. The stars themselves, the planets, the wonderful cycles in nature all show a Creator for whom being organized matters. Why would this God put everything in order but desire disorderly worship?

    Remember that the opposite of organized religion is not lack of denomination but lack of organization or order. Where there is no organization there is no direction.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    prepared religions might desire to be TAXED. rather those which insist upon enjoying politics. (No guy can serve 2 masters.) Deductions might desire to be allowed the place that's proved that the money have been spent to feed the hungry, gown the bare, guard the homeless, practice the jobless, etc. by using all capability. No, abolishing faith is a treatment worse than the affliction, & might in basic terms make concerns worse, by using driving it underground. And by using definition, those in this worldwide can't tutor that there is not any next worldwide; we are able to, at terrific, in basic terms tutor that we gained't see it from right here. and a few human beings LIKE their "pie interior the sky", and we don't understand that they are incorrect. (We might carry solid critiques on the difficulty, yet...) yet those which insist upon mixing the affairs of God & guy interior the political section might desire to pay the get entry to value; this is in basic terms honest.

  • 1 decade ago

    God is love meaning that He inhabits the virtue He expresses. It is by this power that He communicates through the righteous. When love is reduced to the imagination and passion of Adam it can manifest itself only through the aspirations of the vessel with carnal things. As is so seen on national holidays and religious days. People have the power to feign love but need a justification (day or ceremony or event) to do so for their love to have any honour or meaning for others to confirm.

    There are 2 kinds of charity. One which God inhabits where there is no hypocrisy, and the worldly charity that only exists with carnal conditions, the principle and confirmation of the aspirations called flattery.

    ROMANS 12:9 Let love be without DISSIMULATION. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good

    Organized religion?

    God has ordained structure called His government, which functions under His called stewardship.

    But the House of Baal also has structure which requires emulation to advance and dominate each other.

    Do not confuse the 2 kingdoms. Christ has called us unto liberty, but also responsibility to build His house by the Spirit.

    Baal’s House is called the Great Whore of Revelation, which has many faces and confirms all aspirations and traditions of man.

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  • Mia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, its not for me and I feel governments and societies should be secular but allow individuals the freedom to follow or practice what they believe so long as they don't infringe other's rights. I think if people want to affiliate with organized religion it should always be their choice. They should not be allowed to foist that choice on others though, portray it as fact in shared public enterprises, or make others follow it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Organized religions poison everything, but not the pockets of the charlatans who head these organizations. It's big business, and for as long as there are big bucks to be made, these toxins to the brain will continue to thrive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Religion is often perceived as a set of external (moralistic) rules that are either followed for a positive consequence or broken for a negative consequence ... so I say no thank you.

    Organised or structured faith ... well that's a whole other issue because faith implies believing in someone which implies a relationship ... I say yes to that :-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm 100% for disorganized religion and personal spirituality, and an individual finding God, and freedom to do so.

    Source(s): Wanderer
  • 1 decade ago

    Why bother asking about the 'organized' bit, all religion... Just BS

  • .
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    God is love: yes

    organized religion: no

    studying various scriptures to better determine one's understand of the divine: yes

  • 1 decade ago

    I really don't care if people like to join clubs and exclude other people on arbitrary basis. It's their life. They can screw it up any way they want... but when they start messing with the laws of my country I will bring them down.

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