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do you have a contrary view?

these things shall be and are beginning.

don't take me serious but take what i have to say.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Deon....

    I believe that Paul the Apostle of Christ has taught us that Israel in the natural sense is not the Israel of God in many contexts, which sounds terrible I know, so let me explain a little more of what I'm getting at.

    Paul taught that a Jew is one 'inwardly', and not one outwardly (born in the geographical Israel necessarily). To be in Christ one has to put on Christ; one has to submit to Christ; one has to submit to being buried with Him in the waters of baptism, and be raised to walk in newness of life in Christ. To fulfil the command of Jesus in being baptised in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. This has to be a commitment made by one who is at the age of accountability (not a babe at the font). No other person, whether it be a parent, godfather, priest or anyone else can do this on behalf of another. It must be the individual themselves, after coming to an understanding of Who Jesus really is and what the requirements are going to be for the 'convert'. During this act of obedience (baptism by full immersion as an adult), God Himself circumcises the human heart of the individual concerned; the candidate receives a new heart of flesh. The individual is no longer in charge of his or her own life any more but now is adopted into the family of God; purchased by the greatest price anyone could have paid. Jesus paid the price in full.

    There is no need for us to take on any form of Judaism.

    There are prophecies concerning natural Israelites, and they will be fulfilled. We as believers and followers of Jesus shouldn't have a reliance upon these, as interesting as they are.

    John the Baptist shouted up to the religious leaders above that place in the Jordan River where he was baptising, and he asked them, "who has warned you of the wrath to come you vipers?"

    Jesus told them on another occasion that they were sons of the devil! Jesus said also that if they were truly the seed of Abraham, then they would do what Abraham did. Abraham rejoiced, having seen afar off the day of Christ.

    For the sake of their forefathers Natural Israel will indeed be given full opportunity to repent, and receive Jesus as The Messiah of God. Do I want to take on the laws and feasts of Natural Israel? No. In this hour, do I rely upon the prophecies concerning natural Israel? No. Do I boast against the Natural branch that was cut out that I might be grafted in to The Vine? Certainly not; God forbid!

    In summary; all born again Christians (followers and not just hearers) will be part of the first resurrection unto eternal life, as will be the born again who sleep in their graves (Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathia, and many more Jewish leaders of 2000 years ago, and the many Jews who received Jesus as their Messiah will also be of that first resurrection).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am so sad for people like you :( .............................................. try thinking ................................

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