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Lv 5
mas1az asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Do we really need a Government over the people? How many of you believe, states should run themselves?

If all Americans stopped paying taxes, period. Our Government would dry up in just a matter of months. Our monies should go to honest decent and trustworthy individuals within ones own state that watches over their own and don't need outside help. When everyone is poor and indigent solely on the Government, then will the money and taxes stop flowing into Washington who only cares for themselves and follow no rules of law except for those laws that benefit them and them only.

I truly believe our Government has gotten so big they have made themselves God. What do you think or are you scared to think outside the box Government sees us in?


I will admit you all make good solid points. So I guess when the voting booths become tampered with and voting become dirty through corruption and illegal vote tampering, then we can look back on what use to be America and say, "Those were the good old days." Communisim and Socialiasm is right around the corner.

Lords Prayer states; Thy kingdom come thy shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.

No Governments in heaven. Just the laws within us all that connect to God so all live as one in harmony with truth in all things. There will be no poor or rich.

Think about it. We are headed that way. It's a tough road to hoe, but it's right in front of us.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually, I live in California. It would make little difference.

    The problem with your question is that you confusing a bunch of related points, because you are using, I think, the phrase 'Our Government" to be "Our National Government". If this is correct, you make some related claims, none of which you provide evidence for:

    1) The national government is not decent and trustworthy, it is selfish, makes bad laws and is too big

    2) The national government makes you poor and indigent

    Such claims are largely irrelevant, since you could apply them equally to the states. In fact, what is crucially missing from your arguement is how some arbitrary size makes the government turn from 'decent and trust worthy' to demonic.

    You could have at least trotted out the well worn argument that because your proportion of the vote is 1 in a million or 1 in 50 million that that is somehow much better than 1 over 100 million. But I think it is readily apparent that this is the path to foolishness.

    In fact, it might interest you to know that historically it was our efficiently run small states to the south who wanted to carry on with slavery, when the rest of civilized world was about done with it. Such is the seduction of plantation life, mint juleps and mardi gras.

    Nor is it any small consolation that the federal government spend 3/4rs of it's funding on Social Security, Medicare and Defense, vital programs that, at the national level, are stronger and fairer to provide.

    So, I think it is better to deal with reality and real issues, facts and reasons, rather than speculation, theory and abstractions.

    3) "

  • 1 decade ago

    States should not run themselves because that takes us back to the pre-Articles of Confederation period. Where each state has its own currency, does not acknowledge each other's rules or laws, or taxes each other like crazy for travel through a state. It would be like having mini-countries. It would be hell to drive from state to state. I mean the government isn't the greatest, but it's the tape that keeps us together so things semi-work. We're human, and corruption will always exist because of that fact. Face it, we're stuck.

  • 1 decade ago

    How do people so easily forget WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. We elect them from amongst ourselves. It's only as big as WE make it and as much as WE need it. A civilized government has given America so much, why so many people want to abandon it and turn into Somalia is beyond me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Even Republicans wouldnt go for that one. If we did away with the Gov. will you protect this country??

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  • 1 decade ago

    Tried it that way - the Articles of Confederation were not effective.

  • 1 decade ago

    That would be orchestrated chaos, sir.

  • 1 decade ago

    i DISAGREE states should not run by themselves

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