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Why do atheists think talking down to people makes them seem intelligent?

It really only makes people not like you...which is why people don't like you.

Arrogance is so unbecoming...especially when it is more out of fatuity than anything of serious intellectual achievement.


I actually find it to be amusing....You are like Plankton from Spongebob...

Update 2:

There is genuine disagreement...but when it devolves into to calling people things like unintelligent because they believe in something bigger than self...that is almost a hatred of a type.

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is not just the atheists...

    It is also christians, liberals, conservatives, and everyone else as well!


    Source(s): But I have found a good song I wish to share with you >:3
  • Atheists are NO WHERE near the only ones that exhibit such behaviour. This is a *human* thing, and spiritual beliefs rarely if ever have any bearing on it. Some people just plain suck no matter what they do or do not believe in. Hubris is ugly on pretty much anyone.

    My own personal experience is actually the exact opposite. Much of the time in my life it is usually the theists that talk down to the atheists, but that just happens to be the type of area I live in having a greater number of theists. Statistics and the laws of probability are fun! :~)

    Source(s): Transcendental Christian Mystic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do you keep posting to prove they are more intelligent?!!

    Research has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology!!!

    More members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.

    Only 7 percent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 percent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

    Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God."

    Neuroscientists have conducted the most comprehensive brain mapping to date of the cognitive abilities measured by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), the most widely used intelligence test in the world.

    The results show that the various factors that comprise a high or low IQ score

    depend on particular regions of the brain.

    The WAIS test is composed of four indices of intelligence, each consisting of several subtests, which together produce a full-scale IQ score. The four indices are the verbal comprehension index, which represents the ability to understand and to produce speech and use language; the perceptual organization index, which involves visual and spatial processing, such as the ability to perceive complex figures; the working memory index, which represents the ability to hold information temporarily in mind (similar to short-term memory); and the processing speed index.

    With the exception of processing speed, which appears scattered throughout the brain, the lesion mapping showed that the other three cognitive indices really do depend on specific brain regions.

    For example, lesions in the left frontal cortex were associated with lower scores on the verbal comprehension index; lesions in the left frontal and parietal cortex (located behind the frontal lobe) were associated with lower scores on the working memory index; and lesions in the right parietal cortex were associated with lower scores on the perceptual organization index.

    The study also revealed a large amount of overlap in the brain regions responsible for verbal comprehension and working memory, which suggests that these two now-separate measures of cognitive ability may actually represent the same type of intelligence, at least as assessed using the WAIS.

    It matters not if they are atheist because of this new type of intelligence or get it because they are atheist – it is a totally different and far more efficient process!!

    So look at your posts and I will remind you of my question - why do you keep posting to prove athesits are more intelligent?!!

    Source(s): Aarhus University Ulster University Gallup California Institute of Technology (Caltech) National Institutes of Health Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
  • What "people" would those be? All those "people" that really don't matter to me any way?

    Besides, you've got it bassackwards, you think intelligent people are talking down to you because you have that whole "poor me, I'm being persecuted by people that don't agree with me or believe the same thing I do" thing down pretty good.

    As for "hatred", I'm not the one calling people plankton.

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  • 1 decade ago

    "It really only makes people not like you...which is why people don't like you."

    No darlin people don't like us because we don't fit into their narrow view of the world because we do not believe as they do.

    Lets see what your christian compassion shows shall we?

    Question: What do you think of my slogan for atheism?;_ylt=AgFw_...

    Now lets look at OH! Linda!'s reply "How about "We are Fags, We are Lazy Sloaths""

    Ah, here's one Advocating Banning those who have no believe in your god;_ylt=AtLPQ...

    Nothing arrogant about this is there?

    Advocating Violence towards atheists;_ylt=Ar9RW...

    I will and have in past questions I have answered admitted to some atheists being jerks, much to their surprise and insults that occured because of it, but can you do the same in regards to those that believe as you do?

    Arrogance is one thing, but questions asked laced with arrogance then pleading ignorance, is just as bad which is where your question right now falls into.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never called a person unintelligent for their beliefs. Instead, I target their ARGUMENT. If it is riddled with logical fallacies, I say that their beliefs are grounded in illogic. Talking down to them? Hardly. I merely ask that if they're trying to convince me that their religion is the right one, they'd better try harder to stop using logical fallacies.

    But you playing the high-and-mighty right now makes you seem arrogant as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do you consider anyone disagreeing with you and pointing out obvious errors/untruths in your posts to be talking down to you?

    Aren't you projecting a bit, there?

    edit: so it's okay for you to call people arrogant, fatuous and unintelligent for NOT believing in higher power, but not okay for people to call you for being arrogant and unintelligent because you DO believe in a higher power.

    Talk about hypocritical.

  • 1 decade ago

    A tendency to make generalizations is not a good trait, either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    r u retarded?...people talk down to people all the time, it dosent necessarly mean they are althiests, most of the time, people like you get so mad about it and blame it on their intelligence when it is YOU whom are working beneith them, or possibly young and mad at your parents?, get ahead and back in the race then you can belittle people and get away with it.

    most athiests i know are quite nice, very open minded and kind

  • 1 decade ago

    The only people who don't like me are idiotic Christians that I troll on the internet, what's the big deal?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh,atheists do not believe that.Atheists have narcissistic personalities so they think that they need to push people down to show people how smart they think they are.

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