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Lv 5

Why can't Christians, Muslims and Jews get along?

I know this a loaded question but some of these disagreements have been going on for centuries. Do we really want to keep all of this up for the next centuries? Just agree to disagree and live in peace.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh Come on - enough paranoia - Christians, Muslims and Jews get along about 98.4% of the time. There's always those who don't - and "news" agencies report on those because "news" has to be bad.

    How do you think we get our oil in America - we buy it from Muslims - so we and Muslims get along fine. And the Muslims are selling oil to the Jews as well.

    It's time to get some reality into that big ball of fake hate we've got going here.

  • Jack
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Who's to say we can't? One of my closest friends is Jewish. My church has strong ecumenical ties with different Jewish organizations and sends aid to Islamic countries.

    There are some who might find it difficult to get along, but Christians, Muslims and Jews as a whole, I think get along quite well.

    It seems to be a matter of location: in western society we all get along quite well (for the most part) but then there is the middle east.

    @ The Black Rabbit of Inlé and Joshua Cis: I can't speak for the others, but Christians (or atleast the ones I'm associated with) do not believe Jews are wrong. Christ never said that the Old way was wrong and God's promises to the Jews were never broken. I don't know that Islam is right but I still respect their right to their beliefs as much as I do anyone else. And the Christian faith doesn't teach anything about the others being destroyed.

  • Jack
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you learn a little about Islam, then you would know the answer.

    Islam is spread through violence and death. No. We cannot get along. The enemy is real. Being around for centuries doesn't make it right.

    Look up the wars that "Vlad the Impaler" had with the Turks. Look up a few other wars. You will find that there is no reasoning with a people who hate you with absolute hatred. They do not just dislike you. They literally hate you and want you to die.

    Good luck getting along with that.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    We can get alongside, however we will be able to not ever agree. We have three exclusive perspectives of the phrase of God, and both one is proper, or all three are improper. I will stick to Christianity, and can nonetheless love each Jews and Muslims. Romans 10:eight-10 is how someone may also be born once more, and I am inclined to place my eternity at the line that the bible, each OT and NT, is the phrase of God, and that Christians are born once more and feature everlasting lifestyles.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because each of their sacred texts tells them to kill anybody thats doesn't believe.

    So say for example the Christians managed to wipe out the Jews and Muslim s they would then move on to anybody else who didn't convert and kill them too.

    Basically religious people are a bunch of gullible sheep controlled by a bunch of power mad psychopaths. Its bound to happen.

    Source(s): The Bible, The Koran, The News
  • 1 decade ago

    Cause the Christians say the Muslims and Jews are wrong, the Muslims try to blow up the Jews and Christians and the Jews are trying to get along with them, but they don't dare try anymore cause of the afore mentioned things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christians and Jews can get along pretty well. but muslims have been instructed by their " holy" book to destroy anyone who is an ": infidel"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Religion is not meant to bring people together!

    Matthew 10:34-37 (NIV) "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, your enemies will be the members of your own household.' "ANYONE WHO LOVES THEIR FATHER OR MOTHER MORE THAN ME IS NOT WORTHY OF ME; ANYONE WHO LOVES A SON OR DAUGHTER* (*even a fetus or a stem cell) MORE THAN ME IS NOT WORTHY OF ME* (*Is this salvation? You MUST be good at hating everybody in your family who doesn’t believe like you do so you can be “saved!”)

    Luke 14:26 (NIV) Jesus Christ said, "If anyone comes to me and does not HATE* (*Greek, ”miseo” = to abhor!) his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple."

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they're too pissed off that the other religions don't believe in their prime god and story that they choose to drop every moral they have to hate each other.

    I like the way you think. I wish everyone in the world were like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they must not really fully practice or know much about their religion. Christains, Muslims and Jews religion do say to love each other.

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