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Musically speaking: How far does someone have to go before you assume they're racist?

I could elaborate here, but it would be incoherent and no one would read it anyway.

Have fun.

7 Answers

  • Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's hard to tell if someone is racist based on what they listen to or say about other music (with exceptions of course), I was just thinking unless you know the person, if they say something like "I don't ghetto music" or "I don't like redneck music", there's always the possibility that they just mean trashy/hillbilly and not specifically, you know, black/white/Mexican, whatever. So they'd have to go pretty far for me I guess.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Disparagment of a black person that would apply to all, most or many black persons seems racist to me. Substitute any other race for the word black, like oriental, or indian, or whatever.

    Negative comments about other people based on the voluntary behavior of a particular group or sub-set seems to me not so racist like: "... those white b*st*rds on loud motorcylces wearing iron crosses who race up my street like the morons that they are ...".

    That maybe having a little racist overtone, but not strictly speaking racist. The ones in my neighborhood happen to all be white, so the inclusion of that word in the description is factual and not merely predudice against all whites, like the folks in the Mormon Tablernacle Choir, who I love.

    Anytime groups of people are denigrated there is the possibility of racist overtone.

    But we think in terms of categories.

    So to avoid all possibility of any racist overtone we have to stop thinking and stop talking and just spend our every waking moment praying to the Idol of Political Correctness.

    I'm going around this week to the women in my neighborhood, asking them for unwanted gold jewelry that I can melt down and then apply to the huge stone Idol I am building to Political Correctness. Also I'm writing prayers and composing hymns.

    We will have a Festival in the Fall. The ladies will come tops off, and dance around the Idol, and there will be torches and bonfires and it will last well into the night, while I give highly energized speeches with spit flying everywhere and lots of pounding on the podium. [No I'm not wearing my Mussolini outfit for the PC Festival, I plan to come with flowers in my hair, like I did in the Summer of Love, and in a loincloth and with face paint and indian feathers and turquois/silver bracelets].

    Short Answer: There is no short and easy answer on this one. Your Golden Rule is your best guide -- How would you feel if you were the hearer rather than the maker of your remark?

    Source(s): No one is going to read this either, but for the record I am a constitutional lawyer with decades of experience, some of it in civil rights law, and torts.
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm generally loathe to assume racism. Ignorance and stupidity yes, but rarely do I meet people who I think are out and out racists. However in the below instance I am willing to make the assumption.

    I have heard white people refer to rap music as ni---- sh--.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Uhm, I think eminems video for just lose it went pretty far. I think just making racist comments in there songs, i would see them as racist...idk thats a tough question! STAR FOR YOU!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Technically, it would be a presumption, yes, I'm a grammar whore, sorry :(

    Anyhow, three words. David. Allen. Coe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you have the audacity to enforce immigration law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    say the word niger like axl rose

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