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The Beach Boys vs. Prince?

Trick question, because Al Jardine and Prince are clearly the same person.

Can you think of any resemblance quite so uncanny?

BQ: Seriously, tho, Beach Boys vs. Prince

2: Favorite song of Friends (the Beach Boys album - those who answer "I'll Be There For You" will be shot on sight)?


Yeah, the point is that I figured most people would think of the theme song to the popular American sitcom of the 1990s, Friends.

Update 2:

So, anyone listen to the song?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    BQ: The Beach Boys, for much more than just Pet Sounds.

    2: Busy Doin' Nothing, perhaps.

    That is a good tune, I like that album. I wonder if anyone would agree though if I said the whole post-Smile project Beach Boys has a certain "post-apocalyptic" feel to it... like Pet Sounds was pre-apocalypse, then stuff like Good Vibrations/Heroes and Villains feels like it's the climax, but there should have been an album full of it... and after that, well, the music is still great but... it feels, in a weird way, "after the fact"? I don't know, I wonder if anyone gets what I'm trying to say here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Beach Boys

    Favorite song off Friends: Little Bird

  • 1 decade ago

    Gotta go with The Beach Boys for one reason and one reason only:Pet Sounds!

    btw:There is no song called I'll Be There For You on the Friends album,but on a serious note my favorite song on that album is Busy Doin' Nothin'!

    Gotta love the quirky lyrics,especially the technique that Brian uses to remember a forgotten phone number!

    edit-my humble apologies

  • Hannah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Beach Boys


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I dont get the joke.

    Not into the BB so Idk.

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