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A question for Christians (Atheist opinions are cool too)?

Christians, is there anything that would make you give up your faith? Is there any proof against god that would make your belief any more irrational than it already is? It seems that the doctrine of any religion is unfalsifiable.

For science however, we see that things are constantly being revised and updated. There are always new ways to look at things and everything is peer reviewed to ensure that information is accurate. Why doesn't religion take the same actions?

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Very simple Keith (love the Tool Avatar).

    If we came across legitimate records that had a group of people writing out how they planned to write out this book about how some guy and his brother lead some people out of Egypt and then use this book to control the masses.... I'd become an atheist immediately. Obviously this would be some government from the time of Moses, probably Canaanite. So far, nothing has surfaced.

    If violence and war ceased and humans started getting along (sort of a Star Trek utopia), then I'd know that God probably doesn't exist. Times are supposed to get worse, not better. If we defied prophecy and became good-hearted, non-violent peaceful people, the Bible would be fake.

    If we found a way to stop people and animals from aging all together, I'd probably become an atheist. It would mean an end to our 120 year life span.

  • 1 decade ago

    I too love science. Think about what you're saying: things are constantly being revised and updated. Why? They must be because everything you believe in was stated by man. They're fine until man makes another statement that does not coincide with the first. Once upon a time, the world was flat and that was fact -- science. Where I went to school, evolution was not taught as fact -- no one would stand for it. A scientific law is something that can be proven. So just as you say that my religion cannot be proven; neither can your version of science. Science is that which is measurable. The proofs you would offer me to give up my religion are not. God is present everyday in my life, he has never failed me, and he never will. He is unchanging and infallible. There is nothing you could make up and call science that can change God.

  • 1 decade ago

    What in the world makes you think "religion" doesn't do the same thing? We know the constants, every thing else is debatable.

    As we grow and develop we recognize that the way we interpreted scripture in the past may be wrong. Happens all the time.

    Here's one for you: For centuries we were told there was a flood that covered the earth (the story of Noah). Then science came and said hey, that didn't happen. So we went back and took a look at the story and found the word erets also means land, area, region ... in addition to meaning the entire planet (see reference 1). This is the word that is used when God says "I will cause it to rain upon the earth for 40 days and nights" as well as "And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl 5775 of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained [alive], and they that [were] with him in the ark." Makes more sense when you use the different meaning, huh.

    So you see how we have changed what we know? The story remains the same, it is our interpretation that needs fine-tuning.

    Source(s): (1) (2) Another definition of "earth" in the Bible, meaning land, ground ... also used in the Noah story:
  • 1 decade ago

    There has never been proof that God isn't real. How would you explain your surroundings? Think about science and how amazing and complex our environment is, our bodies, how plants, animals, earth and humans interact with each other... The BIg Bang theory? Hah! some one can believe that let's just say a tornado goes through a junk yard and leaves behind a mustang, or airplane. Unbelievable, impossible, right? Well airplanes and cars are designed by humans, and like I said think about how our brain works and how everything works in the universe, it's truly mind baffling. So all this just happened by chance? People can believe that, but refuse to believe that an all-knowing God could create this?

    And you ask why religions do not change their looks? Because the Bible was written by witnesses of those times. Why would some one two thousand years later, change what some one who was there wrote?

    And what is your explanation for miracles? You should hear people's stories, absolutely amazing.

    (too many to tell, go here a website of just a few. And you don't have to be a believer, just read some stories.

    I think too many people don't want to believe in God, are afraid to. They keep themselves very close minded, but wouldn't you want to know the truth? Don't you want to know what to believe in? So I challenge anyone reading this. Look into different faiths, do some research and find good hard evidence that God isn't real, but, you must also look for evidence that God is real. Don't just say, "I don't believe in God", that is such a weak argument, give some better reasons.

    And remember whether you believe in God or not, No matter what you've done in your life, God still loves you, you are His child, His creation. All you have to do is ask for God's mercy and forgiveness and He will open His arms for you to run into. If you ever feel alone, just talk to God, in your head or out loud, He will listen and make things better. Give Him a chance. He is waiting for you.

    (This is not just a response to the asker but to all who read this and feel emptiness in their life. Now you know Who is missing.)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes if I had sufficient evidence on my part I would give away my beliefs. However, that is unlikely because I have seen evidences in my own life that God does exist and interacts with me.

    Most religious people are biased (hence the large diversity in religions) and most don't feel the passion for science and studying the Bible in depth. Some do, and they are usually referred to as Apologetics.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, as a Christian my faith is based on their being a God and the things I've personally experienced.

    I am constantly growing and changing in my beliefs though as I become more aware of what certain things in the scriptures mean.

    For example, i used to think Satan was Lucifer, but I proved that theory wrong.

    I used to not believe in the Big Bang, until I realized it does not contradict there being a God.

  • 1 decade ago

    "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken". (Psalm 62:1-2)

    Trusting in Jesus is a feeling that can't be explained or reasoned with. Once you truly trust in Him, it's forever. I will never lose faith. "I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears". (Psalm 34:4)

    As for your other question, "Jesus Christ never changes! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever". (Hebrews 13:8) science will pass by with all of the other earthly things. but God lasts forever.

    I would rather trust someone who is unchanging than someone who is unpredictable...but that's just me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Love science. It's gotta change cause it's wrong.

    Only God does not change. Love Him more.

    But yeah, just love a whole lotta science, too.

  • Cappy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, I have had too many personal encounters with the Living Lord Jesus Christ to ever cause me to doubt or reject him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ms. Intuitive

    Thats a lie. The bible says the earth is flat.

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