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What are the similarities and differences of Christianity and ancient Greek mythology?

How does Christianity influence greek mythology? and vice versa

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Some people say that Jesus was based on Dionysus, supporting facts:

    >Both born on Dec. 25 (along with a lot of other gods/demigods)

    >Born of a virgin mother and god

    >Can turn water into wine

    >Breaks bread and gives up wine

    >Dies and then gets resurrected

    >Rides a donkey when coming to a new city

    2. A great flood as punishment for people's evil

    In Christianity, it was Noah's ark

    In "Greek Mythology" Prometheus' son rode inside a casket thingy with his wife, thus, surviving the flood.

    3. A Garden of Paradise

    In Christianity, the Garden of Eden. And a serpent on the tree

    In "Greek Mythology", The Garden of the Hesperides, and in that garden a tree guarded by the serpent, Ladon.

  • Chris
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There aren't that many. Greek mythology was cannibalized by the Romans, who changed all the names and called it their own, long before Christianity came along. Roman Mythology and Judaism coexisted for a couple centuries before Christianity sprang up in the early 0030's. Christianity took the Jewish tradition of the Old Testament (which had developed in isolation from Greek mythology) and integrated it with the teachings of Jesus Christ, which were passed down as an oral tradition for a generation or two until the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament were written a few decades later. By this time the Roman Mythology with its Greek influences was beginning to fall by the wayside as the new Catholic Church quickly gained popularity, and by the time that the Catholic canon was fully established there were few people left who believed in it.

    A quick checklist of major points reveals no similarities. In the format of Greek/Christian:


    Frequent Godly Appearances on Earth/Just one Incarnation

    Different Cults put Different figures first/Some like Mary a lot, but everyone worships Jesus

    No evidence of historical basis/Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.

    A Host of Gods, Demigods, and Titans/The Trinity and various humans

    I could keep going. There's really nothing in common, and the two never interacted.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I disagree. incredibly, the only "similarity" is they are the two polytheistic. it incredibly is surely a accident. you in hassle-free terms have 2 alternatives, the different being monotheism! The gods and goddesses themselves are very lifestyle-particular. Hinduism has gods and goddesses with elephant heads, diverse palms, and diverse India-particular symbols. They exist in a non secular way it particularly is amazingly diverse from the Greeks. The Greek gods have been incredibly immortal human beings with supernatural powers. you may make an argument that they the two had gods symbolizing fertility, conflict, expertise, and so on... yet what else could they symbolize? What else is there? The similarities are in hassle-free terms the effect of human similarities. The cultures and characters themselves, besides the shown fact that, advise an extremely diverse progression in history and progression. via the time the Greeks and Indians have been in often used communique with one yet another, their religions have been conventional for hundreds of years. I do exactly no longer see a link.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Vice versa. Christianity didn't influence Greek Myth until religious scholars went back and tried to insert their god into the mix.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm surprised no one mentioned Dionysus. He was a pre-Christian Greek deity who was slain and resurrected, and whose spirit was believed to be present in wine. Dionysian mystery cults, which were very popular in ancient Greece, offered converts the chance to be 'saved' and live for eternity in the afterlife.

    Definitely a major influence upon Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christianity is real. Greek Mythology defines it's self by it name.

    Greek mythology comes from man trying to make his own salvation through an idolatrous spirit and wicked imaginings in an attempt to replace God. it is filled with good fiction readings, but it has nothing of real substance.

  • Patch
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I know that Greek mythology has a flood myth - and it predates the story in the bible...just sayin'

  • Eddie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Neither of them are based on fact.

    "Ohhhh! No he di'int! No he di'int!"

    Yes I did, random black girl.

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