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ratluvr asked in PetsRodents · 1 decade ago

People with 5+ rats, I need your help.....?

I have 11 rats. I'm really frustrated because I don't know how to let them all out for an hour everyday. A while ago, I tried letting them all run around my room at the same time, but they destroyed it. My mom doesn't want them all to be out at the same time, and neither do I. The best I can do (especially with school starting) is to let 2 of them out every day, and all of them out on the weekend. So, they would get out for 2 hours a week. Is this enough? Do I need to rehome them? How do you make sure all of your rats get out every day?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't have 5+ rats, but I have one and I can help you with this question. I have a bathroom with no cracks or any ways she can get out. A rat needs at least an hour of excersise a day. I know that you don't want to let all out at the same time, but It is healthiest for them. They should get let out in a room, or enclosed rat playpen for an hour a day to keep them healthy. As long as you take well care of them, you don't need to rehome them. I just let my rat out for an hour in the bethroom and while my rat runs around, I just do what I need to do. Hope I helped!

  • Farp
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You could try playpens or letting them run around in the bathroom (make sure the toilet lid is down) or a hallway.

    You are probably going to have to rehome them. They all need at least an hour of run around time every day. If you can't give them that, you are making them miserable. Don't just "give" them away. Make sure the people you give them to know how to take care of rats and have the time, energy and money to do so.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know that you like keeping pet rats, but why would you buy more than you are adequately able to care for? If you do not have the time, space, etc to have 11 rats out for social time, then why do you have that many? Re-homing to a good home(don't just adopt out to anyone), would be in their best interest.

    When I used to keep many rats(13 at once), they all got time out of their cage every day. I used to be in a bed room. I would place an old blanket on the bed(in case of accidents), and allow them all to run on the bed. I would sit in the middle of the bed, up against the wall and allow them to play. Most of them never tried getting off of the bed, and the ones that did I would get them and place them back(many "jumpers" eventually learned to stay on the bed).

    Unfortunately I no longer have the space to allow 13 rats out to play. I now own only boys, b/c that is the current amount I am able to provide proper care to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i have three rats, having 11 is fine i wish my mum would let me have that many, it depends really, if you have the same sex or girls and boys, what i do is let my girl run round the floor for an hour and let my two boys on my bed for an hour, but seeing as you have 11 its going to be harder than that, what i suggest you do is.... let the ones out on ther floor that are more tame then the others but only in little groups like say like three on the floor for an half an hour and then put 3 on your bed at the same time as the ones on the floor for half an hour then after the time is up change then ratties and do the same again, or what my brother does because he has four dwarf hansters and a mouse, what he does is get plastic boxes which you cna pick up cheap but obviously you'll have to get bigger ones put some sawdusts in the bottom of the box and get two big plastic boxes big enough to put three rats in and then have three rats in one box and three rats in another box and then have three running wild on your floor and then two running on your bed and this wy you can do it for an hour and they are all out and its less hassle with having to get them out at different times.

    Source(s): i hope this helps, own ratties brothers hamster ideas=]
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  • 1 decade ago

    i have 5 and i dont have time or space in my room to just let them rome my room because they would probibly chew eveything so what i do isjust walk around the house with them on my shoulder and but them in a ball....but you have 11 lol which is a big difference!

    i think that is a fine idea

    my plan is when i get my own house to dedicate a complete room to rats and let them out during the day and but them up at night lol

    Source(s): had 7 rats currently 5 breeds
  • 1 decade ago

    u should buy a large rabbit pen (i know it sounds weird) the pen is large enough for them all to come out at the same time . they r safe n cant destroy anything.they can climb up it n av fun, n still av time out of their cage while u r busy.. u could let them out for an hour or two after school

    this is wat i do n it works very well

    if u cant afford to buy a pen n u dont av time for them all then mayb u should give some of them up.

    hope i helped

    Source(s): rabbit n rat n other small rodent owner
  • 1 decade ago

    i think you should re-home them but if you really love them you should make a schedule and let them out before school and after school and then rotate. i hope this helps you!

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