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need MALE perspective? question about a guy?

I hate thinking 'he's just not that into me'... when quite the opposite was very prevalent just weeks ago..

it's been a few weeks NOW.. but

last time we talked.. or TEXTED, rather.. he wrote.. 'WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME?' I REALLY liked you..

said some other stuff.. he was DRUNK at the time..kept telling me he wasn't in a GOOD mood and felt really depressed and stuff.. and felt like it was because of me!!

prior text had told me that he felt if I wasn't real he would have me in his fantasy as the perfect woman..

blah blah.. just a TONS of nice stuff.. asks me to come on vacation to Australia w/ him..

hey, whatever.. but still .. he THINKs i don't like him..

i never told him i guess and our first DATE I blew him off .. I told him it was because of feelings still for an ex.. which was SOMEWHAT true.. but I still really liked him.. and also

being a scientologist is VERY important to me.. and something that I need to get really back into completely..and that's been HEAVILY WEIGHING on my mind..

more than ANYTHING ELSE.. THAT'S number one!

I have been in and out for YEARS.. and that's honestly the reason I didn't want to go on the date.. it wasn't because of my ex...

well not REALLY:)

anyways, so he would text me all the time every night.. and sometimes I would reply, sometimes.. nOT..

now, it just makes no sense..

so that night I told him i DO like you..

my mind was just not really FOCUSED on him too much but on wins I had within myself, and family stuff...

so when he kept pressuring me to ASSURE him that I liked him..

I didn't like it.. I wanted to do it on MY terms.. but then.. I started letting him REALLY KNOW..

well he was BACKING off.. i guess after he made up his mind about me.. either I wasn't right for him anymore, or whatever..

but I'm just sorta left.. asking...

did I do the WRONG thing.. but not opening up more to him about how I felt??

or.. does his absence.. just OBVIOUSLY spell out.. he said one thing.. now he's NOT into me anymore???

He said he was GOING through something.. felt defeated.. I felt it had to do with mE rejecting him..

which I didn't want him to feel like..

but at the same time.. I didn't want to profess love to him either..

He told me that same night that He could see himself falling in love with me..

but yet.. since that night.. things got WORSE that night.. and the next day even WORSE!!

I asked him to hang out.. he refused.. he would NEVER do that.. as he kept persisting on going out..

even if we were JUST FRIENDs..

I DID tell him that I didnt' want to date anyone and NEEDED to be single..

but I did enjoy having him to talk with.. and now he's REALLY got me hooked THIKNING ABOUT HIM...

I guess it goes like that..

dont' know what you got till it's gone!

so.. I've been feeling HORRIBLE since we last talked..

he was REALLY rude and just an ASSHOLE to me..

making me feel soooooo horrilbe and WAAAAY different than he EVER acted before..

so.. yea, I get it i GUESS he moved on..

but soo quickly?

and having told me he could fall in love with me... and feeling SOOO down because I didn't want him as a boyfriend??


so, Men, let me nkow..

did he back off..

or does it just sound like a case of he found someone else and didnt' want me to find out??


what do you think???

if you have any questions let me know?

sorry for the LENGTHY.... comm:)

pLUS,.. he KEPT making my EX an issue.. making me FEEL BADLY about how my ex doesn't deserve me.. and I need to get a CLUE that he never did and stuff like that..

just mean stuff.. that I didn't appreciate AT ALL..

anyways.. he told me that it wasn't an issue that I didn't go on our FIRST date... and that he still here for me.. and still liked me and stuff.. but then our last convo.. he kept making it about 'THAT'.. and blaming me..

that mean he found someone else.. and trying to play it cool??

I feel so..:) but not certain.. i guess that's the biggest thing.. is I don't have CERTAINTY.. on what really happened..??


he gave me pictures htat he drew in teh library..

it started out soooo sweet and romantic..

I really enjoyed it honestly..

but I was sort of talkign to someone else.. KINDA..

and so I didn't really give him time..

then I came home from school.. and my ex.. was sorta back in my life..

but then after THAT didn't' work out.. and we were STILL talking.. I REALLY felt I was falling for him, as well..

then he pulls this bs.. and it doesn't make me feel happy at all or understand??

Update 2:

why do you say that?

water.. whatever the end of your name is?


Update 3:


cause he's telling me.. how much he likes me, etc..

and when I didn't TEXT BACk right away..

after he told me that even if I wasn't real. he would create me.. as the perfect woman.. I waited a few days before talking to him..

IN FACT.. the NEXT conversatoin we had.. was..


DRUNK saying."why don't you like me?"..

and he jumped to conclusions.. and then tells me I liked you a lOT.. and blah blah blah..

and I'm thinking NO WAIT!!

it was like he was ALREADY trying to get over me.. he had moved on and decided I wasn't interested WHEN I WAS interested!!

ya know?

THANK YOu I think you are correct.. and gives me motivation to possibly TALK WITH HIM AGAIN..

he said he needed TIME.. like he was getting over me or something..

I just didnt' understand.. I kept saying I DO LIKE YOU..

but it felt weird BECAUSE I wanted to tell him ON MY OWN..

i had a LOT of feelings for him:(

now he's all bitter and getting drunk.. and I'm all..

damn!! thanks! for encouraging me!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What's up ms gina. Lol. Sounds like he still likes u so he is trying to be rude n mean to push u away so he can get over. He sounds like one of them guys that take a good min to get over a female especially if he was romantic with u n now teases u bout ur ex. Alil childish

  • he seems immature... but ya he may have just moved on or lost interest. if he likes you and or is still interested, trust me he'll find a way to let you know. It seemed like you weren't ready to be with anyone and have a lot of baggage it definitely makes sense that he may have found interest in someone else. and he could still be kinda interested in you that's why he's not completely getting rid of you.

    but i could be totally wrong.'d have to ask him to really know.

  • Jon042
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Scientology? Have you done any research on the kind of things Scientology is responsible for? Its not a valid religion. Its a cult. You want to get back into paying hundreds of dollars to get Alien volcano ghosts out of your body? Are you serious. I want to have a conversation with you about this. Please email me.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    forget about him ---- neither of you are really all that interested in each other for all the words and feelings you profess to have ---- it will be less confusing if you are not together even as friends ---- best wishes

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  • Johnny
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He doesn't have his head right, cut the cord and move on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you are as verbose in conversation as you are here on YA, I am pretty certain I know why he's no longer interested.

    Source(s): Try breathing instead of speaking every now and then
  • 1 decade ago

    kitty kibble....AND THEN RABID KIBBLE!

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