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Lv 42,667 points

Gina D

Favorite Answers20%

I, like you, Dantes, give everyone a thumbs up when answering my question whether I like it or not, and pick a best answer within 48 hours.

  • adults in guardianship?

    1 AnswerHair5 years ago
  • jobs for people who love people?

    I have soooo much enthusiasm and LOVE PEOPLE and want a job where

    the BUSINESS part of it doesn't ever effect my LOVE for people..

    any ideas for me?

    or what are jobs that people who LOVE people on here have??:)


    2 AnswersTechnology1 decade ago
  • putting an entire paragraph in quotes, and there are quotes in that paragraph?

    I'm putting " (quotes) to quote the entire paragraph, but in the pargraph there are quotes...

    how do I quote in a QUOTE..??

    make sense??

    thank you.

    2 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • Cops: getting out of a ticket? going to court?

    I should not have gotten a ticket last night. this guy stopped me on a college campus at 10:30pm; with NO CARS IN SIGHT, literally I was the only one, I was just coming from the gym.

    I'd stopped at the stop sign, MAYBE just not a 3 second stop.. but I acknowledged the stop sign.

    This cop pulled me over and was trying to be VERY NICE and get me to stand up for myself.. I could tell he would have let me out of it.

    I normally would try to, but I have people in my life, just really not helping me survive, and I've been sorta of a matyr lately, .. BIG TIME..

    I feel I definitely should have said something, he would have given me a warning.

    Going to court, I want to try.. any suggestions?

    good idea? or..?

    Thank you.

    Please let COPS answer.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • LADIES: Great online clothing stores.. (european, asian, a mix..)?

    Lost EVERThing in a fire.. and tryign to replace..

    it's FUN shopping for new clothes.. despite the tragedy..

    any help is appreciated, thanks!!

    want to find great clothing stores online..

    asian, european would be cool;)


    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • LADIES: What are GREAT CLOTHING stores to shop ONLINE?

    I feel somewhat funny about this.. but my dad's insurance is giving me money to SHOP..

    as we just lost our house in a FIRE..

    So.. LADIES.. what are good stores to shop??

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • curious to hear from Buddhists. Any DOWNSIDE to Buddhism?

    I see many downsides or darksides to OTHER religions,

    just curious if there ARE any... what the DOWNSIDES are to Buddhism?

    I don't know much about Buddhism but am VERY curious to hear experiences

    from Buddhist who REALLY practice Buddhism. and go to temples?


    Thank you .

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • need MALE perspective? question about a guy?

    I hate thinking 'he's just not that into me'... when quite the opposite was very prevalent just weeks ago..

    it's been a few weeks NOW.. but

    last time we talked.. or TEXTED, rather.. he wrote.. 'WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME?' I REALLY liked you..

    said some other stuff.. he was DRUNK at the time..kept telling me he wasn't in a GOOD mood and felt really depressed and stuff.. and felt like it was because of me!!

    prior text had told me that he felt if I wasn't real he would have me in his fantasy as the perfect woman..

    blah blah.. just a TONS of nice stuff.. asks me to come on vacation to Australia w/ him..

    hey, whatever.. but still .. he THINKs i don't like him..

    i never told him i guess and our first DATE I blew him off .. I told him it was because of feelings still for an ex.. which was SOMEWHAT true.. but I still really liked him.. and also

    being a scientologist is VERY important to me.. and something that I need to get really back into completely..and that's been HEAVILY WEIGHING on my mind..

    more than ANYTHING ELSE.. THAT'S number one!

    I have been in and out for YEARS.. and that's honestly the reason I didn't want to go on the date.. it wasn't because of my ex...

    well not REALLY:)

    anyways, so he would text me all the time every night.. and sometimes I would reply, sometimes.. nOT..

    now, it just makes no sense..

    so that night I told him i DO like you..

    my mind was just not really FOCUSED on him too much but on wins I had within myself, and family stuff...

    so when he kept pressuring me to ASSURE him that I liked him..

    I didn't like it.. I wanted to do it on MY terms.. but then.. I started letting him REALLY KNOW..

    well he was BACKING off.. i guess after he made up his mind about me.. either I wasn't right for him anymore, or whatever..

    but I'm just sorta left.. asking...

    did I do the WRONG thing.. but not opening up more to him about how I felt??

    or.. does his absence.. just OBVIOUSLY spell out.. he said one thing.. now he's NOT into me anymore???

    He said he was GOING through something.. felt defeated.. I felt it had to do with mE rejecting him..

    which I didn't want him to feel like..

    but at the same time.. I didn't want to profess love to him either..

    He told me that same night that He could see himself falling in love with me..

    but yet.. since that night.. things got WORSE that night.. and the next day even WORSE!!

    I asked him to hang out.. he refused.. he would NEVER do that.. as he kept persisting on going out..

    even if we were JUST FRIENDs..

    I DID tell him that I didnt' want to date anyone and NEEDED to be single..

    but I did enjoy having him to talk with.. and now he's REALLY got me hooked THIKNING ABOUT HIM...

    I guess it goes like that..

    dont' know what you got till it's gone!

    so.. I've been feeling HORRIBLE since we last talked..

    he was REALLY rude and just an ASSHOLE to me..

    making me feel soooooo horrilbe and WAAAAY different than he EVER acted before..

    so.. yea, I get it i GUESS he moved on..

    but soo quickly?

    and having told me he could fall in love with me... and feeling SOOO down because I didn't want him as a boyfriend??


    so, Men, let me nkow..

    did he back off..

    or does it just sound like a case of he found someone else and didnt' want me to find out??


    what do you think???

    if you have any questions let me know?

    sorry for the LENGTHY.... comm:)

    pLUS,.. he KEPT making my EX an issue.. making me FEEL BADLY about how my ex doesn't deserve me.. and I need to get a CLUE that he never did and stuff like that..

    just mean stuff.. that I didn't appreciate AT ALL..

    anyways.. he told me that it wasn't an issue that I didn't go on our FIRST date... and that he still here for me.. and still liked me and stuff.. but then our last convo.. he kept making it about 'THAT'.. and blaming me..

    that mean he found someone else.. and trying to play it cool??

    I feel so..:) but not certain.. i guess that's the biggest thing.. is I don't have CERTAINTY.. on what really happened..??

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I just found out that my ex is a drug dealer..he justifies to pay for college?

    I want him to stop now!

    I told him I'd tell the police:)

    he got all scared:)

    I just want him to stop and get a job.. to those who know anything about this..

    My intention is to get him to become more ethical, and knock it off!

    just seeing any advice on here.. from anyone in the same situation

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • is bonefish a shellfish?

    just wondering

    1 AnswerOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • Using a Macbook laptop, and using a flashdrive to save my work. How do I save it?

    okay so I go to SAVE AS..and then it pulls down..

    save as..

    where.. documents.. format..

    where does it say it's SAVING to the flashdrive??

    I do not see this..

    I'm NEW at using this macbook and also not VERY familiar with flashdrives..

    when I was in school before we used floppy disks.. now I'm using flashdrives!

    much different!!


    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • if I guy doesn't *** for a while when we're dry humping..?

    okay so I practically had sex with my boyfriend, but not quite.. pretty close,

    but anyways, he tells me he never jacks off and that that's why he's able to hold out so long..

    I'm curious.. is that true? I mean, I was expecting him to precum or ejaculate at least a little..

    now I'm just curious if he had been sleeping with someone else for him to be able to last as many HOURS as he did...

    GUYS.. be honest.. I guess I'm tryign to figure out if my bf was cheating on me..

    when we were together..

    he didn't *** for the HOURS we were making out/dry humping practically having sex,

    and he tells me he doesn't masturbate, therefore he lasts longer..

    is this true? it COULD be true.. but if a guy hasn't had sex in a while.. isn't it normal for him to get excited and *** fairly quickly??

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • so I keep getting ERR:MEMORY 1:Quit?

    What am I doing wrong??

    I am trying to find the median and I can't???

    I am doing 2nd del, stat, and then it goes ERR:memory 1:quit

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • If I am finding the MEAN on my calculator, how?

    Go to the yellow 2nd button, then del, the stat. press enter and then put your numbers in. once they are all in then press 2nd then mode then your screen will be blank. then press 2nd and zero. use your sown arrow button to scroll through the catalog until you find the word MEAN. then press enter, then 2nd then 1 and enter. them the number that is the mean will show up

    okay, I just got help with this,

    now, can I find the median the same way?

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago