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Why do people belittle?

Let's set aside the Christian sin concept for a moment and ask, why do people belittle?

Last week in answer to a question directed about atheists--why do atheists belittle, I received 5 thumbs up and 12 thumbs down for the response--the reason people belittle is insecurity. Now, certainly an insecure person is not going to respond, "You're right imrod, I am insecure," so the response doesn't impact the truth of the statement. However, I am man enough to admit if I am wrong.

I also think it is reasonable to ask the question here to provide some understanding to our small population here at R&S.

Psychologist Steven Stosny wrote an article in Psychology Today a couple years back that viewed belittling as cyclical, I belittle you, you belittle me. In the article he wrote that belittling is an emotional pollutant ( I assume he is an evolutionist by the way he analyzes the subject, so that would be his cosmological bias.

Anyway, he writes, "The polluter who fails to get others to think he's important will simply regard them as unimportant. Thus he feels more important by downward comparison to those who don't think he's important." So people belittle others because they feel others don't acknowledge them as important.

Christians, are we sending that message? If anyone should believe in the importance of people it should be we who claim to be Christians. We believe every human being carries the image of God even though it might be sin tarnished. Every human being is loved by God.

Enough reflection.

Why do you think people belittle others? By the way, I know I'll get a host of silly answers, and they are fun to read.


Jules, If I got butt hurt for the thumbs down I get I'd have to have my own personal proctologist.

Update 2:

Villhelm, I freely admit I am inconsistent in just about everything I do and say.

Update 3:

Blonde, for those who know me I like dictionary definitions. Here's Meriam Webster for belittle.

1 : to speak slightingly of : disparage

2 : to cause (a person or thing) to seem little or less

Update 4:

Average, I understand that. I also see "pick on me please" tattooed on some people's foreheads.

Update 5:

I am not concerned with thumbs down. I agree that is not necessarily belittling. My question has to do with comments that people make belittling others.

Update 6:

Wish I had found this earlier,

How the Internet Makes Some People Behave Like Jerks

Very interesting perspective.

Update 7:


The "they" certainly could be understood as identifying only the people addressed in the question. It probably wasn't the best word to use. I should have generalized for the entire human population.

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look, I know it's nice to "respect other people's opinions" but some opinions are just downright stupid and need to be belittled, along with the idiots that believe them.

    We have spent too long pandering to religious people and their beliefs, with the result that gay marriage is illegal in most places (if not gays) science is held back thousands of years, and religious people are allowed to ride roughshot over any thing that doesn't agree with their text. Plus we respected them so much we gave the catholics our kids to look after and trusted them, and we all know what happened there.

  • 1 decade ago

    To be honest, I think that belittling can only come in the context of a deteriorated dialogue. I mean, you're not talking about the good-natured "ribbing" that friends do to other friends. It has to be more global than that.

    Imagine an atheist who reads the question "Atheists: why do you belittle us?" and the response, "people belittle because they are insecure." If the dialogue has deteriorated, then I submit that this statement is *not* going to be read as some neutral statement of fact, but rather as its own belittlement of atheists. "Atheists categorically belittle, only insecure people belittle, therefore: atheists are categorically insecure." That is the logical implication to be read, in a deteriorated dialogue: not "some atheists happen to be insecure just like the rest of us," but "all atheists have an internalized insecurity because they disagree with me."

    It is also wrong. A public shaming doesn't have to fundamentally be about insecurity. It might just be because there is little other hope to get a point across clearly. The religious are often unwilling to consider the possibility that they might be wrong. What's surprising to me is that, the times when I have seen it most clearly, the believer suddenly asks the atheist the very question which they should be asking themselves: "Well now, Mr. Atheist... I have one question for you. What if you're wrong?"

    Now, if your dialogue is in that sort of disrepair, where two people disagree and at least one of them is absolutely closed to the idea that they might be wrong (i.e. that a meaningful discussion is possible), then perhaps one of the only ways to /reopen/ the discourse is a caustic reply. It may generate a lot of animosity to harp on someone's ill traits, but I think the atheists have this idea of "the religious should be more humble, less sure, more inquisitive", and, as it were, preach humility by public humiliation.

    I do not know that this is what's actually happening, but I submit it as a plausible alternate model.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm gonna be honest. I belittle because I get a kick out of it. But I usually only belittle if

    1) The person is being stupid

    2) The person is a troll or a poe

    3) The person is being naive or pathetic.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can only answer for myself, and I will address one point and one point only. I readily admit that I belittle theist fairly or unfairly simply because I have run so many theist who I find are intellectually disingenuous, and since they are people of faith i find reason has no bearing in our disputes. So where does that leave us? Reason against faith? I'm pretty sure any one can deduce from here the logical response, frustration and where ever reason fails, and it will fail, I believe belittling will follow, on both parts..Rightly or wrongly that is just me and I do not and cannot speak for others.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We should all try to be more positive and definitely not belittle people. However, a "thumbs down" here is not necessarily belittling the person. If the answer is incorrect, a thumbs down is appropriate.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all a thumbs down does not equal belittling. However many of you answer do equal belittling, which is funny because you have said that belittling equal insecurity. Thanks for confirming what I have always suspected: that the most vocal of the fundies keep shouting their BS to convince themselves that it is true. You also get thumbs down because your answers rarely have anything to do with the question. Recently someone asks a question about evolution and your answer has to do with a show on wormholes and dropping paint filled balloons from a ladder. You then went on about that disproving the big bang (which of course it did not). You also fail to see that the big bang has nothing to do with evolution.

  • 1 decade ago

    People belittle because they can't cope in a serious and mature fashion.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    So in answer to the question "why do atheist belittle" you replied "because they are insecure" and now you're telling other christians not to try belittling people.

  • 1 decade ago

    1 peter 3:3 / 2 timothy 3 - bad behavior is prophesied to increase in the last days.

    john 8:42-47 Messiah says that those that do not understand what He says have a different father than Himself .

    2 corinthians 11:12-15 their father can play on all kinds of weaknesses he finds in his children

    a psychopathic bully ?

    inferiority complex ?

    attention seekers ?

    a bad habit ?

    ignorant ?

    jealousy ?

    hateful ?

    philippians 4;5 kjv . genuine christians are supposed to practice self control in everything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you simply bring out the urge to belittle in others.

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