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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

In mormonism, are women considered "inferior" to men?

I'm studying religions in general and I find Mormonism a little bit vague. I talked to two Mormons, but they tell me Mormonism is very similar to Christianity. I don't think I would agree with them, since the Book of Mormonism seems to contradict with some key scriptures from the Bible. Anyways, I know for a fact that Joseph Smith had many wives. I am not anti-Mormon and definitely am not trying to make Mormonism look bad. Religions change with time. Both Islam and Christianity traditionally looked down on women (some sects still do) at some point in history. I would just like to know if Mormons in general view women as being "lesser" than men. And it would be helpful to have some concrete evidence to back it up if this is true (ex: personal encounters, verses from the Book of Mormon, etc.) Thank you.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Men all get the power of the priesthood starting at age 12. Women get to have babies.

    No woman has a position in the church that gives her power over men. She can't become the local Bishop and lead a congregation. For some years, she wasn't even allowed to give the prayer in the main weekly meeting.

    She can't pass the sacrament, only boys do that.

    Men in their heaven can have more than one wife. No woman can have 2 husbands.

    The budgets for womens groups are set by men. All decisions for the church are made by groups of men. Women are generally not even present. Mormon women think it is fantastic how men can represent womens interests so well. Non Mormons just roll their eyes.

    They claim there is a heavenly mother, but no one can talk about her. Being put on a pedestal like that is a way of devaluing a woman's contributions and powers.

    How does a woman learn about the divine nature of being a woman if she can't talk to an exalted woman? They aren't allowed to pray to her either.

    Mormon women will all tell you they are equal. That's what has been drilled into them since birth.

    In the early 1980s, this country tried to pass an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). It simply said that rights will not be abridged due to gender. Womens pay at that point was about half of mens across the country. The country was somewhat split, with the South going against it. Towards the end of the long process, the LDS church got its members organized and they mounted a huge campaign in the West. They claimed (oh the horror) that men and women would be sharing public bathrooms if it passed. It was a lot like their campaign today against gay rights. They put up a lot of advertising full of half truths and scare tactics. They knocked on every door.

    They managed to kill passage in about 5 Western states with a lot of Mormon voters, and the amendment died. Ironically, almost every state has passed its own ERA laws, including Utah. It just took a lot longer.

    I can't quote you any Mormon scriptures because theses strong equal women are simply never mentioned. How damning is that?

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a mormon and I don't have the book of mormon to find out what you are talking about. However, I am a christian and I came to understand that women are not looked down in the church like some people believe. The Bible enphazises mutual love between men and women, children and also with every body around you. In the Bible the term neighbour is used meaning every body around you.The Bible says in 1 John 4:8 that God is Love. God gave men and women positions in His creation so that they will have to live in love but not as slaves and masters. Ephesians 5:25 says

    "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loves the church, and gave Himself for it;" 1Corinthians 13 is a chapter about love. The 1st and 2nd commandments are about love. 1 John 4 talks a lot about love. The 1st person that Jesus met when He rose from the grave was a woman named Mary Magdalene. So by meeting mary first when He was resurrected from the grave in my opinion the Lord made a point to show that women are not inferior also when Jesus stopped a group of men who were trying to stone a woman because they said they cut her committing adultery; and He told to that ragging crowd " he who has no sin let him throught the first stone." . They all got convicted and left the woman alone.

    Please, read your Bible or get one that will bless you.

    Source(s): Thecomingof the Lord
  • 1 decade ago

    I've been a member all my life and the only time I ever felt "inferior" than a man was when I was sitting in a women's studies class at school learning about how oppressive men were. In that class the goals I had made for my life were devalued, laughed at, and portrayed as stupid. Yes I want to raise a family, yes I want to stay at home with them. That is where I want to find my joy and happiness. I believe that children need and deserve a full-time parent and I want to be that parent. Why does that make me inferior to anyone? That's what I was told in that class. That my desire to stretch myself and serve in ways that were 'feminine' was incredibly inferior than trying to work my way up the business ladder seeing how many men I could crush on my way. I'm not saying all women studies classes are like that, but it was the first time I realized what a gift I'd been given, growing up in the church.

    In the church men and women are seen as different, that is true, that is fact, but those differences are equal in all respects. If you are interested in the way Latter-day Saints view women, you should take a look at the history of the Relief Society, the Mutual Association, and Primary organizations.

    Admittedly, at first glance it can seem a little frilly, but the more I've been involved with these organizations, the more I've met, worked with, and learned from incredibly powerful, incredibly honoured women. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has always, and will always be about women and men come to their full potential. What that specific potential is can only be decided between God and us, but I know that at its base it is rooted in the family and the responsibility we have to it. For me the rights of men and women are and will be forever connected to the rights of the family. Because when I look at it, women's rights, men's rights, Human rights is really about something bigger than the individual.

    Source(s): The Family: A Proclamation to the World
  • 1 decade ago

    A few years back, in my adolescence, I dated one of the more rebellious Mormons who liked non-Mormons girls, such as myself. Anyway, I was really curious to know more about his religion, because, as you said, it is rather vague. I wasn't looking to convert by ANY means, I just wanted to be informed. One time, I asked him this very question you're asking us. He said something along the lines of, "Men are supposed to honor women, but women are the weaker, softer ones." That's all he said, but I did always catch sexist implications in his attitude, such as when he asked me what my father did for a living, but not my mother. In his own household, his father was the breadwinner, whereas his mother took care of all 5 kids, participated in church activities, etc. It's definitely a religion that puts a heavy distinction between the sexes, sometimes putting women in an unfavorable light.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus Christ loves YOU, by cementing you to this LDS salvation system.

    • Christ and all of your male-authority benefactors have blessed you by making the main decisions for you, as follows:

    • Follow the prophet's choices for you:

    • attend weekly Sacrament Meetings as you are commanded;

    • have your daughters attend male-conducted worthiness interviews;

    • marry a male authority in the temple;

    • have babies and more babies;

    • obey the Brethren because "when they speak the thinking has been done;"

    • hold to the iron rod;

    • don't ask questions that aren't essential to your salvation;

    • endure to the end and you will be saved in the Celestial Kingdom where you will continue bearing millions of offspring for your husband-God forever."

    @Chy you were brought up this way, you are therefore led astry and don't know anything else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No they aren't. Women and men get different responsibilities in the church, but one isn't superior to the other.

    Edit: There's so much false info being posted here. I wish people would make sure they knew what they were talking about before answering. Its frustrating.

    "The priesthood—the authority of God to perform ordinances and act in His name—is conferred only on worthy male members of the Church. Men who hold the priesthood have no advantage over women in qualifying for salvation or eternal life through the Atonement of Jesus Christ."

    One example of how men and women have different responsibilities, but neither has the advantage over the other.

    This page will be helpful to you and go much more in detail:

    Hope that helps!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Every single religion considers women inferior. Silly Christian apologist.

  • Ninja
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The nature religions are the only ones that truly honor women

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, even though the mormons will deny it.

    Source(s): ex mormon
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