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How do I get this Memory Stick PRO Duo Mark 2 to record on my camera?
I have an Sony HDV 1080i Digital HD Video Camera Recorder Just got this new Sony Memory Stick PRO Duo Card (Mark 2) because my mini DV tapes aren't working correctly and I'm just tired of wasting money on them. So, I got an 8 GB Sony Mem. Stick PRO Duo which I thought would work perfectly. I put it in, thought I set up everything, but I tried to record and it says, Movie recording on memory stick is not supported and I can only take pictures. So, if I don't have the right Memory Stick for filming, and the people at the store told me that my camera isn't new enough to support other SD Cards...What do I do to get this to record or what type of Memory Stick PRO Duo card do I need?
I have a HVR-A1...What CF/SD card is compatible to use for actually filming on it?
I guess I have the Moisture Condensation. I had my camera in cold weather for a couple days, took it out and it built up Condensation. The biggest problem was I didn't let it sit with the DV lid open for an hour. Its been a few months since then, but I just left it open. I don't know how much help it'll do.
4 Answers
- Little DogLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
Too bad you did not provide the camcorder's model number - but none of the Sony miniDV tape based HDV camcorders I know of (HDR-HC1, HC3, HC5, HC7, HC9, FX7, FX1, HVR-A1, V1, Z1, Z5) allow any video capture to the memory card. As you have discovered, the memory card is for stills, only.
If you don't have the manual for your camcorder, you can download it from the support area... In the manual there will be instructions on recording video. I don't believe you will find any instructions for directing the digital video stream to the memory card.
- Anonymous5 years ago
The memory card can be used to record whatever file(s) the camera writes to it--as long as it's supported by the camera.
- IridflareLv 71 decade ago
You don't - you can only record video to tape. What's the problem with using tape?