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Can murder be accepted in certain circumstances?

Say you are a sexual abused kid,and you go end the life of the scum that did this to you...Who is really the victim here?The guy i killed,or the guy who killed me once he abused me?Can t the law make an exception for this cases,why do i have to pay?I was just making some cleaning in this world,i had the right to his life,because he had the right to take eye 4 an eye,why should i pay?Let God judge me.Plus when i went and filed the sexual abuse,they did not helped me,so why send me to prison?Would it solve anything?I won t kill anyone again so why go to jail for defending my honor?

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If a killing is necessary, then it is necessary.


  • 1 decade ago

    War and self defense are generally accepted

    Killing an abuser years later is not the same, and no I don't think it's a good idea to encourage people to hold resentments for years, become dysfunctional, refuse treatment and therapy and plan and carry out the murder of that person years later--I think a parent of that child would usually "get off" legally if he/she killed the perpetrator when he/she learned of the act-it's considered a crime of passion committed under emotional distress which has cause temporarily impaired judgment-I agree with that.

    We all have to do what we have to do, and we have to stand up and face the consequences--that's part of the decision to act.

  • Bob B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Two wrongs don't make a right. And killing is pretty much always wrong. Very wrong.

    In the case of a sexually abused child like you describe, the court would most likely give a lighter sentence than in another case, but you wouldn't be acquitted, nor should you be.

    There are bad people in this world, but that doesn't excuse other crimes or vigilante justice.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are justifiable homicides.

    In Texas you can kill someone who is raping your wife, or having sex with your wife if you catch them in the act.

    It is almost always justifiable if you are protecting your life or the life of another person. You can kill someone who is stealing from your home or business at night, but not in the day time.

    In your case it would depend on whether or not the D.A. wanted to try the case and if the jury thought you were justified.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You can act in self-defense at the time the crime is being committed, but you cannot take the law into your own hands after-the-fact.

    Certainly being abused is horrible, but you cannot go out and seek justice yourself. No matter how deserving it may be.

  • 1 decade ago

    my step father did a lot to my when i was 14, it lasted for a year before i told someone.. now my mother doesn't believe me and she acts as if i am not her child most of the time.

    i wouldn't give a **** what the law would say, i'd kill the mother ****** even if i'd be put in jail, at least its revenge for your self right?

    thats all that would be in my head, is if i got the flucker back..

  • wizjp
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We are grownups. We know righ from wrong. We make choices and live with them.

    Juries generally determine penalty based on motive as well as other factors.

    My jury smacks your fingers for the case you describe. Someone else may walk you; someone may fry you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    on a similar time as I do agree alongside with your libertarian perspectives on the constrained function of government, I do could disagree with the belief of conflict being homicide, or that any loss of existence brought about through any reason is homicide. there's a distinction between loss of existence brought about through conflict and that brought about through the deranged strikes of a individual. inspite of who the aggressors are, the component of conflict is to stay to tell the tale, and in the experience that your enemy is bent on killing you, the only real preventative degree is to kill him first. additionally, if some maniac threatens your existence, you have an criminal duty to the 1000's of generations that preceeded you, and those yet to maintain on with you, to stay alive. If the only skill of doing it somewhat is to kill, so be it. although, the term homicide could be real left to those circumstances the place one kills inspite of no longer being in a conflict or with one's existence on the line. i.e. if a burglar with a knife broke into my domicile, and that i end him lethally, it is not homicide. If although, I kill somebody without reason on the subject count of self-protection, then it somewhat is homicide. otherwise, I agree!

  • daddio
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    answering just the header of your question, i'll say "of course"

    you would have my blessing for taking a scumbag like that's life.

    i would hope to be on your jury.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If what you say is true I don't blame you. But, the law is the law and it worked against you this time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Killing and murder are not always the same thing.

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