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crazyme asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Please help me if you can. Before I go crazy.?

I have a wiener dog who is now 13 yrs old. He has always been the best dog. never potty in the house. never chewed or barked.

well the past couple of months he has been going to the bathroom in the house. both on my carpet and vinyl floor. I took him to two vets to be checked out to see what is wrong with him. they said other then being 13 he is fine nothing wrong. no worms no kidney problems nothing.

So to save my carpet I had to put him in a spot in the kitchen he has room to move around. But if he goes there I can clean it easier.

Well now he poops in his bed or on the floor and still pees everywhere even rite after I let him in almost like a puppy who is not broke yet. And now he barks and whines all night long. He has always been the type of dog who would not even walk in his own pee outside and now he is laying in his poop and pee.

I can't take this anymore I drive for a living and I gotta have sleep What do I do? I have had him since he was 5 wks old. and love him. and I am an animal lover. But I am seriously thinking of putting him to sleep and that is not like me. But he is leaving me very little choice.

Any ideas suggestions would be great.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Old dogs go senile just like people do. I'm thinking this is a form of dementia.

    It's REALLY common for dogs to start behaving this way. You can try to find a vet that will prescribe sleep aids, and get some diapers, but other than that, there's not much that can be done for him.

    He's just old and wearing out. I'm sorry.

    More bad news:

    It's progressive.

    Soon he'll seem confused and "lost". He won't be able to find his way around the house he's lived in all his life.

    Biting is common. They forget who you are, they forget where they are, and they bite out of confusion and fear.


    I'm so sorry.

    Source(s): Worked at a vet clinic. Saw lots of oldsters go out like this. I had my own dog "go senile". It's tragic.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I understand having to confine him to an area, but perhaps he is not adjusting well to not having free roam. I would suggest a routine of a walk at the same time every day and play time every day. Give a few weeks and see if that settles in, he could just be upset. You may consider seeing another vet for a second opinion. The worse case scenario is he is just old :( and then if you do not want to or feel you are able to cope with these behaviors you can euthanize him. I do not agree with euthanizing unless there is a medical reason. Some vets also offer or have numbers to behavior specialists, you can give that a shot as well :)

    Source(s): Worked at a shelter for 6years, have had dogs my whole life.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm not anywhere near an expert on dogs, but when animals (cats or dogs) lay around in their waste, when they never do, it means something is wrong. It might be he's an older dog, or because he's sick but you haven't caught it. I would side more with old age causing the messes in the house.

    My Aunt had an 13 year old Scottish Terrier that went partially blind and deaf, then a year later started laying in his feces and stepping in his pee. He used to skirt around the yard to avoid his poop, but then started acting different. Like he was drifting along and not caring about anything. She put him to sleep because it got so bad she'd come home and he'd be laying in his feces on the floor, not moving.

    I wouldn't suggest putting him to sleep, unless there is nothing you can do for him any longer and he seems not himself. That is a major clue of an animal that needs to be put to sleep, is they act differently, listless, sickly, etc. I don't know what else to say but some animals times come early. If you truly believe his quality of life is deteriorating, then I would consider putting him sleep. It is always hard, but it's best to do what's best for the animal.

    It makes me sad to read posts as this, but I thought I'd give my opinion. Good luck and take care.

    Source(s): Personal Exp.
  • Sheri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Dogs with incontinent issue is generally caused by a medical issues but can be treated even in older dogs.

    Proin (Phenylpropanolamine/Sudafed)is the most common and effective RX treatment for dog incontinence.

    Tofranil RX

    A canine nutritionist can develop recipes tailored to your dogs needs. This has been very successful for us with one of our own dogs

    Veterinarians occasionally prescribe Testosterone injections for neutered males who are incontinent due to hormones

    There are many options for to a vet .. don't give up on him just because he is older and is having some difficulties now.

    Do for him what he would do for you... Be there for him, he is not in pain, he is not unable to walk and play he is just having a few problems which can be worked through with a little time, possibly medication and you caring enough to keep trying.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    YES- I used to be consistently two chook McNuggets in need of a Happy Meal ! When God used to be giving out brains I used to be the primary one online however used to be one of these gents I held the door for each person.

  • SunnyD
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    All good things come to an end. It seems your dog has reached his mental limit and cant function any more. It will be hard to say good bye but it is the right time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maybe he's just too old? old ladies are like babies at some point, because they can't make it to the bathroom, and well, you know, they for get and sometimes talk to themselves. but i think you should just walk your dog more, on a leash. get him some good old fashion exercise=D 13yrs isn't bad, sounds like he lived a darn good life, and if you think its time to put him down, your the owner.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your best friend is old and sounds to me that he can no longer hold his bowels and bladder. I had to have my beloved Sammy put down because of this same problem.

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